Which of the two deserves the title of the greatest /tech/ genius of all times, Sup Forums?
Which of the two deserves the title of the greatest /tech/ genius of all times, Sup Forums?
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Musk is the only actual genius-level IQ in that picture.
neither you dumb niggers
iPhone vs. revolution in sustainable energy/cars/ going to space
Musk is the real thing. He sold a game he programmed himself, he has a degree in Physics. Jobs is just a walking meme PR person compared to Musk.
One was a shill, the other actually invented something and then became a shill
Steve Wozniak
Eon musk didn't do shit. It's actually insulting him to jobs.
Electric cars are hardly rocket science.
Serious question: from a technology stand point what has Jobs actually achieved ?.
One enabled hipsters with child slave labor.
The other one is going to enable us to live on Mars with American inguity.
Comparing him*
A revolution.
subtle irony
In what ?.
Seriously tho, only genius in tech celebrities I can think of is Carmack, but I'm not entirely sure.
>believing Musk's mars bullshit
yeah Musk has finally surpassed Jobs on shilling prowess
No doubt about which one has more of a head for hairplug technology.
Still impressed how good the hairjob looks.
It sounds absurd and ambitious but he's delivered on all projects I've heard of him undertaking. I'm sure hes failed before, but it must not have been as notable.
Musk made PayPal and sold it so that we'd be driven around by robotic electric cars with our waifus on Mars.
marketing specialist vs. actual engineer
Jobs is the inventor of the smartphone, used throughout the entire world, he flipped the lifestyle of many persons in a single decade.
Musk made a kind of nice electric car, but it's fucking expensive and I'm not too sure people have heard about his other ventures.
>he's delivered
he hasn't delivered shit, he's only a poster boy for all those tax funneling companies which are actually falling apart like solar city
>invented the smartphone
LG would like a word with you.
Motherfucker he just launched a satellite for Japan that had the launching rocket land on a fucking barge in the ocean so that it could be reused and slash the shit out of launch costs.
He's been delivering time and again.
who cares? no one used it.
The iPhone was the first smartphone and everyone knows it
>steve jobs invented the smartphone
You are dumb as shit.
You realize smartphones existed before the iphone yes? You realize that Steve Jobs had nothing to do with the creation of the iphone right?
Fucking wow.
no you mean the engineers that actually bought the engine designs from a bunch of russians in the 90s while Musk acts as the poster boy for the jew shareholders
Steve Jobs invented more than just the smartphone.
What about tablets?
We forget today because we have so many different tablets, Nexus, Kindle Fire etc we forget the original one was the first iPad
Each product Jobs released revolutionized the whole field
>oh no a man who started a company uses the expertise of the employees he is paying what a fool
Thanks to steve jobs they're literally worse now
he didn't start it his shareholders did
It looks like you don't know how the share market work.
Educate yourself investopedia.com
Apple used it to design the iphone. Apple each case of Apple "revolutionizing" a product simply means they threw their marketing department behind a product line that other companies spent years working on.
See above and pic related, which was taken in TWO THOUSAND AND MOTHERFUCKING TWO.
Other companies do the heavy lifting, Apple comes in after they've worked out the bugs, slaps a Apple logo on it and threws a few million in marketing shekels behind their "invention."
See also: mp3 player, smart watch, htpc
Neither, both are pretty much PR campaigns because people can't relate to companies alone they need figures to look up to.
Although I must say Elon Musk is more qualified but concepts the companies he owns have are not his to be fair. It's just that he is the one who took the risk, and he is still taking risks as even Tesla is not yet profitable (but likely to be soon).
looks like you don't know shareholders actually found a company along with a CEO
but hey keep sucking on Musk's dick maybe he'll pay you a hairjob too
Steve Jobs knew shit about tech
He did have vision for widespread use of pcs, but Wozniak was the one who actually knem how it worked
Except the tablet and the GUI, which is what Apple's early computers were famous for, were not invented by Steve Jobs or his team.
They were invented at an independent research lab Xerox PARC by Alan Kay and his friends
I see what you did there.
This. To be fair though, historically we've always given credit to the owner of a company for the inventions of the company. Most notably Thomas Edison.
>implying either one of them isn't a shill and the product of PR campaigns so that people can relate to them and see them as idols
Like I give a fuck.
Fucking grow up. Does it matter? No.
Wozniac didn't forsee ipads and iphones though.
both of them are media made cult leaders for idiots to follow them and give them their money, so none
His grave
You should really get a new tinfoil hat, the current one is a bit tight on you.
again, who cares?
that's how it works.
If all those companies have invented those things way beyond apple why does no one remember some LG shit? Why did no one buy it?
Maybe they were just too dumb to do it properly, otherwise they'd be the first, they'd be big and making lots of money. But, no, they're not, Apple is. Think about that. They're simply the best and you have to acknowledge that.
can't wait until my self driven Tesla kills me after the US government considers me an undesirable by error cause some algorithm failed
They're the best at manipulating brain dead retards like you.
