It's never gonna happen, is it? :(

It's never gonna happen, is it? :(

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why does it matter to you


the year of linux desktop is the year practically no one will use desktops, it'll be an obsolete thing

maybe in 2028

Not with GNU its not.

no because Linux is a flaky as fuck hobbyist OS, and its development and promotion lack the investment and sheer force of will of any commercial alternatives.

it's not necessarily a bad thing

>pretend sysadmins though they had a chance for popularity with Windows 10 scandals

Looks like people want an OS to do work and not show off riced anime set ups

who cares?

Are you just now realizing it? Took you fucking long enough.

And why does it matter?
As long as it's popular enough to have decent driver support
they would probably have to dumb it down in gui interface and relegate cli to purely admin functions for it to be popular with normies

It will once desktops are replaced by whatever major paradigm comes next that completely redefines how the average user experiences computing.

Unix died with SysV, why would a clone of sysV improve anything?

wasn't the year of the linux desktop ~ 2002?

Not while there's a bagazillion distros for normies to choose from.

Linux desktop already is a thing, but it just happens alongside windows. Linux will never fully wipe out windows until it becomes as easy to use as windows.

it will never happen and maybe thats a good thing. android exploding in popularity and then became shit. the same thing happen to ubuntu.

application compatibility layer for Windows apps
desktop nao
wait for android to take over in 5-10 years

how did it become shit? they just implemented native code compilation to increase speed for java apps. security and stability is getting better. flashing roms has never been easier.

Just around the corner senpai.

Never, if you want everything to just werk you use Windows or OSX, if you care about free software and hobbyist computing you use BSD. Linux is that hipster thing so you can brag about it online.

You mean until it comes installed on pre-built computers that the normies buy

>until it comes installed on pre built computers

Oh, and which distro would be used for that exactly? There are too many distros for that to be a viabe option and many people build rigs from scratch nowadays. Unless you're implying that everyone is provided with the kernel and they have to compile it and make their own operating system from scratch. Linus is wrong about linux needing to be pre installed on everything in order to spread, just make it meet the needs of the average consumer and it will spread on its own. Linus is a man who's blinded by his own ego so he tries to push linux as much as he can.

>too many distros
the only distro's that matter are Ubuntu and their flavors, and Unity is perfectly suited for 90% of users

>implying the 'average consumer' knows how to install their own operating system
Have you seen how much overpriced garbage Apple manage to sell? You're vastly underestimating the amount of retards out there

>overpriced garbage

Not an apple 'fanboy' or anything, but you do get what you pay for. I once had the opportunity to use a macbook given to me by work, and it was very solid. Good ips screen, graphics card, 8gb of ram, very good and high end build compared to other laptops at the same price point. Yeah, I agree apple overprices things a bit, but you still do get what you pay for.

ironically, ubuntu programs are now completely runnable on windows, so why would anyone switch to ubuntu now? plus ubuntu is one of the worst distros right now, though it used to be good.

just curious, but whats the definition of "year of the linux desktop"? 51% desktop market share?

funny because now that most people use mobile, it is dominated by Linux

97% of the most powerful computers ever created by the human race run Linux; your argument is invalid

>ubuntu programs are completely runnable on windows
hmu when I can install a good DE
the windows-linux-compatibility layer is cool, but it mostly targets developer tools, and is not present by default on Windows systems. It's more a target on OS X, which has had a monopoly on commercially supported unix workstations for a while (unless you count solaris)

>ubuntu is one of the worst distros right now
why's that

yotld is probably when Linux desktops have equal or at least comparable market share to windows and os x

>but you still do get what you pay for
Yeah, Apple consumers get ripped off big time

canonical just haven't really made a ot of god decisions in the past years. apt is awful to work with. unity is so bad that it's hilarious, it took them 4 years to implement bar placement. I've used unity, it looks and feels like a dumbed down version f gnome with a cheap glossy look that im not too fond of. thank god forks with other DEs exist.

>apt is awful to work with
explain pls

>unity is so bad
It's a good just werks DE for normies, it's meant to insulate canonical from GNOME's retardation

Those forks with other DE's are specifically supported by Canonical because Canonical knows Unity is not the DE for everyone (ironic because of it's name)

Maybe if everyone stopped forking every distro and actually worked together it would be more popular. I mean everything is a fork of Debian essentially, almost every distro is so if they all merged together you would have a huge team. Remember you can compromise or have both options.

