I need a laptop tell me which one
I need a laptop tell me which one
ipad pro with keyboard
How about you fuck off
Laptops are obsolete. Get a desktop or a 'Room computer'. A computer that takes up the whole room.
What are you aiming for OP? Gaming, office, editing etc?
this one
Never ever ever ever ever
Trust Sup Forums
You will regret it
>It's a Green Dog
more botnet than google apparently
office with a littlebit of gaming
Used Thinkpad
Here's what you need.
Nothing too cheep or expensive and all purpose for office work and gaming
>beats logo fucking everywhere
what the fuck man
Aw come on Sup Forums. The least you could do for this guy is take him off the [spoiler]beatnet[/spoiler
some of us go outside
...this is the moment I kill myself.
Bye guys
It's not really there. They're just trying promote it. The only beats logo you'll see is in the volume button
Get a Mac if you aren't poor
Trips speak the truth if you don't need games
get one with a dedicated graphics cards (preferably GT 940m or better) and i5/i7 processors, 8 gigs of RAM and an IPS monitor
anything else is shit
>needing useless shit
Nigga he ain't hacking the pentagon
he said he wants it for gaming
any laptop that doesn't meet the above criteria can barely manage 30 fps
>tfw poor as fuck
Suffering to see all those kids with their tablets and shit just opening the documents they need right now, while I have to visit the printer every second day and pay 5cent per page.
Gaming could mean Hearthstone or some shit like that, not necessarily cowadooty 24
get a $50 thinkpad X60 or something
I have that one, it's quite nice.
It says leap"top"
im a unity programmer in a small team, im dealing with medium good 3D graphics.
Asus zenbook 303L you can get them for 500$ refurbished. 8GB ram, i5 5th gen, great battery life. Lightweight and a SSD. 13.3 in which I find to be perfect size
XPS 15 or if you don't need that much power, then Surface pro 4
I've read many different reports on the battery life of the SP4, depending on the Windows 10 updates and whether or not you use desktop programs instead of store apps
the HP spectre x360 line seems solid choice. Not 3000 golds like a Macbook.
bump a dump
>glossy keyboard
>that awkward af hinge (tried it myself)
>obsolete for even it's specialty (CC2 and SP4)
>mfw the set up in the pic costs