Why do AMD owners get so mad when people buy Nvidia cards, but Nvidia owners don't care if people buy AMD?
Why do AMD owners get so mad when people buy Nvidia cards, but Nvidia owners don't care if people buy AMD?
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nvidia owners are smart, they want the best product on market but they don't mind imbeciles falling for AMD meme as it keeps prices down.
Success breeds jealousy.
AMD people are waiting for AMD to release a good product
AMD people are waiting for the next Nvidia product to be bad
AMD people are waiting for Nvidia to fail as a business
Nvidia people are waiting for the next generation of cards so they can play their videogames.
I bought the 980ti earlier this week. I'm waiting for it to ship to my house by next week.
>bought a last gen gpu at the start of the next gen instead of waiting for even more price drops
>price drops
The 980Ti will be discontinued and cease production, prices will skyrocket because SLI owners.
The 1080 is only slightly faster than a 980Ti, neither can do 4K, but both can do 1440p, the 980Ti is still a good deal.
Prices won't drop for a few months. And the 1080 DOES come out this month, but it's only a reference card. It will take another few months for 3rd party vendors to come out with stuff. And I'm skeptical on the performance so I will see how it is in the long run.
Also, I won't wait a few months when I have the money NOW to upgrade from my 760. Specially since I'm only running 1080p.
Get rekt reference card memer
Why are you making broad statements that are factually incorrect?
assmad amdoofus detected
>this one mad nvidiot shill so salty he had to make his own thread
970 a shit
you're life a shit
envy perhaps?
For the most part amd believed, "this will suffice."
Why are people upgrading to the 1080 from the 980 ti instead of waiting for the 1080 ti or next titan?
Nvidia owners are too busy bashing on other Nvidia owners who bought a different card.
I won't be upgrading from my GTX970 until Volta, beside AMD sponsored games my GTX970 runs fine everything else at 1080p.
Are you actually mentally retarded? He's just pointing out a generalization that doesn't apply to every, hell even most AMD or nVidia users.
assmad amdoofuses detected
No really a reason to defend AMD unless you're an assmad amdoofus.
Neo-Sup Forums, everyone.
>getting this mad
we caught a real amdoofus in the wild, fellas
I am running nvidia you stupid shit
But that's wrong, you dipshit.
and i'm running intel, you dumb amdoofus
I literally don't even use a dGPU
Pretty much what happens to Apple
Android owners get buttmad when someone buys an iPhone
But iPhone users doesn't give a flying fuck about android phones or whenever people buys them.
This thread is cancer, and should die. If you want to shitpost, may I direct you to or
since nvidia will eventually leave the high end PC gpu market and AMD will likely have the monopoly, I'm concerned.
anytime there is a monopoly, be concerned.
oh you and your abos
AMD usually pushes technology that is good for everyone, nvidia usually pushes technology that is good only for nvidia users (using hardware no older than the previous generation)
tessellation x64
gsync vs. freesync (VESA adaptive sync)
hairworks vs tressfx
gameworks vs. gpuopen
Graphics Card
EVGA GeForce GTX 970 SSC GAMING ACX 2.0+ (04G-P4-3975-KR) (PDF)
EVGA GeForce GTX 960 4GB GAMING ACX 2.0+ (04G-P4-3965-KR) (PDF)
EVGA GeForce GTX 950 GAMING ACX 2.0 (02G-P4-1953-KR) (PDF)
EVGA GeForce GTX 750 w/ EVGA ACX Cooling (01G-P4-2755-KR) (PDF)
EVGA GeForce GTX 750 Ti (02G-P4-3751-KR) (PDF)
EVGA GeForce GT 740 2GB (02G-P4-2740-KR) (PDF)
EVGA GeForce GT 730 2GB (Low Profile) (02G-P3-3733-KR) (PDF)
EVGA GeForce GT 720 (01G-P3-2722-KR) (PDF)
EVGA GeForce GT 710 1GB (Dual Slot, Passive) (01G-P3-2710-KR) (PDF)
fucking stupid
>being this retarded
intelligent poster
what ati/amd developed, unified shaders, pushed for tessellation in dx11 (which is abused at stupid settings by nvidia)
nvidia bought physx, bought voodoo and killed it etc.
How to upgrade your GPU
>buy good flagshit or just beneath flagship GPU
>wait out the next series
>buy same GPU as your first for SLI
>wait out the next series
>repeat forever
>why do amd users get mad when people buy nvidia
maybe it is because nvidia is poisioning the market with shit like closed off graphics libaries and bullshit gsync just to make the owners of nvidia cards buy exclusive monitors to lock you into the ecosystem. same reason winbabies get mad at apple owners
AMD cpu here and Nvidia gpu. I advise against ATI gpus because I've had shit experiences with them. (Drivers and bad chipsets)
literally no one gets mad.
nvidiots are so delusional.
>Why do AMD owners get so mad when people buy Nvidia cards, but Nvidia owners don't care if people buy AMD?
that's not true at all.
Nvidia fans get just as obnoxious when someone mentions they're using an AMD card.
And AMD users don't seem to get 'mad', they get obnoxious.
You should get whatever is best in your pricepoint.
At the mid range it's usually AMD, in the high range it's usually nvidia.
If someone buys a 980Ti I'm not going to get mad at them, they can afford it so they should get it.
However it's annoying when someone makes a bad decision based on brand and then pretends like it was the only choice to make.
For example, 960 owners who pay a premium for a trash card just so they can be on the green team.
Fanboyism doesn't need to exist for video cards.
I switched from AMD to NVIDIA after my AMD card broke. I'm satisfied with my new card.
InElite, we even wrote a story about his obsession with nvidis
Do the prices ever decrease that much though? Usually they just sell them as high as ever until they stop receiving new stock.
>At the mid range it's usually AMD
not really considering if you're going for mid range your cpu probably isn't that great, and if your cpu isn't that great amd's drivers will shit on it.