Mozilla wants to help protect pedophile from getting caught

>Last year, the FBI took advantage of a vulnerability in the Tor browser to install malware on the computers of more than 1,000 visitors of a child pornography website (found on the Dark Web, only accessible using Tor). The malware helped the FBI track down those accessing the site, and it proceeded to bust as many people as it could.

>The Tor browser is based on code for Mozilla's Firefox browser, and the Mozilla is concerned that whatever vulnerability the FBI found in Tor might also affect the browser maker. Naturally, it wants to patch that up for users who value a secure browsing experience.

Why would Mozilla NOT want FBI to have an effective weapon for catching pedophiles?

It opens a fucking back-door which cyber terrorists aka hackers can use to extract information.

Gee, why wouldn't anyone want a backdoor in their software?

Fucking pleb, go back to plebbit and blog about how nodejs is "l33t" faggot

good guy mozilla

because it used to be you had to do actual police work to catch criminals. Also if looking at CP is a crime, watching the news would make you a murderer.

Is this the same sjw Firefox?

most sjws are pro pedo though

>because it used to be you had to do actual police work to catch criminals.
So using DNA, fingerprints, surveillance and all other tools used by law enforcement isn't "actual police work"? What the fuck are the supposed to do, then?

>Also if looking at CP is a crime, watching the news would make you a murderer.
The news rarely show the crime itself. I do think that sites hosting gore should be banned and the people accessing them should be prosecuted. It can't be fun for the victim's family to know that edgy teenagers are looking at their dead family member for fun.

>all other tools
Installing backdoors onto peoples personal computers then covertly checking the contents of your personal files without your consent or a warrant being served to you isn't exactly police work. It's literally spying.
Also looking at pictures never hurt anybody but if the 0s and 1s look like they're under 18 it's 10 to 25 years lol.

>the victims family
You don't harm the victims family by watching footage of the victim. Especially if the victim or victims family doesn't even know.
That's like saying your dad died of a heart attack so everyone eating burgers is harming your family.

Well it seems that it works in our favour then.

Because you can count on that vulnerability already being used to deliver malware to thousands of Firefox users.

Why wouldn't you want security? Would you like all your personal information including banking information to be stolen by unknown parties?

Because standing up for people's rights means standing up for the rights of people you don't like.

wew lad

please go desu. Sup Forums is not for you.

>t. pedo

Good luck in jail! You're gonna need it.

If they weren't people then we wouldn't be able to send them to jail.

Soo is tor not good to use? Do people still even use tor? Going the path they are now, how long before they start indicting tor users of other shit?

Sue me :^)

>watching CP is equivalent to eating burgers
t-thanks Sup Forums

>Why would Mozilla NOT want FBI to have an effective weapon for catching pedophiles?
thats a trick question.
they dont want to prevent the FBI from doing their work.
they dont want pedophiles looking at CP.

what they want is to protect the typical end-user from malicious programs and bugs that would sacrifice their privacy. a good example is this method of finding the identity of someone could be used by a malicious person(s) to steal someones identity and take a loan out in their name, or take their credit/debit information and steal money. or even literally stalk them. these things are really bad things to happen to the average internet person (of whome mozilla has the most interest in as they bring the money in) so naturally they want to protect those people.

What does him watching porn bothers you so much?

No but it's a valid point.
Does watching people being killed in some wreckt thread make you a murderer?
It's not like you are sending money to snuff film producers or something.
People are going to kill and fuck people regardless of whether you can watch it or not.
At least if it's published the actual killers can be tracked down.
Which is another point.
Is it really helping anyone to shut down outlets where criminals are posting their deeds? To just bury them back to private collections in some sicko's closet like has been going on since the camcorder and Polaroid?
Soccer mom politics argue that internet depravity encourages horrible acts in real life that wouldn't have occurred otherwise but why has rape and sexual assault fallen so drastically with the rise of the internet?
What the hell good does this all do when you have thousands of people who have actually raped kids released on parol everyday who aren't even monitored and just offend again.

Because it leaves everyone vaulnerable. If you're worth anything theyll use it against you.


>people don't pay for CP
people don't pay to watch youtube videos but the simple desire to watch it it's enough for people to produce content, which in this case it's child rape

It's an arguable point.
Usually the people aren't killed for the entertainment of the viewer or in order to get money from viewers in some way.

