Cmd pops up for a split second

>cmd pops up for a split second

It's a virus


>Windows alert or click sound out of nowhere
>Don't know what made it

Yet another reason Matlab needs to die in a fire

>something pops up and runs before you can react to it

>window pops up while you are typing just as you press space or enter which accepts and dismisses it

>go to porn streaming site
>click play
>second browser window pops up and immediately goes into background
>alt-tab to see what it's doing
>it's gone

when you install bonzibuddy it pops up like 15 times

>screen suddenly goes black and comes back 1/2 a second later
>it wasn't nvidia

>command taking over a minute to execute
>force quit and try it again
>finishes instantly


mac user detected

ur adblock killed it?

put sound fx on 'no sounds'

using windows, wew lads.

This sort of thread is perfect to isolate how really doesn't belong on a tech board. If only tripfags would post as well, it's about time I update my filters.


He's 2deep4us. You wouldn't understand..

>Browsing the internet on Windows
>Java suddenly opens up on the taskbar
>It's not a update

Managed®™ enterprise®™ clients do that all the time, thanks to crufty hacks to disable mundane stuff.

>it's a feature, saves power when you blink to lower your power bills, you can thank Apple™ for your power savings by buying next years MacBook™.

>Putting Windows to sleep for the night
>It turns itself back on in the middle of the night without anyone even being in the same room
>It does this constantly

had this problem went away when i switched to and amd gpu

It's the ghost of 3.1

It's called wake on LAN retard, that's not even controlled by the OS.

lol windows.

at least use some kind of noscript, you're on Sup Forums for christ's sake.

>Wangblows goes to sleep
>Login the next day
>WiFi not working


My PC just did this right now.

Something something magic packet

>linux goes to sleep
>except it doesn't because that isn't installed
>and the repo is no longer maintained
>and it just crashed again
>it's time to fix my distro yet again
>maybe tomorrow I can get some work done.


bot post

noted in my logs

>not even controlled by the OS
>it started happening when Windows 7 got the "install Windows 10 now" logo in the taskbar
>it still happens after installing the Windows 10
>but it has nothing to do with the OS

disable wake on LAN in BIOS, or just go to driver manager, open the settings for your network driver and tick off the "allow this device to wake the computer"

god i fucking hate this
especially installers that steal focus randomly when they shouldn't need to and you end up cancelling the installation halfway through

>tfw EFI so can't do that

>linux goes to sleep
>>except it doesn't because that isn't installed

>>Installing sleep

It's enabled by default in the OS, with the option to disable if you dig deep. That way 99.99% of people can enable/disable it in BIOS independent of the OS, but stay a mongloid retard.

>screens go black during nvidia driver installation
>they never come back
luckily unplugging and replugging one of the displayport cables worked

Misspelled who for how.

doesn't your arch install need maintaining?

very high-dpi mouse on a mousepad it tracks properly on

only noticed this happen with monitors that have been set to sleep, though, not the entire PC (a workaround for windows 7's shitty displayport support)

Doesn't your windows need rebooting?

>put windows to sleep at night
>go to sleep downstairs because cooler downstairs
>wake up
>hop onto downstairs laptop and remote into desktop upstairs
>windows wakes up

>fall for the loonix meme
>install freetardOS
>try to do above
>loonix doesn't wake up

Who is this beauty?


>use chrome
>starts to write on sdd like a madman

>Wangblows goes to sleep
>wake it up the next day
>its not accepting my password
>type it carefully and slowly, caps lock is definitely off
>still wont accept it
>put it back to sleep
>wake it up again
>type in password again


Any mouse with a cat that likes to jump onto your desk in the middle of the night

>error: could not start kernel, no connection to license server

>using unix

Not even once.

>Turn on shitblows
>>Updating ...3% please wait
>10 mins in
>Couldn't apply updates
>Undoing changes
>5 mins
>Just works now (15 mins later)


>installing program
>custom install
>don't know what half the things are
>panic due to not knowing what to install

>Plug in a flash drive

>>USB drive (F:\) needs fixing XDD
>Scan and """"fix""""

>Plug in again
>Data corrupted

gg curryOS

>Send a video to android phone
>Your video may not play in android XDD
>""""Convert"""" and send

>File is broken

>get dirt cheap $20 windows phone as first smartphone to see if i really want anything more
>plug into pc
>copy files back and forth
>works fine
>phone overall good but a little slow

>decide to splurge and get a $700 android flagship
>plug into pc
>device not recognized
>have to update
>waiting for loonix updates for hours
>connect to pc
>MTP is horrendously slow
>takes 50 years to load file list
>copy files
>transfer starts then slows to 20kbps then 2bps
>eventually just hangs

>return that pile of shit and get a lumia 950
>just works

Not really, my laptop has an uptime of 2 weeks now. I usually restart when I'm too lazy to close all the shit I started.

