You fell for the "programming is a good career" meme

>You fell for the "programming is a good career" meme

>OP fell for the "fell for the x meme" meme

kill yourself

I did. I'm now a cashier.

It's also important to not be shit at so

that's a programming job brah.

Sounds like someone hasn't heard of Ada

>tfw jobless NEET programmer
back to editing my emacs configs

>first reply fell for the "x fell for the 'fell for the y meme' meme" meme

Sounds like somebody couldn't handle CS.

It's okay OP, it's not for everyone. Maybe IT? Tech support?

They forgot to tell that you have to be good if you want a good job. You might be one
of these people doing assignement, studying the bare minimum and nothing more.
AMIRITE? You piece of trash get out my field right now, I don't want to read code shat by
garbage devs anymore.

>Oficina de Empleo
Hi Spanish bro


Paco pls, go back to picking up those oranges

I thought about doing programming but everyone in it seems like they have a stick up their arse all the time

Most developers are stupid. After I return to college and graduate in IT, I'm gonna make it big in the programming world.

STEM cuck

At least you don't have a philosophy degree.

Why would you ever get a philosophy degree? seriously if you like the subject just look up which books they use for classes at the uni's website and read them on your free time i do that for psychology related stuff.

Spending your nights in front of a screen and lacking a social life is bad for the personality. The only thing these people have going for their self image is their skills.

Funny. If you had a psychology degree you'd be rolling in dough.

not where i live, shrinks only roll in dough in murrika where you have mundane problems that need therapy

your comment reminded me of something.

i fucking despise reddit, but lurk from time to time. Don't have an account, and if i want to reply to some stupid shit i read, i create one that moment. Either way they shadow ban the account almost immediately.

anyway... i fucking regret not having a way to keep track of shit on reddit. I read one time about a kid that dropout from school to work in his video game with his friend/brother (don't remember) and they were living in a van in a parking lot, as he said, and told that the next year he would be a millionaire.

i wonder what happened. This was two years ago, i think.

>Why would you ever get a philosophy degree?
I don't fucking know, user, sheesh.

I was just saying - unlike circus degrees - with CS, even if you fuck up your career, you can still get a (bad) job, that being code monkey.









tfw did IT & Programming and they got rid of a soical media/digital marketing (not even a real job lmao) woman and get me to do instead as well as run the website.

everyone else at work are boomers and cant into computers so they think I'm like some genus when in reality I just google their problems.

>tfw didn't fall for the programming meme
still NEET tho

added to my happy businessman folder


i've been using it as a way to supplement my income

my wife LOVES it when i say i need time for more work... if u cant tell Im still working poor

He was Toby Fox.

Wow, I did all my Sup Forums browsing in a single post. Thanks user!


How did you guys fuck this up? Everyone I know who studied CS (and I knew a lot) got an extremely high-paying job straight out of college.

did he die?

>extremely high-paying job straight out of college.
inb4 finance

Good luck! :^)

It is, but that's because programming is a tool and a means to an end, not a career to pursue in itself. Take programming as an aside thing while you pursue other majors. Progressing makes everything better, but isn't an amazing thing to focus on exclusively. Programming + math, biology, physics, medicine, robotics, astronomy, earth science or geology, etc. Are all great and fascinating topics with a lot of job opportunities. Programming alone? Not so much. It's all about the domain knowledge.

being awkward and autistic doesn't help

Do you even know where you are?



Now I work in a shitty hotel

Meanwhile every job wants someone who did a commerce degree

Kill me now

>Take programming as an aside thing
How can you do that when you're focused on another major?

>here's how it went for me therefore it works for everyone
just shut up, idiot.

>>Take programming as an aside thing
>How can you do that when you're focused on another major?

There's this thing called a "minor" in burgerland, not sure about other places
also, "electives", you will be required to take at least 1-2 outside your major per year, at minimum

Learning how to program isn't that hard. Just take classes at your uni as electives or alongside your major, or just online. Tons of people learn programming in their own.

>tfw you fell for the "engineer" meme

Oh wait, I make enough money that I could retire in my 30s if I wanted.

Where do you live?

Opposite land here. Should've went finance instead of drinking the other commerce kool-aid. Everyone wants CS for anything decent

I went for Economics, graduated at 19, failed out of grad school, and am now a NEET who can't find a job at 22.

But again, the CS meme-followers I know are all loaded, even the autistic ones.

Why do you retards view programming as a 9-5 job? You need to be creating shit or improving shit on you're own and strike it rich

Fucking this!

People think that you can just turn off at 5 but in reality everyone is programming non stop in their off time as a hobby.

it too late.

>tfw Misaki will never save you

Falling for the CS meme is the worst mistake I've ever done in my life. Now I'm collecting trash from the streets and sell them. I'm already at my quarter life crisis and I feel completely empty now.

