So who else is excited for LiFi to start getting implemented?

So who else is excited for LiFi to start getting implemented?

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This shit is gonna bomb because it's not practical in all situations.

>kangaroo farts
No thanks.

>its a cougar you blind idiot

Who are you quoting?

whom are you quoting?

>put a paperboard box around it
>no internet anymore

>implying greentext can only be used to quote

Lurk moar newfag.

What does the ‘Fi’ stand for?

Doesn't matter. It's 100 times faster than Wi-Fi. You don't have to worry about emissions leakage which means nobody can fly a drone carrying a smartphone around your corporate building to find an unsecured port. It works underwater better than lasers. It doesn't intrude into the already crowded radio spectrum like Wi-Fi does.

It'll be used. We'll use it inside and at night, and then during the day we'll use Wi-Fi.

Fidelity. Not joking, you can look it up--full name is Light Fidelity, and yes they did pick it so that it would sound like Wi-Fi when shortened.

This is actually considered a plus by most because it lets you easily limit access to your network.

What does the ‘Fi’ stand for in WiFi?

>turn off lights
>everybody's connection drops


The lights don't have to be emitting enough light to see with to be transferring data. It would be trivial to set the light switch so that it would just dim them, and energy use at that point is also trivial.

>implying businesses don't leave the lights on all night even while empty anyways

Same thing, "fidelity"

Nothing really, it just was supposed to sound like HiFi

Are you fucking serious? That's literally the entire purpose of greentext, retard.

But what does “Wireless fidelity” mean? Like who the fuck came up with this? It makes no sense.

It could be really cool in light fixtures or for something like vr

>single device gets signal around the house

>mess around with the existing cable setup
>several expensive LED lights per room
>doesn't work outdoors so public hotspots won't be a thing anymore
>seizure risk

Well, someone will benefit from this but it won't be the consumer

That it works with existing light fixtures is a huge potential draw for businesses since it won't cost all that much to upgrade their buildings with it. Some tinted windows if they don't have them, some new lightbulbs, and suddenly their server's speed is the new bottleneck.

Except most networks are wired

>mess around with the existing cable setup
Maybe. It's been suggested that there's ways around that.
>several expensive LED lights per room
You only need 1/room and at $8 or less per light that's several of them prior to you reaching the cost of a wifi router. Don't forget that these also do double duty as your house lights and last for 10 or so years before needing replacing.
>doesn't work outdoors so public hotspots won't be a thing anymore
Just use wifi in the day. It works at night.
>seizure risk
No. The flickering is far too fast to be detected by the human eye. Do you even realize how dimmable LEDs work? When you dim them they flicker very fast and our eyes just see less overall light, they aren't drawing less power from the battery. And those have been around for years now without causing any seizures.

>using lights

no thanks, lights are fucking shit.

>read wiki about lifi
>read quote " It is so far measured to be about 100 times faster than some Wi-Fi implementations, reaching speeds of 224 gigabits per second.[2]"
>follow citation
>The Li-Fi technology used by Velmenni in the pilots is able to send data at up to 1GBps - more than 100-times faster than current Wi-Fi technologies
>"The link operates over ~3 m range at 224 Gb/s (6 x 37.4 Gb/s) and 112 Gb/s (3 x 37.4 Gb/s) with a wide field of view (FOV) of 60° and 36°, respectively. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first demonstration of a wireless link of this type with a FOV that offers practical room-scale coverage," the report states.

Yeah, current Wifi tech is limited to 10mbit/sec...

This thing was made by mexicants or some shit. It's just a meme.

But light travels further than radio signals. All I have to do is get one good cam feed in a high clearance facility and I'll be able to get into their network

How are you planning to do that? They can have radio frequency sniffers that won't pick up their own shit to check for anything phoning home.

>somebody walks between the transmitter and the receiver
>connection drops
No more efficient/innovative than IR blasters tbqh familia

>But light travels further than radio signals.
You do know both are the same thing, right ?

>needing a constant LoS connection

Just imagine a tiny little man inside your light bulb doing this and your device picks it up

Does it matter? 802.11ac maxes out my symmetric 200mb connection. Unless the latency on Li-Fi is amazing, the bottleneck will always be the pipe to the ISP

Seriously laughing way too hard now

It's a cheetah you uncultured swine

The same animal as the one on your bag of cheetos

What's the point of faster local connections if the overarching infrastructure can't even meet the slow version? Fuck American ips.

Well something to consider is that typically there is 1 wifi transmitter to cover medium to large area.
The further away you are the slower things get, with LiFi the transmitters would always be nearby as light sources.
Something to maybe think about.

>What are LANs used for?

how's a mobile device gonna bottleneck on a LAN

When you're working inside a LAN you'll ideally only be limited by the speed of your storage mediums. Your 50Mbps WAN connection isn't being used when you're streaming a 4k video from your desktop to something hooked up to your TV.

