
Is it just me or grub and LiLo doesn't work with XFS?

Also file system general

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Who is that semen demon

Who is this semen demen?

i want to replace that phone with my benis 2bh

Nozomi from love live

Who is this semen demon?


Can we go back to the topic now?


>be semen daemon
>dress up as a slut
>complain people find you sexually attractive

>What is cosplaying

Fucking White women. I swear.

>fictional character designed with sexual appeal in mind
>cosplay as character
>criticize porn of character

What else are we supposed to do with cosplay pics if we're not meant to masturbate to them?

She's asian

She's fat.

Wew lad

Its just you.

Just because she has an animu hairstyle and big glasses doesn't mean she's actually Asian you fucking mong. That slut is clearly white. If not she'd be white after the massive amounts of loads I'd fill her with, like some kind of white injection system.

Mei from overwatch you nigger

>clearly white
Except she's asian.


>What else are we supposed to do with cosplay pics if we're not meant to masturbate to them?
Just not being outspoken as to what you masturbate to.
Let it be a secret between you and the Lord alone.

>Don't fap to me silly boys!

don't tell me you have your boot partition as xfs...

>muh yellow women are all perfect meme
bet she's taken 50 loads today so far mate

Doesn't Funtoo have a manual?

The Xfs wiki says it should work on newer versions

Kek, this thread is a prime example of how great Sup Forums is.

Sup Forums - Titties

That's anime tities for you

Yet you could unload on none of them

I want to bite her skin.

Fuck off cannibal.

>dress up as a character
>random people start talking to you to tell you they jerked off to you
>"dude that's gross"

I want to bite your skin.

>name is Eclair Marie

No the whole world must know

>want attention
>get attention
>cry because it's not the type of attention you wanted

m8, I know this is Sup Forums, but if you tell random people that you jerked off to them, they're gonna be grossed out. This isn't your cartoons, nobody's flattered or turned on by that. If you're gonna do that, people are gonna call you out on it. You can't really blame them for it.

But she's just a slutty cosplayer.

but she very pretty t b h famlee


but she's very mentally ill like most cos-players

should make them all fuck off to japan desu


notice that when there is a pic all the child molester ricers dont post.


What are you on about?


It's normal for men too. Like when you get hit on by a gay dude and you act outraged but inside it's nice knowing someone finds you attractive enough to talk to you on the street.

The fucktard normie probably thinks animefags are not posting ITT. This is what happens when you switch off brains and decide not to read the thread

Her ears look like a goblin's

odaxelagnia is neat


I can't relate to that.

Yup it's Mei


>Zhè yàng kě yǐ dǎng zhù tā men

say no to the chilly chink of bad game mechanics

why yesm I am salty

my ex gf was a cosplayer weeb, she had shit taste in anime, the mental age of a 13 year old and started speaking like a fucktard to emulate 2d loli girls, her entire life revolved around "anime culture", she was also a massive attention whore and threatened to commit seppuku when I left her

I heard she now lives in Japan and works as a prostitute

that's a quote from the game overwatch that she's cosplaying

She's not Chinese.
You're a moron.
If she was actually Chinese that would be written in Hanzi.

No its not Vietnamese before you make that retarded claim.

>"ex gf"

She literally fucking says she's not asian you retard.


>I work at BestBuy

Explains a lot.

>using the smiley with the carrot nose

TFW bad thicc

Needs to lose like 20lbs


Are you trying to use XFS on your boot partition? You should probably just have your boot partition be ext4.

Clearly you've never been to Sup Forums

This. Is lacks tact.

literally gay

That sounds awesome. Idk why you had a problem. Unless she was some ugly, chubby cunt trying to act kawaii. Either way the outcome was pretty satisfying as well.

>costume play
>kostumu purei
>jap slang for fetishes

By finding someone attractive you are recognising EVERYTHING about them. I am applauding your makeup, wig and props when I say I spooged on your A4 printout.

>Native American
>Not Asian

You think chinese people type with latin characters?

You should stick to something thats not as likely to corrupt for your /boot partition for your kernel so usually I'll stick to something a little more stable like ext2.

Ill use xfs for partitions that generally has a lot of read/writes and a lot of data like a file server.

With that said, grub should be able to initially read from xfs but make sure your kernel has xfs compiled in and not as a module or you'll have to setup an initramfs in order to load and boot properly.

Sure thing bud

Go back to funnujunk faggot

dis bitch be ugly widdoud makeups

>dis bitch be ugly widdoud makeups


Who gives a fuck? Use object storage like CEPH.

wrong, don't be rude to cute girls

Who even gives a fuck what she thinks?

He used a attention-grabbing image to try and one up other threads for his own tech support thread.

We're giving him the attention he wanted

Where do you see the tech support retard?

>implying Japan wants them

And you are a virgin. He is right. She is fat, but still hot.

>fucking women

I'll take things Sup Forums has never done for $500, Alex.

Can somebody find some fucking cosplay on this bitch. Seriously. I see wigs and bikinis. And "uniform" cosplay.

It works just fine, Check you OS as exotic file systems often need helpers to load. Have you upgraded initramfs and associated cluster fuck?

what is your actual problem

how do you chainload grub to another grub

Can legacy grub boot efi files

id say youll need grub2

Would you be able to do it with grub2, with legacy bios mode

>Like when you get hit on by a gay dude
I get hit on by gay dudes every now and then but I never react outraged. I just tell them that I'm flattered but that I'm an otterkin and that I'm only interested in going out with otters.

They usually leave me alone after that.

Installing grub in Xfs file system is failing regardless of the distro


id say youll need grub

You know Asians are white, don't you?
There's no such thing as yellow or orange people or whatever. There's white, black and brown. There are some mixes of them, but Asians are mostly white, Europeans and North Americans too, Africa is a mix of Black and Brown, so is South America. Oceania is predominantly a mix of white and brown.