>97% of 100 computers set up by world leading specialists run it so its commercially viable


canonical clearly chose to target tablet users with unity
windows 8 was the same

majority of games use openGL
majority of devices run linux
majority of games run natively to linux

literally only the desktop market isn't dominated by it.. why does that matter?

Actually they do. 9/10 of the worlds super computers run UNIX or GNU/Linux. This is why I don't come here anymore. You kids don't know what the hell you're talking about.

no it's like 9.8/10 of the top 500

I think 2 ran windows and the others ran bsd

If it did happen Sup Forums would find a reason to hate Linux and move to BSD or some other hipster garbage.

in like 2010 yea

now it's all linux/bsd

Operating system Family Count System Share (%) Rmax (GFlops) Rpeak (GFlops) Cores
Linux 494 98.8 415,938,601 635,813,383 28,971,743
Unix 6 1.2 1,868,442 2,215,095 76,128

>operating system family

operating system is much more spread out, but looks like centos & suse would be leader... and cray above both but not really a gnu/linux though it does use linux

most of your stated reasons are just opinions and i consider hardly any of them true

You completely missed my point. 500 computers out of millions, in use by specific professionals knowledgeable about them, is almost entirely irrelevant to commercial viability.

I appreciate that you probably haven't spoken to an average person on the street in many years but that does not come into the equation.

>average people can use phones
looks like linux is fine for the average person

How many millions of people use Android? They are using Linux, clearly not a hobbyist OS

>the internet runs off of that kernel

nope, not as long as Microshit and Apple can hardcore Jew

Youre the one missing the point. Here is what you or someone on your side said:
>Linux is a flaky as fuck hobbyist OS, and its development and promotion lack the investment and sheer force of will of any commercial alternatives.

To which I replied:
>97% of the most powerful computers ever created by the human race run Linux; your argument is invalid

You then proceeded to a strawman argument. Face it, Linux is a professional, world class operating system



The response to 97% was my first post. My point is that, no doubt it is an excellent operating system and it must be if the best in the business are working with it, but the fact is the average consumer doesn't care.

Unless it is undergoes a massive shift in support, marketing and development toward mass consumption it will never be a big market player. Even then its likely to fail given windows/apple cemented in place for a generation as home computing has developed. They're household names, Linux is not.

Linux would have to offer something truly exceptional (and after all that cost, likely cheaper too) in order to attract and break away the preexisting market groups.

>the average consumer doesn't care
Now you're moving goalposts, you initially said it wasn't "commercially viable". It is. Don't try and bring up marketing and such when it's completely irrelevant to an OS's commercial viability

>Commercial viability implies that these state utility companies should make a profit which when ploughed back into service production and delivery would imply a wider consumer net and better quality services.

You're saying it can be commercially viable (let alone successful) without attracting a wider audience?

Yes it's viable for commercial use. I know plenty of workplaces that run linux distros. I know normies who've used it with no complaints. It is commercially viable by definition whether or not marketing has been done for it

>Android on a phone/tablet the same as Suckware distros on a desktop

Okay nigger.

>Android is a mobile operating system (OS) currently developed by Google, based on the Linux kernel and designed primarily for touchscreen mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets.

>Huge corporation makes coordinated effort over many years to make a polished product that works well and everything will run on it with support from vendors, developers, plenty of marketing, etc

>Splintered Pajeet distros compete for the biggest share of autists
>Muh supercomputers, therefore desktop OS
>Nothing runs or works on it

>Desktop Lincucks is the same as Android, why won't people use it? REEEE

Sabayon is perfect. It could use a little work to make it more professional and consumer oriented, but it's solid. Doubt Linux will ever compete with Siri or Cortana though.

Overpriced, yes. Garbage? No. Macs are well built and aesthetically pleasing. They use good components and focus on visuals while taking away the technical research requirement when it comes to buying a new machine. The latter is ENORMOUS especially for people who have more money than time. You and I are power users, but most people aren't.

Welcome to open source where everyone has their own idea of how things should be done.


>the year of linux desktop is the year practically no one will use desktops, it'll be an obsolete thing
The funniest thing is that even Linus himself admitted that when he said that the best hope for Linux are Chromebooks.

>They use good components
Come on now.

Linux has already won.