Sup Forums what do you do for living?

Sup Forums what do you do for living?

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OP here
22 years old
Part time working as backend developer, mostly NodeJS

Shitpost on Sup Forums

its the only thing I'm good at.

24 year old CIS graduate working as a brogrammer for one of the top accounting firms in my state. I make 90K a year. Which actually sucks considering the accountants in the firm also make 90k but their job is baby nigger shit dick cheese baby dick turd bitch shit. baby dick/vagina

been taking care of elderly father since I was 18. had to drop out of high school to do so and had to recently quit my fast food job because he's gotten worse. once he's dead and gone i'll be going to school for CS.

Still student.

Who could even call my life living?

Work for free so that i get money from social services

VPS company

Work two jobs.
>unload box's from 53 foot-trailers.
>handout radios and trucks to labor at the harbor.
I make 35,000 annually. My life is easy/shitty.

Day job - metal sheet working - cnc, welding, milling, what not
Extras - computer servicing, knife making

Did your father have you at 70 or something? How can you be so young and your father so old?

60k/year to do basic workstation and network repairs. I just got off the phone with a lady that had a loose network cable. .5 hours billed. was watching netflix the whole goddamn time. living the dream.


Mainly manual operation, but I do a little CNC too. I couldn't stand doing CNC all day, every day. Programming is interesting enough, but once you have that, and get set up, all you are doing is just loading parts, pushing buttons, and watching the machine run all day. It gets fucking old quick.

I work IT, aka, watch Windows updates and virus scans run. Highlight of the year was reporting a pedo to the cops for questionable content on his desktop. Literally on his desktop, like icons...

Not icons, I meant thumbnails

>Programming is interesting enough, but once you have that, and get set up, all you are doing is just loading parts
true this, thankfully I often set machines for the monkeys and fuck off do something else

go fuck yourself with your profiling elsewhere

>mfw a blue collar posts near me

shitty front-end stuff for small companies
yes I'm a fucking meme but I need to pay the bills and as long as the customers is happy and Im able to survive Ill do it even if its shit

I read up on new/popular SaaS products, learn how to use them and then teach everyone else (futilely) if the higher ups buy into it. It's a small business and I landed this role years ago by proposing that we use this cool new program called "Excel." Now I get paid to use Slack and read The Verge. Tech evangelism dosh is real, lads.

pretty much this

Vice President of Software Company

fug man ;__;




Good job user. I'm the guy in my family who gets to work on everyone's PCs and laptops. Over the years people they know have started bringing theirs to me too, and that's cool because I can make some pretty decent side-money doing it. Mostly all I'm doing is running a malware scanner anyway, so it's easy money. Generally, I don't give a fuck what other people do, and I don't go prowling through anyone's files. If I stumbled across CP though, I would not hesitate to call the cops or FBI. I've never had to yet luckily.

translation stuff
also studying comp. eng.

>mfw doing OOP project

I'm a projectionist.

A damned boring job, but sometimes has it's moments.

Pull €1000 a month in student loans until I finish university with 30-40K debt.
After that I'll try to get a job with my CS MSc.

Process engineer doing everything from developing chemical processes to implementing the first MES system at the factory. And fucking task forces sucking up your time like there's no end, keeping you from working on actually fun things. So many fuckups to clean up all the time.

traffic engineer for a large metropolitan area

OP here, fuck payable education, free education in my country and believe me, graduating is not necessary to get detect job. Recruiters mostly looks into your skills not education. Still gonna try my best at CS but we don't learn things that could give me a job. But I guess it's not bad to know more.


I gratuated Pharmaceutical Medicine a year ago, and now I work as a pharmacist ^.^

mostly shitpost and occasionally answer emails and travel to customer sites

Well yeah it's not that the education itself is that expensive. Tuition is only like 2K a year. But there's also rent and health insurance and food and all the other shit that costs money. So that's money I would have spent anyway. Instead of working my ass off besides studying my ass off I chose to focus my attention completely on my studies and live off the student loan (that has an extremely low interest rate, like 0.1% currently, and that I have 30 years to pay off).

But yeah, completely free education would be even better. It's not perfect here in the Netherlands.

