What do people think about Windows 10?
What do people think about Windows 10?
I think it's a hot pile of shit, like the versions before it, so I don't use it. That's about all I can say.
i like it for my desktop. i use programs that are windows only though.
on my laptop how ever i use arch linux. it provides me all my shit posting needs.
I always thought people who sticked with XP after 7's release were retarded.
But now I'm sticking with 7.
Have I become like them?
Win7 is not deprecated, even though Pajeet wants you to believe that..
Random issues, often not reproducible. worst shit you can put on your computer.
I'm scared of saying something bad about Microsoft.
They are watching me now...
GNU/Linux distro > win 7 > xp > win 10 > win 8.1 > win 8 > anything with the apple logo on it
>be on xp until 2014
>install win7
>okay, not bad
>install win 10
>okay not bad
>install 16.04
>bugs, bugs, bugs, bugs
I'm going back to using virtual machines on windows for development. I want to be able to get behind the free and open source movements, I value privacy and open source and all that crap, but the user experience is dog shit. Linux can't into GUI.
is your pc a toster? wait mine is and im on shit internet that downloads 16kb/s
>it's LINUX'S FAULT I can't choose a decent distro >_
It's cancer in software form for your personal computer.
This thread will get deleted soon because you're not allowed to discuss Windows 10 on Sup Forums anymore.
a pile of shit above literal botnet.
i refused to use it until i bought a netbook two weeks ago.
>posting this from Linux
No. i5 3.1ghz/12mb ram with a decent broadband connection.
Ubuntu is the only decent distro. The rest are trash.
Oh, you!~
Let me guess, you only ever installed ubuntu and mint.
I used it before. I absolutely hate the metro interface, no matter how hard I tried to get into it it just wasn't for me. Not a big fan of the tablet look they're trying to do, I wish they'd go back to looking more like windows 7.
I think the NSA rumours are blown way out of proportion, but I'm not entirely sure I didn't really check for outgoing connections or anything like that. Windows 10 also seems to hog way more memory than linux and past windows versions do, I've noticed it when even watching a youtube video on my laptop with 2 gb of ram seemed to lag the entire thing. Really, I find zero use for windows 10, the only reason why I have it installed is because our boss has a strict policy of keeping windows 10 on all work laptops.
Forced update could be annoying but I haven't been screwed by it yet.
I can see why people would not switch, but if you've embraced Microsoft at all you may as well keep going. Why be paranoid of them in 10 and not 7 or 8?
>laptop with 2 gb of ram
I'm not gonna give you shit for this because Windows really does do horribly with low RAM, but unless that laptop is your work laptop you need to kill yourself. If it is your work laptop, kill your boss.
>you should kill yourself because your computer has 2 GB ram
Just make a loo out of it Pajeet!
1. Broken
Every single day. Every single fucking day when I come back from work and wake up the fucking Windows machine the fucking WiFi won't work
>It works XDDDD
2. Scam OS
>Send a media file to android
>Your phone may not be able to view this
>""""Convert"""" and send XDDD
>Media file broken
>Plug in flash drive
>Your removable device may be broken
>Scan and """"fix""""
>Files get corrupted
3. Looks like a piece of shit
>Either see our ads in login screen and calculators
>Or deal with puke inducing white flat title bar XDD
4. Sorftware as a service (SAAS) botnet
Telemetry is not posible to disable completely.
5. Shit update mechanism
>Picture related for 15 minutes
>Gives up
>Undoing changes :DD
>Picture related for 5 more minutes
Win meme 10 is not an upgrade. It's atrue cuck OS
A lot of benchmarks and tests are pointing to it being slower than win 7, which was my experience as well.
8.1 doesn't get talked about a lot but I think it's a good compromise between the two if you avoid some updates.
>you avoid some updates.
It's not my choice, it's a laptop given to me by my boss and we're not allowed to bring our own computers. I don't know who comes up with these stupid policies, but it's either I follow them or I get fired. I so wish I could actually use my own laptop at work, using windows 10 with 2 gb of ram is suffering.
>'t know who comes up with these stupid policies, but it's either I follow them or I get fired. I so wish I could actually
Just out of curiosity, what is your job?
I'm a nurse.
Me 2, I posted this:
Probably HIPAA related. Fuck it, if the system is slow then your work gets done more slowly.
Of course you could build a case with lost time metrics because a few hours labor with other employee costs included is worth a new laptop, but I wouldn't bother.
If the notebook only you use and you are technically proficient at notebook upgrades and there is no anti-tamper sticker I'd install more RAM because RAM is cheaper than me getting pissed off.
C:\Utter trash.
Once you disable all the heuristics and monitoring and key-logging cap then it's not bad. Problem is you have to re-establish it every time windows runs an update