RMS and TempleOS

>tfw RMS is a CIA Nigger

what should I reply?

Other urls found in this thread:


sorry for the thumbnail quality

>tfw you were about to ask him this
In any case, hit him your truck in 1999

> TempleOS isn't special so much as in what it can do but in how it was made. It was made my a single severely mentally ill man who made his own programming language "HolyC" , and a compiler for it, then programmed many other functions, albeit not very well, then wrote many software for it, including the "Speaking to god" which just chooses random text or a bible passage.

What should I add/change/remove ?

Mention that it's JIT compiled, single-address mapped, and multi-threaded; mention that it's ring-0 only too, if you can find a way to make it seem positive

I'm no OS-dev, barely know how to program.

How would I right this in an emailable form?

I'm not sure how to best fit it into your email since I'm not the one writing it, but you can try to say it like Terry says it
Also mention that it's meant as an operating system to play around with, since you can access any part of memory (hence the ring-0 part), and was sort of meant as a modern-day Commodore 64

This. If you want him to "have time" for it you have to sell it right.

on the Sup Forums wiki

>x86_64, multi-tasking, multi-cored, public domain, open source, ring-0-only, single-address-map (identity-mapped)

>should I send it like this? would he understand? changing open source to free source code or some shit?

open source and free software are not the same thing. It's kind of like oranges and tangerines.

It's not under a free software license, but it is public domain, I believe

who were you quoting with the last line?

I just want him to at least read a bit on it and deliver his opinion on it/ He literally hasn't even installed "GNU/Linux" on a computer himself, he wouldn't try temple os, especially since he barely uses a GUI

So how about,

Well, It is described on a wiki as "JIT compiled, multi-tasking, multi-cored, public domain, free source code, ring-0-only, single-address-map (identity-mapped) operating system" It's programmer wants it to be like a modern day Commodore 64, in that you can control every aspect of the computer including the entire memory.

What, in my opinion, makes it impressive, is not so much the technical details behind it but what he managed to achieve by himself despite schizophrenia, he wrote his own programming language("Holy C") and compiler for it, in which he wrote TempleOS an entire operating system, including a kernel, GUI, and dozens of programs, mostly related to religion in some form,

was an accident

also adding in, maybe to catch stallmans interest

Terry Davis(the programmer of TempleOS)
has mentioned you, saying:
"Stallman, linux could use an oracle program. Use a high speed timer as a stopwatch for nums to pick words or passages."

"I wrote a fucken compiler. Linus has not finished his compiler yet and suffers humilation from Stallman."

Instead of wasting his time with TempleOS memes you should ask him about what will happen when all CPU manufacturers require a crypto signature in order for code to be run, and various ways they can screw anybody who doesn't have a signature (throttling, time scheduling, outright denying).

You do realize he has a public email and replies to most serious emails right?

>all CPU manufacturers require a crypto signature in order for code to be run
would be financial suicide
makes for some good scifi, though

It's better than emailing him sexual fanfiction starring him

Any progress OP?

Even better


Technically not in the world we are moving towards.

Basically Microshaft buying and partnering with everyone, google too and Intel.

Pretty soon you'll only be able to run code by those "partners"

then we'll just make our own CPU's, with hookers and blackjack

So what about servers? It's all the same hardware.

He's right, though.

this +1

then kill your fucking self.

don't your mother tell you only speaking about thing you know well?

you are the fucking cancel that is filling the world with lies and wrong information.

I'd say your post is pretty cancelous too, user




^ superior syntax senpai

>How would I right this in an emailable form?

Not being a programer is the least of your worries.


It's already starting.

you don't really understand how to read, do you

No I don't, can you read it to me, slowly?

Then get the fuck out.

you are wasting memory senpai

God told me the CIA niggers are monitoring this thread.

And the NSA are homosexuals too.

>tfw Terry has ACTUALLY written an OS
>God 1
>rms 0

RMS has never even installed an os or kernel on his own. He might feel threatened by a man who WROTE an os

So has Stallman. He was a reknown OS programmer long before he started GNU.

Stallman is only threatened by a man who writes a proprietary OS by the nature that it disrespects the users' freedom.

It's not like he's asserting the points he's attempting to reach, you fucking fob.

RMS is just mad as fuck.

RMS had to create GPL and con people in to cloning original UNIX tools but with all credit going to him.

He failed in the long ran at a kernel and failed at a compiler (since he has fuck all to do with GCC).

RMS die a sad bitter old man, Terry will die a unnoticed king.

OP talked very little about what the OS can actually do. RMS would definitely approve of templeOS being that it's under public domain.

Why is everyone trying to get RMS to accept Terry?

Terry doesn't need RMS. Terry is a genius, despite his schizophrenia, he has overcome many obstacles and he is at another level WAY BEYOND RMS, Linus or anyone else.

Terry was WAY ahead of his time and even developed a 3D printer before it was a thing. He doesn't need support from elitist fuckers. He needs support from us, the hacker community.

Stallman is a genius but is not a schizophrenic.

Stallman - 1
God - 0

Used to be a genius, he is now a SJW cuck. Social Justice is important, but you can't take it to that level. Lets see some of stallmans recent code projects?

Has stallman developed an OS ring 0 recently?
Did stallman even invent a 3D printer ?

Stallman is a great guy, but you have him on a pedestal.

God + 9000

Why is important that Stallman has written software recently? What does it mean that he's retired from programming?

That he's a washed up has-been?

Well someone email him I'm not really in the mood

t. OP

send this pic to Terry and sic him on Stallman

>tfw terry will do what he did to the CIA nigger in 1999 to rms
>tfw rms didn't see an opportunity for terry to finish the hurd


>failed in the long ran at a kernel and failed at a compiler
apple is that you?

>cloning original UNIX tools
that every commercial UNIX admin installs after first boot because bundled non-gnu userland is shit


The search continues, user.

Your compiler is bad senpai

Stallman is an autistic fedorafag.

Of fucking course he'll hate anything that mentions God, and will take any opportunity to claim he doesn't exist, even if it's just a common saying ("Oh my God").

It's libre, it's actually public domain.

>During dinner, I let the women do the talking and spent most of the time trying to detect clues as to whether the last 12 months had softened Stallman in any significant way. I didn't see anything to suggest they had. Although more flirtatious than I remembered-a flirtatiousness spoiled somewhat by the number of times Stallman's eyes seemed to fixate on my wife's chest-Stallman retained the same general level of prickliness. At one point, my wife uttered an emphatic "God forbid" only to receive a typical Stallman rebuke.

>"I hate to break it to you, but there is no God," Stallman said.

>all CPU manufacturers require a crypto signature in order for code to be run
>make a small change to attempt to fix a bug
>generate crypto signature
>send crypto signature to Intel
>wait one year for Intel's next CPU release
>test bugfix
>it didn't work

I'll waste all the memory in the world as long as I can stick to comfy syntax senpai.

I meant as in how do I put that into a message, Im mot judt going to copy snf padte that dipshit