>Which actually sucks considering the accountants in the firm also make 90k but their job is baby nigger shit dick cheese baby dick turd bitch shit. baby dick/vagina


Bachelor's in Computer Science
Labourer on an Oyster Farm


Lol I didn't even realise the 777 was mine

What kind of sandwiches do you have to make in your job?

cocaine and meth sandwiches

Bachelor's in Software engineering.
UI-developer (HTML/CSS/JS).

I sell drugs to people :^)

32, I code for an asset management bank.

Well I guess I live in golden place, altough everyone is whining and shitting about it. We have like free education, we get free or almost free food once a day and health insurance is also paid by your parents company while you're in primary school / high scool / faculty. But yet, as I said, everyone whines since our mean salary is lower than like Germany/Netherlands etc..

That's a weird way to spell sandwiches.

19, and my parents forced me to drop out of college since college is unaffordable in the US.
I'm NEETing it up at home, but also studying Unix system administration every day, so I can get certificates and become a system administrator.

And I'll never have the PhD I wanted.

It's shorter (;

Like your IQ, I assume.

neetbux baby

IT consultant for banks, mainly managed file transfer.



>tfw you're not a paid microsoft shill
>tfw you're not a paid amd shill
>tfw you're not a paid samsung shill

I would love to shitpost on Sup Forums for a living

That's cute, should I give you a cookie?

How cute. I don't need you to ask your parents for money to buy me cookies. I can afford them just easily (;

pole dancing


Python dev for one of the biggest python software houses.
Life is good

28, senior full stack
€4200/month after taxes, remotely working from outside uk for uk

See? That's why you belong to the kitchen.

>some faggot from a tv show

I work for a major auto manufacturer.

I make about 75000 a year.

40, Senior Developer / Architect
Associates in Software
14 years in the seat writing the codez
...still trying to start a business so i can work where/when i want..

Oh yes, I can even make cookies ^^ Good point (:

Feeling special yet?

I'm a home stager, earning around $50k a year which is not great in my country. I live comfortably but I can't afford the nicer things in life, I don't go on holidays but I spend a lot of my spare income on stuff like expensive suits, computers, phones and so on. I really should start saving up to buy a house. I'm 26 now, fuck.
I was about to do the usual thing where people complain about online IQ tests until I noticed that it was from one of the only reputable websites that's easily recognised. Also, good to see another Norwegian here. Now go to sleep, it's late.

Was already. My parents told me so (;

which country?
>mfw ill invade it as a "refugee" to get free stuff

>Also, good to see another Norwegian here.
Oh, I'm Ukrainian (:

>Now go to sleep, it's late.
Will do, soon

There are no snowflakes in spring.

The average Sup Forums user in a nutshell

>post face
>post feet
>post butt
>post tits
>post belly buttton
>post thights
>install gentoo
choose 2 and only 2

Slovenia, central europe, next to Austria, Italia, Hungary and Croatia. Well since we're such a "poor" country in an eyes of the media even refugees were using us just as a passing country. I think around 800,000 refugees passed our country and less than 100 stayed here. Peaceful green country

Sorry for not praising the "girl", I fail to remember that you are quite pussy hungry.

See? This is why I'm special

>install gentoo
I use Windows 7


Are you?

sounds comfy m8, i went to hungary once and seemed like the kind of place i would like to live and raise a family some day, the chicks are hot there? what OS people use most there?

Hands can't get pregnant.

No, I'm not praising anyone. But you being socially inept because a grill is posting is pretty pathetic lmao.

>i use Windows 7
do a disk partition you dumb slut and install gentoo on it

>But you being socially inept

poorly memed m8, install arch

Maybe in a VM? Probabli. Still, not in the foreseeable future.

>baby nigger shit dick cheese baby dick turd bitch shit. baby dick/vagina

in the meantime you can post those pics you promised to all the anons in this thread

>using meme arrows

I've been to hungary several times but don't like it coz gipsys. Not being racist fuck or anything but I just don't like them because they are too aggressive and they don't give a shit about rules and culture. Well the chicks are mostly hot, but not so open as in other countries like USA etc.. You actually have to do tons of shit to get one.. Ofc there are exceptions. People here mostly use Windows. Mac is not so common here. Also it's rare to see non tech people to use linux.

>Using lmao
Congrats, time to go back to facebook.

Also forgot to tell you about Piracy. Well the government doesn't really give a shit about it. If you look our top 10 websites you'll find Partis (torrent tracker). Sharing is caring