Have a billion distros

>have a billion distros
>have a million DEs
>wonder why it's not year of the Linux desktop

You know what might work?
>making a new distro

The actual issue is nerds recommending their hobbyist distros and downstream "X with a different DE" distros to newbies, like they actually break less often than fedora or ubuntu (they don't, the nerds just haven't pleb distros enough to know).

>be gaben
>games work fine on Ubuntu
>make a new distro that actually performs worse than Ubuntu
>wonder why steam machines aren't a thing and Linux gaming isn't taking off

Honestly I think Linux users just want to drag other people into their pain and suffering with them.

b-but you dont know how computars are SUPOSEED to work FAGGOT

If Canonical succeeds to create their own monopoly then it will be the year of Linux.

>install arch
>Computer doesn't work right
>doesn't do what I want it to do
You're right, it's my fault windows works and Linux doesn't.

Nice spelling there faggot.

Unity and mate are the only DEs worth using. They should make it Ubuntu, and Ubuntu lite with MATE instead of unity.

not true cinnamon is an amazing distro for new users it looks like windows from the box and is more customizable for those normies that want some more control. only issue is no decent new user friendly distro supports it

Mate is better.

I would agree with you on this, but I don't feel like a windows users would and thats where I feel cinnamon shines as a de

I installed Ubuntu mate on my moms old c2d laptop, she uses it as a desktop. It was running vista.

I couldn't let her cheap out on an upgrade since build quality in budget laptops has gotten dog shit.

She found it easy to use once I moved the task bar to the bottom and made it resemble windows. It's also lighter than Cinnamon. She so says her laptop is better than it was when new.

>having choices is bad

It is when you don't know what to do with them

>I don't understand how distros work.
That's nice.

>ctfl + f
>no Xfce

This gif makes me feel oddly nostalgic

And none of the DEs are as good as osx or Windows, Some even try to outright clone Windows but fail miserably.

Only DE that's not a complete POS is xfce and even it has its quirks.

That is a personal problem, and not a flaw of *nix. Systemd is a flaw of Linux. A poorly developed graphics stack is a flaw of FreeBSD, and NetBSD. Being owned and controlled by Oracle is a flaw of Solaris. Being ignorant on how to configure and use these OSes is a personal flaw, but luckily it's one that can easily be fixed: RTFM and experiment.

Steam OS is made to be more like the xbox or playstation dashboard than Windows. It works fine if you do nothing other than Steam Big Picture mode.

nah, windows is no way easier or better. Win 10 is a pile of random, often not reproducible issues.
If you install Mint or (what i use) LMDE 2, you have to know nothing about computers. it just werks on 90% of all machines flawless. Cinnamon is simple and easy to use and everything is intuitive. If you want something different, just install it, it's just a few clicks. (i use XFCE)
It's not that i hate MS, i'm a MCSE since 2000. But nowadays Linux (if you choose the right distribution) is the comfy choice for the user.

Are you retarded?
OSX DE is the worst I've seen so far

Yeah I never got that. They always want newcomers to become hardcore linux followers. Truth be told most of the linux jobs out there are on the "pleb" distros... Debian, Ubuntu, RHEL, OpenSuSE, and sometimes Gentoo but not as common.

true that, honestly linux becomes a pile of shit as soon as you type in startx. You can use shitty bloatware KDE\GNOME, or some useless crap like fluxbox that even cant come close to Windows explorer from win2k. At least fluxbox can be used to run a bunch of terminals and a browser. Good for a modern server. Basically if you want to make a brick of your PC install gnew slash loonix.

>sometimes Gentoo
When is it ever Gentoo?

Some companies do use Gentoo for their servers. It's rare but it happens.
