Go fuck yourself.
Go fuck yourself
First vote xDdddddd
bsd fan i guess..
Fuck off, retard.
Lintards spotted
GNU plus tard
>no *BSD
Brain dead shit stain spotted.
Winkid spotted
>I am unemployed
good to know
>I am computer illiterate
No wonder you are a NEET
Using *BSD on the desktop is nearly impossible, user.
>using shitnux = computer literate
>Frogposting = having brain
triggered normie? ;^)
Back to braindead shitposter
Back to you down syndrome freetard
Where the fuck is BSD?
>Where the fuck is MemeOS
I'd rather go to a tech board than the shitty board full of illiterate fuckwits where you spilled out of
Lincucks is for tech illiterates actually. Hate to break it to you user :(
Typing commands into terminal isn't you being smart :)
>OS used by companies to manage their stuff is for kids
>Gaming platform
nice meme NEET
>watching weebshit and ricing shitty WMs all day
>makes fun of gaymers
ok kid
>Still trying
Disabling auto updates won't make you smart.
Can I have some fries with that salt?
Not him but yeah that must be it, Windows has a lot of desktop market share because everyone chose it in their technical high class minds. Not because they are remotely used to it by now as it comes with every computer purchase. If they weren't that excellent with computers they would have to fall back to Linux, which is for tech illiterates.
>Sup Forums cuck calling other weebs if they were any better
>being this butthurt
ok kid
But I use Linux, not GNU/Linux. There's so much shit that's essential to my system other than GNU that it's more practical to just call it Linux. If I used GNU/Linux, linux with the GNU OS, my server would be a useless machine running nothing but garbage GNU branded software. It's a good thing I use a richer system that only uses a few handy pieces of the GNU OS instead of the entire piece of shit.
>He actually replied
wew lad rub a bit of lotion on your roasted ass
inux users are socially inept fedora-wearing neckbeards who make up for their real-life failures by wrangling with a shitty, poorly designed operating system, a fact which they like to shove in everyone's face. The moment someone criticises Linux for being the piece of shit it is, they'll tip their fedoras, call the critic things like "stupid" or "retarded", then proceed to make the excuse that Linux isn't "suited for stupid people", but is rather designed for euphoric atheists like themselves.
Try again, gaymer XDD
You must be 18 or older to use this website.
Well said. Linux is for idiots that want to waste their time.
>retarded fedora kid: "linux is useless, it can't play LoL and I can't use photoshop to X-ray pics of 12 year old girls on Sup Forums, you're all fat fedoras using a toy OS, it doesnt even work with my $1000 nvidya gamercard 9001 fucking shit toy OS"
>adult: "whatever kid, I just want to check facebook and manage my budget"
>Linux is not suited for stupid people
Can't argue with that. This is where Linux fails: idiot-proofing
>retarded fedora kid: "linux is great, I can rice my desktop with chinese cartoons and masturbate to open sores while fucking up my system every day!"
>adult: "whatever kid, I just want my shit to work. I have a job"
Eh I like Windows AND linux though. I voted windows. just because it werks right away
If you are wasting time in Linux it actually means it is not targeted towards you.
Normally people install their stuff and start using their OS like they want to.
If you are not able to get your OS rightly configured you should just stick to your babbycare OS that uninstalls programs for you.
see again
I find it really hard to believe that the majority of people on Sup Forums use linux.
Despite your fantasy the vast majority of ricers use windows and OS X and reject linux because a variety of WMs [that all look the fucking same] doesn't make up for how shit theming linux's poorly documented toolkits and limited terminal shit is compared to how much creative freedom and ease of rice OS X and windows give you
Rainmeter and geektool > conky
Every time I see linux rice it's actually an unriced desktop with nothing but terminals and Sup Forums open
this so much
Why are MicroTards still using Windoze ? Oh wait.. no need to reply.
