Asks an arch linux user anything.
Asks an arch linux user anything
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Is being obease worth it?
I only weight 145lbs
Why do you not use better os?
I have used every distro there is and Arch is the best.
It's like how when ubuntu users get excited about release day, Everyday is release day in arch.
The anti-arch shitposter is obese you retard.
How many non-free packages do you have?
why not windows or snow godzilla from apple?
linux does not really perform better at anything
It used to be best solution for servers,but It is very comparable at the moment.
>ubuntu users
>excited about new releases
Is this noger serious?
Why do you think installing an OS is an accomplishment? Arch isn't really that bad to install and run.
Probably a few, I don't use the AUR, Only the main 3 repositories, Nothing has broke yet and i've already had a few kernel updates.
Windows 10 is junk and Macs are for rich people.
Actually installing Arch was the hardest part about using it, I think that's what turns most people off about it.
I wouldn't say it's an accomplishment.
How does it feel to be so based and not fall for retarded trolls and memes?
feels good man.
i like that terminal btw.
No one claims that it is an accomplishment and if someone does (I have never seen it here), that doesn't mean everyone is. For some reason you think it seems to be, and no one is really sure why.
Did you think it was hard?
Thanks man. It's an easily configured KDE Konsole with zsh and a theme called "agnoster". I piped screenfetch outout into lolcat for the pretty colors :^).
i use bash, will that theme work in bash?
Do you play any gaymes?
No sorry, unfortunately not. You can pacman -S zsh and then execute zsh in bash to play around with the default zsh shell. I recommend installing zsh, then Google around for "oh-my-zsh" install that and adjust your .zshrc.
If you like it you can permanently change your shell with "chsh -s /bin/zsh".
>when ubuntu users get excited about release day
If you check the screenshot you will see that my little machine is not powerful enough for games.
Thanks i might look into that at some point
Wait actually it might, I'm not sure anymore. You could try -- if the PS1 modifications are really cross-shell you might be able to steal the agnoster theme from the oh-my-zsh Github, I couldn't say for sure though.
Ladies and Gents. This is a Arch user.
> HurrDurr ZSH and BASH may work with each others config files.
It's not a config file, it's a shell function that modifies the PS1 environment variable you fucking faggot.
>not powerful enough for games
the bad ones no, the good ones it will
well my chipset is an ivybridge mobile 1.5ghz with intel integrated graphics.
It might could run something like red alert or whatever the linux version is called.
Hey op, I too use arch. And very much enjoy it. You don't have to update everyday though....
Same. I am updating my arch box like once a week.
sometimes i do it everyday, sometimes every other day.
i have heard with arch it's best to update frequently to avoid breakages.
same user, now on said Arch machine.
681 packages.
Actually, it's the CLI installation that turns off people.
At least this did turn me off.
When you're new to Lunix & stuff some steps are somewhat scary to do.
fuck using a CLI text editor for the first time during an OS installation.
I agree, Arch needs an installer.
It has the architect installer which does essentially everything
This defeats the purpose of using arch. If you want an installer use ubuntu.
You mean it defeats your reason for using Arch.
Not everyone who is using Arch does it because they dislike GUI installers you retard. You are what's wrong with this whole situation.
People might use Arch because they prefer pacman over apt/apt-get, like the AUR over PPAs etc.
What's your job?
I actually think installing the OS manually is fucking retarded.
Unemployed, I've had many jobs in different fields though, Nothing tech related though.
You know how it is now days though if you don't have a skillset that's indemand you are kinda shit out of luck.
>only 145lbs
Time to hit the gym you fat fuck
this meme makes no sense, ubuntu users are the ones that are cucks to the LTS release schedules.
enjoy your outdated OS.
May be not every one is a 5 ft manlet like you rajesh
OP here, I'm 6"
Why is it so ugly?
Why do you consider yourself special for being able to follow simple instructions?
Why do you post memes you don't even understand?
Literally 0.1 seconds googling "agnoster bash"
Again, Bash has nothing to envy.
How was your coming out experiernce
Did your parents accept you as you are?
You're a living meme, Arch friend.
I'm not really in the mood to theme xfce yet but I'll get around to it.
When I told them I was an arch user they were ecstatic about my new lifestyle decision and even offered to buy me a thinkpad.
could you give me a reason to use arch over manjaro?
What's your name?
Manjaro is just Arch with packages held back longer and a custom moka theme with green icons.
>packages held back longer
does that mean it's "safer"?
How is life as a NEET?
Not really. They do it for stability but the arch wiki says to update often to avoid breakages so they are kinda contradicting their goal imho.
It's the stupid AUR that breaks stuff, Just don't use it and you'll be fine, pretty much everything is in the main repos anyway.
Just don't do blind distro wide updating and install all of the suspect nonessential rice-a-roni garbage to a bin folder in your homedir... Stallman Fuck, it's not difficult
cool, i'll go with arch then i guess. i have no problems with updating often
I'm not NEET, I don't get any money from the government.
Being unemployed is boring, I'm looking for work but it's hard to find, Down here it's just winners and losers and don't get caught on the wrong side of that line.
>look at me, I use arch, I am so special. >Can I belong now Sup Forums?????
Search youtube for Arch install tutorial 2016.
Why do you use arch, what functional advantages does it have other than muh open source?
It's just an always up to date linux distro.
even windows has moved to the rolling release model with windows 10.
Any other advantages?
Any other functional advantages?
functionally it's no different than other distros i guess, maybe a little less resource heavy because distros like ubuntu tend to install a lot of bloat services you don't actually need.
So you don't play games. Not because you're not able to, but because you don't like them. OK.
I'm actually a Parabola user, enjoying my nonprism repo and a wide variety of custom kernels
I'd I had a better computer I would probably play games like spintires and truck Sims I like games like that.
evo/lution installer