A lot of this pedophilic material is released in order to make money somehow, it's partly supply and demand.

Now you can also argue that most of the viewers are pirates and not paying for the content and thus not really contributing to its production, and I would also agree that it is better to go after those who are than the little fish but I believe that is a separate argument from whether watching it is inherently wrong.

>most of the viewers are pirates

I guess it doesn't hurt the CP industry.

>Watching youtube videos make me want to start vlogging

Because FBI don't catch pedophiles. They are the pedophiles, and the most incompetent 3 letter organization in the USA.

Apparently so, since lots of people produce youtube videos and they were inspired by someone before them

Alright, I should stop watching gore movies cuz dat makez me want to b a killa :DDD

That's true but is being able to upload a video of it going to be the determining factor in whether some guy molests his niece or not? Half the women from the baby-boom generation were molested long before any of this internet stuff.
And people have been playing with their cats and laughing at them since Egyptian times, does the advent of Youtube really effect the amount funny animal moments going on?
All I'm saying is what we can now see on the internet is just a window into things that were hidden and that are going on anyway and have always been going on. Focusing on just closing the blinds so nobody can see it doesn't really change what's going on.
The only things I can see actually helping are going after the actual perpetrators. Other than that the only reason for going after people who watch some media of the crime is to trying an remove it from circulation for the sake of the victims who aren't going to see it anyway and it's as hopeless as the war on drugs.

You are wrong. Sjws hate pedophiles (who they think are the same as child molesters) if they are male.

These are actually good posts.

>Why would Mozilla NOT want FBI to have an effective weapon for catching pedophiles?

Nice loaded question, faggot.

In case you're not trolling and actually that retarded let me tell you. People don't use tor just to look at CP. They use it to buy drugs that would otherwise be legal in a healthy/normal society. Anti-government groups/organizations/people like activists use it to communicate and organize.

Look at the Western media sucking twitter's cock over its role in the supposed Arab spring and protests in Egypt and other places.

Freedom and privacy of communication is a cornerstone of a free society. They collect our emails, listen to telephone conversations, monitor skype calls, collect FB messages, etc. It is all done to control us. Tor is (used to be) one of the ways to circumvent that.

If tor fails something else will come along. It is in human nature to want to be free.

Remember, nything that can catch pedophiles can catch gays when trump outlaws unmanly behaviour

It was only ever about normies feeling good about having witches to hunt. It's expensive and time consuming to actually catch the big fish, and not as satisfying because they end up surprisingly well off and even physically attractive compared to the basement dwellers that aren't even close to competent enough to get a real child to come within 30 feet of them.

You catch a pedo, ruin their life, and then throw them out on the streets after putting their name on the street. You prefer that to blowing a few million on a years-long investigation just to catch one billionaire who diddles his daughters and also finances your buddy's campaign. You are the FBI.

I am closely related to an FBI agent (inb4 Lego dad) and we had a bust of multiple pedos in our city this year, was big news especially considering one of them worked with kids.

I asked about "well what if I wanted to hypothetically fuck someone over so I dumped a bunch of CP on their computer?" And apparently they don't really bother with the people who only have a small amount (and they'd still have to prove in court that you downloaded it yourself). Case in point was that he'd heard from the agent whose case that was, that when serving the warrant on one of the pedos in town, that they'd expected a multiple hard drives filled full of CP. As it turned out, it was more like a server rack full of it, and bookshelves stuffed full of hard copies too.

Some guy who DLed a pic from Sup Forums of a girl who looked 18 but wasn't, isn't worth building a case against even if they knew about it.

No, watching movies might spark the desire of being a director or actor or special effects guy tho

>going after the actual perpetrators
agreed, tho i would argue that if one perpetrator gets shut down, the chance that the one person that might try to start a new pedo molesting buisness being of the previous "watchers" is much higher.
Dunno, maybe if someone is found being a pedo porn consumer but not producer he should be put on a watch list, like he can open up servers/sites but the content of those needs to be monitored.
Doesn't help the fact that there's no distinctions between a pedo-who-watches-porn and pedo-that-molests-kids.
I mean, there's the term child molester but if someone is labeled as pedo most people automatically assume he molested someone

>only accessible using Tor
CP is on plain sites, not dark web.
Half of MEGA is CP in encrypted 7z.