>this much euphoria
>I can't do my job, my OS doesn't let me
Why the fuck are you on Sup Forums if you cannot even solve tech issues?
ah the last time i used linux X broke on debian
debian stable.
despite their foolproof strategy, there was nobody to support a bug report for that particular version of that particular driver with that particular kernel on my particular hardware platform
and also usb broke
>dongle comes half-unplugged
>colonel panic
it was not until installing arch and only using up to date software that shit stopped breaking
debian was arch all along
>he doesn't realize the arch comics predate that guy's posts
sup newfag
Well guy's i use Linux on my Desktop and Server. And I'm using OSX on my MacBook.
Both just works perfectly.
The only OS that was a big pile of constant broken shit was windows.
Maybe im just too smart for it ;*
You are still fat.
Do you even know what X server means, little winbabby? It's a tech board after all
What is OSX.
This. Why can't you like both?
Now make a thread for distros
NeXTstep, which used some BSD code when it started in the 90s but is not BSD any more than vim is the original UNIX vi.
Am I the only person here that doesn't think there is a supreme OS? And, that this whole argument is pointless?
I use Win daily as it's convenient and Linux when it is necessary or more convenient to do some tasks there. Don't really have need for OS X so use that only when out of options.
>Sup Forums
>NeXTstep, which used the BSD userland code
Sample size = 1.
Relevance = 0.
Debian forever holms!
>All these wincucks on Sup Forums
No wonder this board is just a tech support for Sup Forums these days
Monolithic kernels a shit
Just ask Dragonfly BSD devs.
dual booting windows 7 and linux :^)
we have them on /hr/. i guess there arent as many kids there.
I was worried, but you're all pulling through.
Apple BTFO.
>using the smiley with a carat nose
>using the smiley with a carat nose
What about it?
The people use say that using UNIX and GNU/Linux isn't a valuable skill, are they just trolling or completely ignorant when it comes to the world of tech business and computer science?
If you're quite good with Linux, you can find a good job. But that's true of most things, really.
9/10 super computers in the world run UNIX or GNU/Linux. It's a very valuable skill set. I think most people should learn it. I mean this is a tech board after all.
Yeah, but someone on Sup Forums probably isn't going to be working on a supercomputer, more like a company's file server or some shit.
Why can I only select one?
Because that's the rule, damn it!
My server runs Linux, my work computer runs Windows and my personal computer runs OS X. What do I do????
When Sup Forums thinks of really knowing how to use UNIX and GNU/Linux, they're thinking of "vi xresources" and "man bash"
Just knowing GNU and Linux won't get you anywhere anyways. Knowing GNU/Linux isn't like knowing a modern UNIX like solaris. There are a lot of non GNU tools and APIs other than the linux kernel you have to know, because just GNU plus linux is less of an OS than sys V...
fucking kill yourself
My answers default to personal computer.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, semantics. My point is that someone who knows their way around a Linux box because they've been using it for around twenty years is going to be a hell of a lot more knowledgeable than someone who only used Windows their entire life.
Someone who's been using linux for 20 years probably can't configure a decent LVM setup from memory, or even add a user with advanced parameters and configure skeletal home directories, because they almost never do those things.
Linux job = configuring linux, not using linux
That is fucking bullshit because I've only been using GNU/Linux for around ten years and I use LVM and LUKS. I also do hardened security and forensics and a little bit of dev work. (Even though I just started and am only in documentation and support for now.) At least Linux users cover the field instead of just being babied. That's the awesome thing about computers is that there's always going to be something new to learn.
I use them all as "power user" devices though. In fact, a lot of the time I'm using my mac/Windows PC to access my servers. So which one am I really using? I just think these distinctions are dumb and for emotionally unstable fanboys who try to engage in psychological splitting and/or try to rectify cognitive dissonance that they encounter on this board.
You chose to do that, but most linux users don't delve beyond customizing a bit of userland and might know how to scan for and activate logical volumes and unlock/lock with cryptsetup at the most (for DE-less access of thumb drives containing loli that's probably illegal in their state/province, ofc)
For everything else there's man pages
I'm serious. There are people, a lot of CS students, who can write the essential parts of their .vimrc from memory but don't know octal permissions.
SysV is dead. It's considered legacy.
Yeah, I see what you mean. I guess I just don't like how people stereotype Linux users.