Sup Forums-chan, daisuki~

Sup Forums-chan, daisuki~

cant wait for current janitors/mods to be fired and new ones to destroy you faggot weeboos.

faggots should be happy they didnt pick me. i would range ban everyone and make you faggots beg to be white listed

linux sucks, use BSD

anime website

Fuck mods.
Literally. They're rarely here to do their jobs.

Move to eight Chan instead

I like how all the new janitors stop reporting in after the first 2 weeks.

You can tell because moderation always returns to the status quo after 2 weeks.

Just report and hide weeb threads whenever you see them

No. There are very few jap cartoon boards, the weeb containment board is

They realize that doing it for free isn't actually all that fun.

anime boards on the anime website

I love you, too!

If anyone says anime website, don't reply to them. They're just attention seeking weaboo faggots.

No. This is a general interest site, weebshit is an extremely small part of it that is constantly getting smaller, that's why you pathetic weebs keep getting told to fuck off back to your containment board

anime website


Lol, no. Cripple kike got replaced, it is just Sup Forums number 2 now.

I'm replying to you




No. Back to your containment board weeb

anime website

>anime website
Sup Forums - Technology

still no

Better than this shithole.

I rarely come here anymore, and when I do it's got either got spam or shit threads like this

No. Back to your containment board weeb

anime website

hmmm no.

Don't forget to report these weebfaggotry threads whenever you see them

Doesn't look like one.

>visiting an anime website when you do not like anime

>I came here because because of the exploding van story on fox news
>what's uhh-neem?

Sup Forums-chan, daisuki~

>>visiting an anime website
>anime website

post yfw mods delete us


No, I came here from Reddit. Back to your containment board weeb

>posting lame cartoons outside of the cartoon containment board

Sup Forums-chan, daisuki~!

Sup Forums오빠,사랑해~