>Watching movies makes people want to become an actor/director
>Not the act/character
Okay if I watch the technigger on youtube I want to become a nigger, instead of a tech reviewer

Pro-pedo only when they are female pedophiles.

Thousands of people watching CP on a site creates the demand for there to be new content, and they probably form a community.

I exclude obviously fictional content from this (written material, drawn/animated, petite women pretending to be young etc) since it's not real.

Or muslim.

>All these SJWs on Sup Forums

First they came for the pedophiles...

SJW have wiki?

>portraying discussion on an important topic in a negative light
how DARE people talk about the current state of society or important events that happened in the past??

Being entitled to something is saying you have a right or claim to it. There is justice in you having this thing.
The modern world is rife with people convinced that their opinions are important and valid when, sadly, that just isn't true. For any opinion to be valid and important, it needs to be informed, and good God do few people aspire to that. Other people have an opinion that gays shouldn't get married. That the Earth is 6,000 years old. That climate change doesn't exist. That women who lead you on deserve to be raped. These opinions are not informed. There is no logic behind them, no foundation on which to base them. They're fucktarded.

I'm not sure when people began to believe that any opinion was above reproach, or that the idea that someone's opinion could be made fun of is anathema, but we need to cut that shit out, and pretty quick.

Your logic fails because it you give no reason why this is supposed to be different from literally any other recording of an illegal activity.

If anything, as the drug war and prohibition have proven that the feds making CP illegal is only making it more profitable for creators.


Now the fucking FBI, a federal institution, expects you to tip them, too? Do they all get paid below minimum wage or what?

>hosts website for at least a week
>allows 100k people connect and view abuse images
>uses NIT tool to hack in to the users pc's while connected
>catches 1000 'real' IPs
>only a dozen go to court
>invalid warrant

Wasn't that the famous one using a JavaScript exploit? They got what they deserved.

>A lot of this pedophilic material is released in order to make money somehow, it's partly supply and demand.
>pirating CP is supporting the industry
>pirating games is killing the industry
>watching CP makes you a child rapist
>watching films in the theater about people getting murdered makes you a law abiding citizen
What kinds of mental gymnastics does it take for childfags to justify their views on child porn?

It used to all be on the open web and people did form communities, Yahoo groups was filled with CP groups right out in the open.
What ends up on the internet is just what little is leaked from the actual molesters who trade between themselves and from a handful of people who buy it.
That's why it's most important to be able to track down people releasing new material because that's the only window into these very small private groups of actual child molesters.
Everyone else is trading old stuff that has leaked back and forth over the years.
Keep them on the deep web away from normal people and watch where it's coming from, everything else is just for news headlines to justify new task-forces and shit.
It isn't helping kids to just totally drive it back underground into personal deals authorities have little to no chance of finding. and that should be the point, helping kids, not some hopeless witch hunt against their perversion which you have as much a chance of eliminating as homosexuality.
But the latter creates more jobs and bigger budgets and sells regular people on giving up their privacy.

If criminals and potential murderers had a place where they could go watch real murder in full brutality, that'd be targeted and shut down too.

It is not the same as simply being reported on.

The pornographic industry is driven by demand.

Being a member of a CP site is you creating a demand for material that is harmful to someone else: ie the child featured in it.

Your analogy is poor, as drugs are different, the consumer is only potentially hurting themselves, anything else they may do to harm is already illegal regardless of drugs or no drugs (burglary, assault, etc).

A demand for drugs creates more material with which they potentially harm themselves with.

A demand for CP creates more material with which others are harmed, who cannot consent.

Who are you to give /be given a fuck though?

Open Source enables criminals, the push for proprietary software is more important than ever.

>source codes enable criminals

Sup Forums is that way

Look, prosecuting more hurts kids. In my state, the age of consent is 18, but I first lost my virginity at the age of 17. If I was prosecuted for it, that would suck, right?

Pedophiles are the ones using Linux and firefox. They wouldn't be able to hide if that was proprietary. In fact, Richard Stallman, the unofficial leader of the open source movement is a pedo himself. Let that sink in for a minute about the kind of people who use open source software.