Thanks whoever suggested STEM meme.

Are you living in India? Job market is obviously saturated there.

>picture on cv

Also, I'm really glad I did a "combined" bachelor in math and CS, as this is basically math with some programming (ok, and some stuff about computers and internet) on the side. The measure of quality from the programmer is vastly misunderstood and underrated by laymen. Although I can't see the difference between a good and an bad dish, as stated by a top-chef, I don't tell the chef to cut corners and make the "bad" dish. But, if this were a leading software developer, most layman would tell him to not care about code quality, because, unlike dishes, they do not even understand why quality of code is important.

TLDR; Programmers will remain misunderstood nerds.

If he were in India, he would be collecting cow's poo instead of trash. Even if he did collect trash there, he wouldn't even be able to afford a donkey cart, much less a device to browse Sup Forums. That's just how it is in poor countries.

India is not that poor mane

>combined math/CS degree
>recruiter spots my degree title on LinkedIn and encourages me to show up for an interview
>get the job since they were already convinced I'd do well before I even showed up

He is obviously spaniard. In spain the photo in the CV is a must unlike other countries.

>tfw sysadmin master race

Smart frogposter.

Seriously though, I would recommend anyone that wants to do a math degree and can program a bit or has some interest in doing so to combine math and CS. It is some additional work, but

1. CS is generally easier than math and

2. The fact that you are doing math (and aren't a retard with respect to programming) makes a lot CS courses easier. For example, if you take a CS (theoretical) algorithms course, most students struggle because they cannot into proofs and abstract thinking. If you have had a proof heavy math class prior to that, you have a huge advantage.

So, even if you do 2 degrees, since there are some shaed courses and some get significantly easier (given a few assumptions), "Adding" CS to a math degree is like doing only 1.25 times the work needed for math. This means you can even take an extra year, such that you get a normal workload and people still think you're hot shit, since you got 2 degrees with only a year extra.

>theoretical algorithms course

yeah all of those were required core for us, last one was parallel algorithms but I have never actually programmed one unfortunately

I don't have the programming chops of an actual CS grad unfortunately, it's a bit like a pure CS degree

This is true. My math/cs friend basically skips all of the CS classes and still pulls A/Bs because of his math classes and he's naturally smart.

I couldn't do it though. I want to get out of school asap.

>Tfw I fell for the programing meme
>Tfw now I make 6 figures just afer leaving uni

You are right about this meme, 4 years studying like a nigger and then after I finish my "reward" is working like a nigger for the corporate overlords. And also I have a lot of money and don't manage to spend it all, wich stress me. It is trully a meme don't learn programming (AKA the electronic jew), be a bad goy.

>6 figures straight after uni

You made it son

US I'm guessing? What role?

Yeah US, I am a "Big Data Developer"

There is a dedicated degree for that here now, I would have been interested if it was available when I was applying

11/10 would build deck around it.

Make the ability balanced (i.e. not ridiculously OP) by 1. allowing activation at most once per turn (perhaps tap, but that can be bypassed easier and does not fit the theme as well) and 2. only allowing activation on the controllers turn. Then, I'm with .

I disagree but that's probably because I study a computer related field. However, I'm already getting paid experience with a company that has secured a job for me after graduation.

People think the likes of software engineering and all that good stuff is just programming, it's actually not! You need to learn about the development process before the code actually get's implemented. I'll not bore with the details but trust me, there's a lot of shit to cover haha

yeah that interview I went to

>40 minutes discussing my knowledge of different software methodologies
>10 minutes writing recursive pseudocode to compute the Fibonacci sequence (and explaining the constant time closed form solution computation)

It' a really cool discipline, what I like the most is that it isn't code monkey shit, CS and CE people work in small teams along with ph.Ds and statisticians. And the work involves a lot of innovation, developing new algorithms, distributed computing, functional programming, Artificial Intelligence...
If you can specialize in this field after your degree, I would do it.

I'm revising for my machine learning exam right now actually, really interesting field

I've been told there's a possibility I might be able to contribute to the teams which do functional programming (event-driven server side apparently) and machine learning.

Functional programming really interests me too (as does the salary) but unfortunately I didn't get to pick it up as a module but I did about half of the tutorial and I didn't really do any type theory

Now I think of it there are so many cool CS modules I missed out on, but I only have so many credits unfortunatley

he fell for the first reply fell for the "x fell for the 'fell for the y meme' meme" meme meme

Is this better than programming?

If you get shadowbanned immediately, they are shadowbanning you upon account creation.

Create your account from another IP and clear your cache and cookies.

sysdmin is just another way of saying "I sucked a lot of dicks to get where I am"


Yes if you want a job where you just pretend to look busy and occasionally help idiots with tech support.

Bernie 2016