>law enforcement raids your home
>need to bury your hard drives underground

>Richard Stallman hides from NSA
>must live in remote terrorist caves now

>need to masturbate
>must leave door wide open

>parents ground troublesome child
>no more internet, lock child in closet

>host a disco party in house
>computer loses its shit and explodes

>put Li-Fi router on top of roof
>free internet for everybody in a light year radius

>beautiful sunny day outside
>half-worldwide Internet outage


Actually, they already have it where it is able to pick up the signal bounced off a wall. So walking between the device and the transmitter would do shit all to stop the data flow.

go back to /r/technology

Eh, that should be the purpose of it, but you also have this whole greentext stories bullshit

I have literally never been on reddit and wouldn't have the first clue how to find the place if it didn't pop up verbatim on a google search. When you've been on one board or another for nearly a full decade it's impossible to leave for anywhere else.

Then I'm sure you know greentext has three uses:
>quotes (including paraphrasing)

and the third one doesn't get much use anymore

continuation of story

List use is board dependent--you'll see it a lot more on /k/ for instance than on Sup Forums, and you've proven my point regardless.

Who are you quoting?

Who are you quoting?

Who are you quoting?

Its cool to have a snail on my house but not a leopard


What ever happened to 60ghz WiFi? Doesn't that have all the same advantages as lifi but without being screwed up by lighting? Also it has already been implemented and no one seems to be adopting it and it doesn't require radically different hardware from what is already widely used.


>wherefore art thou quoting?

1 gigabyte per second, not 1 gigabit per second dumbass

>>host a disco party in house
>>computer loses its shit and explodes
>>put Li-Fi router on top of roof
>>free internet for everybody in a light year radius

More like lie-fi.

whom doth you quotes


It is only one way: light goes from light bulb to computer, not other way around.

They already implemented this in dubai.

Lemme just turn off the lights.....oh now I have no internet. Good fucking technology bro.

because you couldn't get a life, they invented lifi

Incalculable autism

So how does it work?

Does it really need the lights to be on? I will probs never use it then

Streets during the night, malls, offices, etc

It's kickstarter-tier crap. I hope those that invest in it learn their lesson.

You can transmit back from a smartphone with a special screen, which costs only a few dollars, and can be swapped out relatively easily. And smartphones can use their cameras to receive. They've tested this by putting two smartphones with screens touching and transferring gigs of data between them in seconds.

Just have the lights dim to where you can't see them, but are still transmitting, dumbass.

The lights have to be on but can be at such a low level of brightness (due to flickering very fast) that you don't see them.

Let's have SOLAR FREAKING ROADWAYS to power this!!

My internet is only 15mbps. The wifi isn't the problem.

Who are you quoting

who are you quoting?


Literally useless.

So LiFi is called LiFi to sound similar to WiFi that is called WiFi to sound similar to HiFi?

"wi-fi" doesn't even fucking mean anything
it's retarded

I like my wired setup.

It's pretty simple though. Is he quoting him or he?

How would you even implement it in a home?

Wouldn't you have to get everything re-wired?

In my country it's usually only called WLAN, which I personally prefer over WiFi anyway.

who are you quoting?

>implying greentext can only be used to quote

Lurk moar newfag.

Obvious troll is bad, fuck back to plebbit, retard.

So how is it that the US military is capable of live streaming TB/s drone videos.

it's BS designed to get money out of the idiotic masses on dickstarter.

Stop abusing the quoting system.

broadband wireless millimeter wavelength (MMW) services from piloted high-altitude, long-operation (HALO) aircraft with uplinks to their network in the ionosphere (the government has charged the ionosphere and they use it for near instant high bandwidth data transmission)

inb4 someone calls bullshit you can read about it on wikipedia they put a ring of 480,000,000 copper dipoles in orbit in the 60s

now they do shit with pulverized aluminum and sarah palin's HAARP which helps charge the atmospheric weather system to keep it running

France is way ahead of you.

It's a meme you dip!

Who cares really? Wi-fi is already incredibly fast as it is, many people don't even reach the speeds that their routers are actually capable of. This will mainly be useful for big enterprise buildings, where network interference and huge network traffic is there, but even then I've seen wi-fi routers work just fine there. Plus it's going to be unstable, unreliable and a hundred times more expensive than wi-fi, just like any new technology is at launch. It also seems to be at very, very early stages of development, I'd give it around 10 to 20 years before you see ISPs using this and mass production of li-fi hardware.

> mass production of Li-fi

yea, between fiber and WiFi this is a joke.

> 4 lights to do the job of one modem

> only works with line of sight

> huge range with line of sight (security issue)

>implying implications

you seem to be under the impression that this is going to replace wifi rather than augment it

So basically I can't browse in the dark anymore?

hwæne wære unc forþbrengaþ?