One put plugin connectors on cars, and the other removed them from computers.
"A man in San Francisco died today after his Tesla burst into flames, now on to the sports news"
There is a distinct difference between successful engineering and successful marketing. Apple is good at rebranding the inventions of others and marketing them as their own. Actual innovation takes place elsewhere.
They're not even particularly good at marketing even. They don't have a commanding marketshare anywhere they compete. The reason for their financial success is that they're able to gouge the few people who do buy their shit.
I'm super on the fence about self driving cars.
Eliminating human drivers would remove a lot of deaths due to distraction/texting/drinking/stupidity. Not sure if that's good or not because that's one of the few modern implementations of Darwin's Law to keep the gene pool strong. Being able to take a long trip and just read a book, nap, look at the scenery or browse Sup Forums the whole time would be great. Would make the work commute suck far less.
On the other hand, the government and corporations having full tracking of everywhere you go is a disgusting thought, and there will surely be mandatory backdoors for the NSA and/or other agencies to get in to the car software on the fly, meaning that of course other people will find them too and all of them might decide to crash you one day.
But man would it be nice to just take a nap while the car drives.
>self driven cars
your envy at Apple is showing.
Just admit that other companies are inferior. It's no good denying.
Your envy at above room temp IQ is showing.
Just admit you got scammed and move on. It's no good post purchase rationalizing.
Musk owned a portion of PayPal.
He didn't do shit except hire developers.
They're superior at extracting high profit margins out of Foxconn shit from idiots like you.
Say what you will about Jobs not actually knowing the ins and outs of his tech but everything Musk did would've been done eventually, in a comparable amount of time by someone else, I think. I don't know if you could say the same thing about Jobs' accomplishments.
musk can land a spacerocket safely without getting destroyed and re-use it again.
he made a mass production car factory that nobody done in decades.
fuck steve jobs with his homoseksual apple phone.
People having access to you self driving software is an important problem but the quality of the code that goes into it is also abysmal, if you read what the engineers that reviewed Toyota's code said for a lawsuit you'd never drive a car with an electronic system ever again.
Again, it just seems you're envious that they're making the highest profit, have the best brand value, lots of important people use their products.
Meanwhile, who cares what an LG crap is? No one.
>phones were geared toward functionality and features
>iShit comes out
>everything is catered to mouthbreathing iDiots who want to play GAYMES on flash glossy touch screen shit
Social engineering.
He successfully created a way to actively control the collective psychie and created tools for Jews to take you money with the click of a button on your phone...
>bragging about a company profitting off you
Spotted the American.
this desu senpai
Apple is a toy company mass producing shiny useless toys for technology illiterate morons.
Tesla is actually doing something useful.
Musk:Can create an answer.
Jobs: Pancreatic cancer.
>not recognizing the most critical metric for success in a company
>companies shouldn't be profitable
>profit is bad
>everything should be free!
Spotted the worthless statist socialist parasite.
You realize jobs was not a tech genius. He was an ex hippie that ran the buisness. Steve woziak was the one who did the tech stuff.
You people dismissing Apple's contribution to mobile computing are absolutely deluding yourselves.
That's how business works fampai unless you want to live in the USSR but you see how well that worked out for them lol
Seriously, I"m curious. Is Apple Maps usable now?
Apples contributions != steve jobs
>iToddler defending his toyPhone and single panic home button interface
Go sit in the corner iToddler, this is a technology board.
links pls
>Is Apple Maps usable now?
Not all of it, sure.
I've never owned any Apple devices, actually. But I do recognize the trend-setter.
I realize that profits are necessary but you must be some kind of financial cuck to brag that a company profits more off of you than any other company, both per product sold and in total.
>hard to use
I mean it's common knowledge Apple customers are subhuman retards that can't breathe without being told to, but that picture just drives the point even further.
Why are you proud of being a literal brain dead moron that can't even figure out how a Moto Q works?
>that chart
Applel users really are rerarded.
WinCE was dumbed down shit. It was literally W98/XP with a start menu and a limited selection of programs. How is that hard to use?
Oh, you want just a one button toy with an Angry Birds shortcut right on the home screen, gotcha.
Why to Appletard morons even come to technology forums just to brag about how fucking retarded they are?
>Apple's contribution to mobile computing
If Apple does have any claim to said contribution, which I find highly doubtful, Jobs had nothing to do with it.
>How is it hard to use.
Fuck off, windows shill. Didn't you see the chart?!
this desu senpai
I'm not the guy you're talking to but, seriously, learn supply and demand. Apple's not forcing anyone to buy their products but they've raised the value of their products so that people do it anyway. If you can do it, do it. Make as much money as you can because money helps you do the things you want to do later. Nobody's being forced into anything. That's just good business.
I know someone who uses the Tesla autopilot feature reasonably often and absolutely loves it, says its worked flawlessly for him