Make thinkpads gread again

you realise the retro thinkpad that everbody on Sup Forums will buy will be the last thinkpad right?

to counteract this, I propose all thinkpadfags of Sup Forums unite and we make them do a new retro version of the 701c with mech keyboard

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I'll make the logo


I bought a T440p new and regretted it very much. 1500 for a shitty windows laptop that did not keep it's value and had shit battery life. I fell for the meme

at least you admit it

imagine having that 10 pound heavy thing with modern specs and a foldable mech keyboard

>implying the retrothinkpad will ever happen


I keked way too hard

why? it will, just wait until end of 2017 :^)

>make thinkpads gread again
What the fuck is a gread?

It will come out right after Half-Life 3, guaranteed

a goof

You guys need to cool it with the autism. Thinkpads also never had mech keyboards.


so how do we convince them? this isn't your average wall

Carbon X1 Gen 4 is pretty sexy.

The hinges use the same mechanism in the Ideapad 100, which are surprisingly robust, and seem a lot better than the depressed hinges they've been using since the *40 series.

They've stopped fucking around with the keyboard, which is good. It's nearly the same layout as the original X1, which is a great layout (though the original X1 was really quite a mushy keybord, even worse than my E420).

x260 isn't too bad, might upgrade to one once they dropped in price (currently still on my trusty x201)

that's okay and stuff but nothing will beat the retro if they actually do it

you don't need a thin machine. you need a robust and long running one, believe me user

>1500 dollars brand new
>windows laptop
>thinkpad did not hold its value
>fell for the meme

You're joking right? The meme is the exact opposite of what you just described. Everyone buys them here because you can get them a few years used for a fraction of their original cost, and they have exceptional Linux support. You deserve everything you got.

>a great layout
Haha, no.

looks really comfy

also nice leg hair, I have pretty much the same

Yeah, OK, some of you might not care about this, but I use a satchel type bag, and I don't like putting my E420 in there because it takes up way too much depth making the bag stiff and awkward to carry.
I would have liked to see a USB-C port on here, but I guess that isn't a priority for business markets yet.

I was going to buy the x1 carbon but I was disappointed by the battery life on the 4k model. Ended up getting the surface book.

The only reason the MacBook has good battery life while being so thin is that it is purpose built exactly those two things.
Taking a fully featured device such as the X1 Carbon, and throw in a 4K display, you're always going to significantly reduce the battery life because the device wasn't designed for it.
Keep in mind the surface book only gets 2-3 hours as a tablet, and has a huge battery bank in the keyboard. It's a completely different type of device.

How about we try to get them to alter the chip for the keyboard so we can swap a seven row keyboard of our choice in?

Then get companies to make keyboards to swap in.

I think you mean 'beg'.

used T440s with 1080p IPS display is the best deal atm

Nice legs

It would be if there was a way to jam the 7 row keyboard in it.

>*40 series


Buying old laptops is only a good idea if you can get them for like $30, anything more than that and you are getting ripped off.

>I had no idea what the fuck I'm buying
>just consumer whoring, really
>g-guise, omg, this doesn't have an apple logo!
fuck off

>I fell for the meme

No you didn't, you're just a fucking moron who went out and bough the newest Thinkpad without any research whatsoever.

Is the ram soldered or is it upgradeable? Been eyeing the x260 and would rather upgrade the ram myself and install my own ssd, so I don't pay a premium price for them.

>implying they will put quality components on a "retro" piece of shit.


Yeah the retro thinkpad will happen just like the WRT54G will get a remake.

Do you fucking realize ever since jauqes became CEO it all went to shit?

Now, now. No need to panic. We can damn well make our own.

>which is a great layout
stop the memes

I need to find a good condition X60 body once that mobo starts selling

You can buy the magnesium case halves and plastics factory-fresh off eBay.

you're shitting me
Can you please link or give me some search terms? I'm not seeing anything

like, the bottom case...

New and used case pieces come and go. You can score them for anywhere from $10 for a complete case to as much as $100 depending on how lucky you get.

metal lid

the search terms you want are just thinkpad x61 cover... don't confuse the tablet parts

I see
so it's a matter of luck. Never expected new components to be still floating around

I want to get as close to a new body as possible (and stick an X62 mobo in ideally)

What would be the best screen in your opinion?

Thanks for sharing

>What would be the best screen in your opinion?
SXGA+ HV121P01-100, get one of xiphmont's daylight mods for it.

W-where can I buy this "X62 motherboard"

They're only being sold in China right now. I got a friend to buy/send me one. Supposedly, they'll be available to overseas buyers eventually.

not for sale yet
this chink site called 51NB is promising to start selling to the western market soon
Thank you. This is going to end up being a dream laptop once the mobo gets released

>muh thinness
Stay cucked faggot

To bad they are going to rape it with 16:9 screen.

What's the plan? Do we sign a petition? Do we all copy+paste the same letter and e-mail spam them?

I was wondering should i go with T420 or T520.
Not traveling much so weight doesn't matter, mainly want to try and use linux and learn it a bit.
With or without nvidia is better?

t520 isn't really a whole lot bigger than the t420 when you get down to it.

Also, the screen is WAY fucking better than the t420's, has much better viewing angles

shave your legs you nasty ass

>shaving legs
Even most diehard Macfags aren't THAT gay

Great, thanks! About nvidia? how good linux with it? or better without it?

I'll design the logo

Nvidia isn't good for linux, you'll be better off disabling it in the BIOS or just getting one with only the intel HD graphics.

Thank you!

I had a similar decision, and I went with the T520 - posting on it now. Excellent machine, screen does seem better than the 420s I've seen.

how many people do you think we can get for a petition?

we need to shill this thing first

also we could use bots to sign said petition automatically for us

>shit speaker location
If they leave the sides really bare this is kill

do you really want to do this goys?`

If yes, we need to incorporate 8ch/tech and other tech chans that could be interested like lainchan, the more people the better

also, I'm not a native english speaker, could someone make a draft for the petition text?
Will we use