Sup Forums if you have a 980ti
whats the CPU you would need to run gayms without bottlenecking?
obviously we know atleast 4 cores are nessisary since most newer games wont even boot on 2 physical cores
but what about speed or sockets? or does it really not matter
is the CPU more for just operating the OS and other apps in the background or what?
>whats the CPU you would need to run gayms without bottlenecking?
i7 920
If you're buying new just get a 6600K or 4790K as a minimum. 6700K is great too.
Literally no reason to use old platforms lacking in modern features.
Using a 980ti and 6600k and I run the new doom at a solid 60fps with everything on at 1600p
but im just trying to get to the bottom of the CPU's nessessity
would this run everything at max?
Why? Get a 2500K or 2600K it is all you need.
My point on platforms is that when you use old CPUs old platforms are tied to them. You don't have a choice but to use old motherboards.
forreal? my i7 920 wouldn't bottleneck a 980ti?
probably not if it had a good OC. If you have the right revision 920 you can push 4GHz
You could probably squeak by with some of the fast i3 skylake chips like the 3.9 GHz one
Would the same be true for a 480, do you think? I am considering an I5-6500.
I have a 4670k which is just fine. Most games barely tax the cpu.
Plebs, my i7 870 is running at 4.2ghz without needing insane voltages.
i5 4690 would give you a balanced overall build IMO
Is an i7 3770k @ 4,2ghz enough for a 1070/1080?
I use it. Overclocked to 4.0ghz,
Life is good.
any GPU with 16PCI lanes.
>not using geforce fx 6200
i5-750 up to i7- 6850x take your pick in those parameters
Does GeForce4 Ti 4200 count?
I'm bottlenecking quite hard on some games with a i5 3570k on 4.2GHz
I'm using an i7-3770k.
No bottlenecking here.
IMO a current gen i5 should be more than enough.
With what GPU and in what games? I've got a 4.2GHz OC going as well and I'm considering the 1070.
>my internal haslel gpu is higher performing than your watt dissipater
Why should I lie on the internet?