>BST - HermanMillerEdition<

>BST - HermanMillerEdition

Other urls found in this thread:



>All that premium tech
>Only one screen
>It's not even on an arm mount
I don't even...

>picture on floor
>cheap ass laminate flooring poorly installed


You know how fucking retarded it looks to leave your art on the floor like you live in some New York loft and have that juxtaposed with all this ridiculous try hard furniture?

You absolutely don't have any idea what you're doing.

Also, 2 desks?

kyl my man.


>picture on floor
>wireless everything
>graphic tablet there for effect, not use
>blinds not hanging straight
>cables along skirting boards

Seriously, I get you're trying to muh minimalists, but your room looks bare, and appears to be full of furniture that looks like you went dumpster diving, and it's a bit bare and cold looking.

stop posting all the fucking time, furthermore, no one cares that there is 1 cable coming from the back of your mac, you massive faggot.

>small room in mom's house

I'm working on cable management atm, but I'll move in 3 months so not sure if it's worth the effort

isn't that chair uncomfortable?

always nice


This is brilliant, good job user

fuck the poorfags, this is beautiful man.

Where did you get the lamp?

Furniture and speakers are nice, iMac, no office chair and no multiple monitors is an immediate red flag.

Posting my herman memer chair :^)


Is this the Herman Miller hangout?

Ok /bst/, what should I rap about?

herman miller, you say? i present to you the mirra

weow key caps

Looks pretty bland

these chairs
stock photo/10

looks pretty good

Nice chair
>that ass print

that keyboard hnnnng

that TV is so cool

rap about something original like money or drugs.

Is that a touch pad on the keyboard?

>rap about something original like money or drugs.
ok, I'm going to rap about free software and installing gentoo

yea it's a dinovo edge, bought it when i was using it for a media center

>that ass print
I baught it like that, I do need to change the leather but I have a pair and it costs an arm and a leg to have them both done to look pristine.



nice try impersonator

What's that little box on the left ?

the little PCB box? its a set of coasters made from factory extra PCB. ive got a picture of them here somewhere

Who's this hermit bloke?
Looking good user!
If we're gonna really be memeing keyboards, wait til my next post
mmm watcha drinking
Now there's a keyboard y'can't go wrong with!
Looking good user!
Is this a new sockfag?
Won't the white fluff go all brown and string coz its near your arse?

Forgot pic

you live in a hovel, sort yourself out.

Looks a mess but ive cleaned it all up now.
I know where everything and what everything in my room is.

not at all new, i just don't post that kind of smut on gee

I move into my new place mid-June and it will look on this level. Super excited.

Is the Aeron worth it? Considering grabbing it.

Very comfy.

Dont recognize you.
Finally somebody gets it!


Hmm maybe from this station pic or msybe this next one

Or maybe jungle station. Not gonna sockpost though

Hi there!

You seem to have made a bit of a mistake in your post. Luckily, the users of Sup Forums are always willing to help you clear this problem right up! You appear to have used a tripcode when posting, but your identity has nothing at all to do with the conversation! Whoops! You should always remember to stop using your tripcode when the thread it was used for is gone, unless another one is started! Posting with a tripcode when it isn't necessary is poor form. You should always try to post anonymously, unless your identity is absolutely vital to the post that you're making!

Now, there's no need to thank me - I'm just doing my bit to help you get used to the anonymous image-board culture!

the curly cable is so sexy
but I feel like white/light grey keys are a disaster waiting to happen. I remember how that turned out with old keyboards.

Free bags that's all I rap about.

It doesn't look comfy - it looks fucking disgusting. I bet you smell like shit and are so used to it, you don't even realize it.

With the herman miller.

>white fluff go all brown
of course, which is why i stick it up my urethra, more pleasure.

With more screens.

About to start a productive day of work, really looking forward to the weekend though.

If some one had told me UI test automation was going to be this fun I would have started doing it ages ago.

i like the cropped one better, the trashcan and shoes were unsightly

Yeah, I don't really have a better shoe storage solution right now and I need to empty my waste basket.

hey cool
i don't even have to post my own pics anymore
thanks for doing it for me while i was out user!

you got my trip wrong btw

Why the fucking fuck does a blanket cost $1450 ?

name brand, cashmere

It'd better suck my dick and whisper in my ear that I'm beautiful for that money.

Some people are not poor plebs, and $1,500 is not a lot of money to them. That is the brand's target audience.

thats eames chair is knock off from china kek.