This is the dumbest post I've seen for a while, so I'm going to have to screenshot this.

>the kind of people who use open source software.

Pretty much everyone who doesn't want to be a part of some SNYNET tyrannical police-state.
We'd still have feudalism if the lords of the old world had this level of surveillance because pretty much everyone who's ever changed the world was labeled a criminal or terrorist.
They'd peek at what Joe Peasant is chatting with John Peasant about and just send a knight to defame, imprison or kill them before they even had a chance to start a movement.
All these idiots who don't see what the big deal is about privacy are lucky their forefathers did or we would already be living in some dystopian nightmare.
The US founders tried to protect us from this shit with the right to peacefully assemble and all that but now it's "yeah you can assemble and communicate but we are going to be watching for (insert whatever whoever is in charge feels like cracking down on) so you had better watch what you say and do."
These tech companies have become the all seeing eye those in control have always longed for and it's only going to get worse.
A small group of people have shit on everyone now. ANYONE can be at the very least completely discredited and made to look like a monster if need be.
That's real power, and that's why they are collecting and hording everything.

>pirating games is killing the industry
That's wrong tho, this is what games producer want you to think.
I'm pretty sure that if CP producers could be sure to get paid by everyone who watches CP instead of the ones that already do they would jump on it.
Imagine what would have happened to Zone if his teen titan flashes were behind a credit card paywall with age check

>That's wrong tho
It sure as fuck killed the PSP.

>Pro-pedo only when they are female pedophiles.

And I wish I met one of those when I was a kid.

So no windows users are pedos?

Also, RMS is not the leader of open source movement you illiterate fucktard

>because it used to be you had to do actual police work to catch criminals
Now there's an easy way and you want them to do it the hard way? Linux pedo detected.

How do you know this?

>Extremely hackable and extremely popular, selling 80 million units and becoming the first handheld to truly compete with Nintendo's line where numerous others failed.

>PS Vita
>Extremely locked down and not hackable
>Miserable failure selling only 10 million units to the 3DS' 60 million.

Yeah Piracy sure killed the PSP alright.

>killed the PSP
PSP is still alive.
CFW, great library and emulators and even e-book reader.
Back then we even shared CP with it.

PSP it's not THAT dead.
What killed it was the non-existent amount of games for the western market (aka non-anime games)
Plus it had to compete with fucking pokemon and everything else nintento pumped up in those years

All those things have well reasoned and supported arguments against them. Just because you don't agree doesn't mean you can just write them off as illogical. You're no better than the people you criticize.


Yeah, companies loved developing games for the PSP with the shit GAME sales it got.

The Vita was also packed with expensive shit and had cost 250 dollars and used expensive as shit memory cards.

What do you think?

The PSP and the Nintendo DS were much more hackable than the PS Vita and 3DS, and lo and behold, they sold way more units and had much more longevity, and look, now that they're locked down shit people would rather game on their phones which are again much more hackable.

People buy hardware because of the value it offers them, and piracy adds to that value. The more piracy = the more hardware sales = the larger userbase which means more people that buy legit stuff for them use it too. I bet the PS Vita wouldn't have flopped if you could hack it like the PSP could have been.

Companies bellyaching about MUH PIRACY are just making excuses.

>Well reasoned and supported

Publishers and developers definitely got enough money from it. But both Nintendo and Sony could lose money if the licencing fees were low enough and if they were selling consoles with a loss (like they usually do).

>Why would Mozilla NOT want FBI to have an effective weapon for catching pedophiles?
Because #based mozilla.

Companies that claim to be selling things at a loss are almost always factoring in R&D, which is an investment in all the future products the company makes. These places aren't losing near as much money on hardware as they want you to think, and once a proper manufacturing and supply chain is established they start making money again.

Point is all the companies that bitch about high piracy rates are the same companies raking in the most profit from their software:
The list goes on.

Stay in Sup Forums you fucking imbecile neanderthal.

You misread that user opinion.
He meant that the reason stuff like "6000 years old earth" it's bullshit it's not because it has religious origins, but because it has been scientifically disproven.
You are on the right side of the argument for the wrong reason