Real programmers write in ______

Real programmers write in ______

A well suited language for the specific job at hand

>Not writing your website in C

the language that is appropriate for the task at hand.

a few languages, deciding which one to use in the actual project.


>not doing web design in SPARC Assembly

Machine code, because anything higher is botnet.

>he doesn't write his own BIOS firmware in javascript

Now what is a well suited language for a specific job such as writing common desktop applications, tough guy?

x86 in 16 bit mode with 20 bit bus.

At least there are two imageboard softwares I know of that are written in C. One is old as fuck and the other still unfinished.

Think again!
All binaries are injected with botnet syscalls now.


Op must be disappointed with the replies in this thread.

Why should I use anything else? javascript is all we need

Is this real



Python easiest
C, C ++,

Pajeet? Use Java.

Hold up, can I get a backstory on that

C, C++, JavaFX etc

>C for desktop applications
For why




Why not?

hitting a nail with a sledgehammer when you have a regular hammer


A Turing complete data-manipulation formalism.

>Real programmers write in ______

Pen and paper.


Their underwear

Visual basic

programming languages

>Real programmers write incomprehensible code when they are drunk. Their breath also smells like cum.

text editors


>implying real programmers arent at their best when they are drunk


Optional thing you can check in VS to enable crash report/information collection about program usage.

It's not mandatory

a hurry. They don't test anything and push their code into production, whilst correcting mistakes in the machine code.

Anything but php.

This shit right here

>Their breath also smells like cum.
So only women and faggots are real programmers is what you're saying

Sounds like a big security threat to me. How would an OS engineer ever think it is a good idea to implement binary injection as a feature? It opens up a whole new attack vector on every bin in the system.

Well, Microsoft bro


their waifu's language



I always find ada terrifying



why do people on Sup Forums keep posting pictures of a woman with Harry Potters' face photoshopped on it? what meme is this?

web interface in python, backend in scala, performance-critical components in c++



their Ferrari

xDDDDD russki faggot

Get this hothead out of here

Perl with a functional paradigm.

>Completing a task in one blow with less chance of fucking it up.
Shit argument m80

C, bash and assembly language



Lua isn't russki?

whatever gets the job done

Ah, the good old days when this was mandatory in CS 101.

post more o'reilly covers

Hahahahahahah no.

>coding directly with machine opcodes
Pick one