>Watching youtube
>Screen goes blank
>Comes back on
>This time mouse won't work
>>Disblay drive sdobbed worging and reztarded XDDDD

Don't worry it'll force reboot when it wants to


>suddenly can't click anything
>everything still works, can type when I alt tab
>loses keyboard focus when trying to click on something
>almost like a floaty ghost window that sits over everything is intercepting my clicks
Locking the screen and unlocking it seems to fix this.

this is an anime image site since 2006 desu senpai you must be new here


Why do you have a trip?

fug thought i took it ovff

>this is

this was*

I'm not retarded enough to allow auto-update.



nice memeing, also you forgot your trip

It was in 2003 and still is today.
Always has been, fampai.

If you can't stand that, maybe you should go...

>Our system thinks your post is spam.
Yeah, not my problem, maybe you should upgrade your system, chink.

you faggots arent happy with it on or off make up your god damn minds.
>getch in windows
>this kills the program

>Television makes a random high-pitched, modulating, whining noise at night when on standby
>turn it off every night
>recently, leave it on by mistake
>it no longer whines.

what the fuck was it doing

This reminds me, my dad asked me to dl some YT video for him, it was some random history documentary with like 500 views

I did and it had some malware in it. Who the fuck puts malware in some boring ass history documentary?

All my screens that did that didn't have long to live, 6-12 months

For years I had sleep problems until I figured out that noise was the cause

Time for you to go back. You're not welcome here, nobody likes your redditor "humor" and stupidity

>wireless connection drops, router needs to be reset
>have to physically turn wifi on and off using the tiny machine switch on the laptop or else linux won't be able to connect when the router reboots

make me
its easier to identify whos opinion we should value

Given that you are using windows, you already are retarded

>"he doesnt like anime on a board that no longer is anime related, therefore he must be from reddit"

kill you're are selves

you are an absolute dumb fuck

you cant get malware from a youtube video

more like the shit videosaver.exe website you used was the problem

inb4 excuses

fuck off idiot, youve already been btfo, saving face at this point is futile

read this post and move on, whatever you say from this point on will just make you look like more of a faggot. remember this for next time, dickhead

thank you sir

Oh, here's Mr. "Big Shot", You think you're cool because you don't use windows. Well want to hear about what I use?

I'll have you know every program I use, from my os, to the drivers, to my internet browser, i program myself by typing 1s and 0s in my text editor (that I made) then just saving the file as .exe.

And the computer I have? Yeah I built that myself too. I don't mean I bought some shit off new egg and threw it together like you did, I made every component personally. I hand made my motherboard using spare coathangers as wireing, and welded them together (soldering is too mainstream.) I handmade all the resistors, capacitors, everything.

I don't even have a hard drive, i just personally memorize all the numbers of my data, and manually input them as numbers into my computer whenever I want to access it. The keyboard I use is actually just 2 buttons, for binary. I don't need the crutch of having more than 2 unique characters for input.

So think about that next time you feel special.

>not forcing new windows to open in new tabs





Y-you t-too ;_;

>don't do anything
>cpu fan starts going loud
>move the mouse
>it stops
>check the processes
>can't find anything suspicious
>no cpu intensive tasks scheduled either
>virus scans show nothing either

My optiplex 755 would randomly do that shit. Finally updated the BIOS and it fixed it.

Really old CPU and you had a 3D screensaver maybe?

>another program takes focus/active window midway through typing a sentence
>window closes before you can even react and stop typing

The Windows Update service does this every now and then for some retarded reason.
I just enable it once per month to get the new stuff and then kill it again.



>not doing anything
>HDD activity light lights up

I am now too afraid to leave my PC on if I am not there.

>mouse starts getting broken, doubleclicking and random jumps

>"accidentally" moves my the most important folder in recycle bin

fuck you mouse

Indexer or Superfetch

Literally nobody I know actually clicks 'scan and fix' because they never really need fixing.

You fell for it and got fucked, how retarded are you?

>get android phone
>reset it
>don't visit any shady sites
>yet sometimes during web browsing I get redirected to the (legit) "pay with your cell phone bill" page of my provider saying my transaction failed

Do I need to reset my phone again?

>you fell for the scam of your OS

i don't know who's more retarded

>Same as pointless message
>Doesn't detract from the fact (you) clicked yes like a 60 year old woman.

Go maintain your arch install for 6 hours or something