What distro would the Engineers use?
What distro would the Engineers use?
We use Fedora
Windows 10
Windows because AutoCAD, BIM, Tekla and Tremble are there.
Mac OSWhatever
>Technological so advanced
>you have to kill yourself to fertilize a planet
Idiots, just like crApple sheep
We are their OS
windows 7
plan 9
>Falling for the STEM meme
I hope you don't mind designing toothbrush boxes in Upstate New York.
Ubuntu because humans started in Africa
Is he stabbing him in the anus?
how to spot a cs major
yes, dude survived, though shittiing was probably never the same
Community college
but why did he stab him?
sounds like you regret that associates in cs.
Are you in the working class?
Here in the aristocracy use Plan 9.
and wrong grammar, apparently
I forget. I think either it was a gay lover thing or cheating. Don't think gang stuff.
Whatever gets the job done the easiest
Vague answer for a vague question
Are you sure? I'm certain my extragalactic grammar is correct.
certainly not arch
they are not neckbeards
Custom-compiled kernel
Windows because Solidworks and Catia
Nice meme you got there
>BIM, Tekla and Tremble
These three are the same thing
I am an EE student and I use Arch. I don't think I'll ever install any other distro in my computer
quad of quads, nice digits.
Windowz cuz muh AutoCad and Potato Shoop.
I work for the company that built NYC Barclay's arena and Columbia university at 125th steet. You little fuck shits have no idea how deep autocad and tekla gets other than it does not run in Linux so it's meme. Enjoy living in your mum basement and not working in the professional field.
Just because you're stupid doesn't mean enlightened gentlemen such as myself in engineering attend.
because nigger(s)
Debian Stable, or Windows 2000.
No Distro; just Solaris.
Literally Ubuntu.
The windows 7 distro
El Capitain
Cad is an OS?
and what do you do?
Because he fucked with the wrong person.
>implying they woyldnt make their own OS.
>implying i know what movie your talking about or have seen it
>implying any OS is the best
>implying i know what im doing here.
i should kill myself.
blender is what they'd use, on a super computer running the linux kernel & custom os designed for blender.
>3000 AD
>binary computers
cut him in line
>compared to cad
kys man do you even know what a technical drawing is?
Childish Sup Forums scum. GTFO of my board.
>look mom Im using a compile-from-source distro aproved by my hero-jew who gives me freedom
every engineer really does this
>Cuck defending his bulls.
What's ironic is that these guys are stereotypically african in stature, aesthetics and musculature but the creators thought it'd make more sense to make them whiteys.
I didn't compare blender to CAD, why would I ever compare blender to such a garbage program?
Weeak bait
>a garbage program?
go to bed man. cad isnt a program its a type of program you filthy slut.
here are some programs
>AutoDesk Inventor
all cad (i.e. computer aided drafting)
probably windows or mac desu
Because it was a place where stabbing someone below the waist didn't count as murder or attempted murder IIRC
Also, niggers
There's a joke about crashing begging to be made here...
what the fuck are you on you fucking idiot? CAD literally stands for computer aided drafting. its not one single program and an artistic 3d modeling program like blender is not a good replacement for ANY cad program you fucking idiot.
no need to bait, not even once.