oh shit!
Oh shit!
O shit waddup
o shit waddup
Oh shit waddup faggot
o shit, waddup!
o shit waddup
o shit waddup!
o shit waddup!
Oh shit builditup!
o shit waddup!
me having a gf? funny
Thanks immunity cat.
>first it was Sup Forums
>then I saw it on Sup Forums
>now, shitposters are moving to Sup Forums
>soon, sumo Sally and this fucking frog meme will take over this entire site
>cate does an immunity
o shit waddup
>sumo Sally
O shit waddup
" o shit waddup "
o shit waddup!
o shit, waddup!
I never owned a Fermi card, how would I die in a house fire?
>he didn't see it on /s4s/
isn't that a given? all non-board specific memes end up there.
o shit waddup!
o shit waddup!
O shit waddup
Oh shit whadduo
O shit waddup
o shit waddup
Oh shit, reddit.
It's some weird orange pear that the handful of shitposters are having a big ol' circlejerk over.
If you've been on Sup Forums for even a day, you will see it.
The desuposter and bananaposter both seem to enjoy seeing it for some reason.
All the shitposters live in s4s, it's the shitposter's lair.
o shit waddup!
Joke's on you family's already dead and I have a gf.
o shit waddup!
O shit waddup
oh shit waddup!
Oh shit waddup
o shit waddup
isn't this some shitty tumblr knockoff meme of pepe?
''o shit waddup!''
Oh shut waddup
oh shit wadfup
Oh shit waddup!
So it's like the new naked banana?
o shit waddup
o shit wadddup!
Pretty much, but WAY more forced.
Like, at least the banana and desu have a backstory, as autistic they are. (Currently there is literally one guy posting nothing but desu 24/7 in every thread)
But the sumo Sally shit was one guy trying to force a new meme.
He literally has like, 80 or so images (estimation) that are either the same image, just renamed, or he photoshopped all by himself, like, a big handful of images he took the time to edit, every single one.
I've checked the ones that he spams that are all the same image, just renamed. It's literally the same dimensions, color, everything, only thing different is the name of the file, but the spam filter let's it pass.
Everything on here is either bait, shitposts, forced/overused memes, or people trying to fit in.
o shit waddup!
I would rather DIE, girlfriendless, in a house fire, than reply, "o shit, waddup" in this thread.
o shit waddup!
o shit waddup
oh shit waddup!
o shit waddup!
o shit waddup!
o shit waddup
O shit waddup!
protect me catter
But you just replied "o shit, waddup" in this thread.
o shit waddup!
o shit waddup!
o shit waddup!
o shit waddup!
o shit waddup
enjoy your ban senpai
o shit waddup!
Dont reply to the second post above me he just wants (you)s
this is the shittiest ''''''''''meme'''''''''' ever
Thanks kitty.