I like Nichijou but that art is retarded

dont pay full price for an aeron. there are always shitty companies selling their old stock on craigslist for less than half price. don't fall for the meme unless you can do it for cheap.

>Bauhaus book on the floor

They're 15% off right now... I'm not really interested in dealing with the hassle of buying from some chinamen who stole some shit that fell off of a boat.

Just want to know if the shit is legit. Not digging out of my change jar for mechanical keyboards.

>tiny cramped "office" with what looks like some shitty drywalled middle class house in the suburbs
>"not poor plebs"
being able to purchase something doesn't mean that you can afford it. If this person had their priorities straight they'd live in a nicer home and have nicer equipment rather than a fucking $1500 blanket, lol

how many times are these herman miller and macfags gonna post these same images?

you're literally a brand cachet tool, fuck off to reddit with your kin

>>having 15k
>>spend it on shit stuff
> still living in cuckshed

>come for good looking battlestations
>literally only 1 is good

You literally have no clue what you are talking about. Post the shitbox you live in, so we can laugh at your ignorance of home building.

kill yourself

Definitely. The small monitor, lack of original decorations and ugly PC case show where his priorities are.

You're literally an advertisement for an overpriced brand. Since when did Sup Forums stoop this low?

sorry your taste in music is shit user.

>small monitor
>ugly case
lmao you are really grasping at straws madfag

Is that why you're hiding it under the overpriced furniture, not even bothering to do any cable management?

Nice try, brand tool. Fuck off to leddit and leave these threads for actual tech enthusiasts

I imagine most people here are heterosexual men. Why do you even care how a room is decorated? How do you even know the difference between good deco and bad?

nice one user

/k/ station?

Why do you think it's a bad idea ? Model m's don't yellow and the key caps are available through unicomp

l'm not, and I don't think that is the case for most either.

Most of us just hate outright brand shills, especially those made for tech-idiots with more money than brains.

like hell they don't

yeah, i have a enfield no5 mk1 jungle carbine to add to the pic but i haven't found the time to set it back up yet

Do any of you guys have your BST in front of a window? I kind of want to have mine that way, but it makes it hard to get to the window with 3 monitors in front of it, and then theres the concern of rain getting in it its cracked and splashing hardware.

Also I have an Embody chair ive had about a year and the front left of the chair squeaks a bit as I shift around, anyone else noticed theirs making any noises?

My Herman Miller Embody is creaky as all hell. Does yours have an imprint of your ass/thighs in it? I only weigh 150lbs yet mine has a crazy imprint after 1.5 years.

I'm 200lbs and I wouldn't really say I have an imprint, but the back of the seat seems more indented than the front. Don't recall if it was like that originally or not.

Overall its nice since your ass doesn't fall asleep after long sits, but it really isn't the most comfortable since its more firm than plush. I also feel like I don't have it adjusted quite right nor am I sure how to tweak it.

Shit, just like the first 300 times you reposted this

What keyboard are you getting ?

They don't. I've yet to see a model m that has yellowed significantly. The key caps are replaceable too like i said

this just shows how pathetic you are kek,but oh well you probably enjoy disapproval as away of rationalizing your purchases

I have that same microphone, it's actually in the console of my car because I dont give two shits about it now. I upgraded to the MXL 3000

>whining about case style and expensive furniture
>implying that has any bearing on someone's "tech enthusiast level"
Stay mad, jelly poorfag.


>nouveau riche or feels something missing inside and fill it up with expensive stuff

You have no taste did you know you are an ad?

Model Ms are 20+ years old. I've seen many and they're all extremely yellow. Even when they don't yellow due to oxidation or whatever it is, grey plastic becomes dirty and dingy through most normal use (because dirty plebs don't wash their hands very well)

>thinks posting overpriced furniture makes anyone think he's "rich"

Good goy, tell us how you picked your gaymer case and hid it under the table of juden

Other thread dead or what?
The main reason I got a trip in the first place.

>still justifying being angry about a $40k annual script kiddie salary or doing geek squad debugging.

Baw some more, faggots.

doesn't change the fact that he can still repost it though, a trip doesn't mean anything to be quite honest amigo

I know but when we post with our trips at least people will know it's actually our own station.
Also I like the picture you posted

So you spent half your salary on furniture for 1 room? Now we know for damn sure you're not rich.

Mr shekel is pleased

Did your parents die and leave you some money or something?

sup /bst/

Trying again


way to prove my point

this meme fusion is glorious

>all of these wired keyboards
>the current year
why? it looks horrible and is pointless

Tell me about it senpai