I got a problem Sup Forums

I got a problem Sup Forums
A friend of mine used his microsoft account on my local account on win10. Now I cant login anymore.
I already checked if I can login to the administrator account but unfortunately it's inactive.
Everything I try requires a password of his account.
As of right now he's unreachable and a clean install is the last resort I want to take.

Install Gentoo.


pretty sure there is a log in to this pc option. what if you unplug the web?

Already tried
It still wants a password

Why'd you steal someone's laptop?

Fuck off Tyrone

The only way is to call that fucker and make him give you the password.

cool story bro

There are ways around it involving the use of an Ubuntu live disk (or really any live disk) but I'll let our friend figure that out on his own !

I work at GeekSquad, sorry OP but I know for a fact there's no way to regain full control of that computer until that Microsoft account is removed.

Boot to safe mode w/ cmd & change it from there.

That is only used if you want yk gain access to the hdd's content. OP will mostly want to use windows


Thanks for reminding me. I'll check if I can use my live disc and get some password recovery tool
Might aswell just reinstall windows.Unfortunately even cmd wants a password beforehand. And the local administrator accounthas never been activated

I forgot the specifics but there's some method of making it so when you click on on screen keyboard from the lock screen it pulls up the change password prompt and if you're not plugged to the Internet it'll work

Has to do with renaming something in system32, forgot the specifics

Boot into chntpw
activate administrator account

Google this

>Can't login into local account anymore

Nice shitpost, you mouth-breathing mongoloid.

Thanks. That worked.

>Wincucks on literal suicide watch

>trying this hard
don't you have school or something?

I think I know what you mean. When booting up quickly cut the power. It will boot into system repair tool since the os didn't started up correctly. I don't remember all the steps but you had to go ibto the help menu, get a link that will open in notepad, then usr File> Open... to access the explorer menu, and now you have full system access, then you gad to change the sticky keys exe file into cmd.exe, then you boot normaly and press shift fivr times to ppen cmd, ????, Profit, now you can reset the pass but I think this only worked on windows 7

Oh shit yeah thanks

This didn't work in my case either since it required a login password

>School on saturday
Prajeet pls go

It's very common in Moonland, genius.

>what are time zones
how can you be so dumb?

Okay you tamed a shitposter. Post more

>He has to live in my time zone
How are your special classes going, turdbrain?

yup. that's exactly what he was implying. nice try though

So I have to go by your shitcuck timezone even though I don't live there?

Is your name Dekendrix or Laquisha?
Do not steal laprops Tyrone.

>not even trying to understand sentences
now its just ridicolous

You are the one who asked me to go to school in Saturday.


>don't you have school or something?

>asked me to go to school in Saturday.
>He has to live in my time zone
fascinating logic indeed.

Wew lad having subhuman IQ is not that funny. End yourself

>retard calls others retards
>thinks he is not a retard
go back to