When your friends come over do you make them leave their portable botnets at the door or do you let them broadcast your...

When your friends come over do you make them leave their portable botnets at the door or do you let them broadcast your private space to the NSA, Google, Apple, and Facebook?

>your friends

>having friends

>they don't meet up with a local GLUG and do GNU/Linux things together
gosh user



I want Koufuku to come around my house and sit on my face.

>their local GLUG uses portable botnets

>clearly subbed


No I let them in and we enjoy ourselves. How rude.

Most of my friends are girls btw ;)

I didn't make it desu

go away chad



More likely if they call themselves a "LUG"

no one has ever come to my appartment but my parents

I don't get why you will go as low to post such bait, this shit right there is why Sup Forums is a worse place each day. No one is this autistic and only make real autist come here thinking they are in good company.

The only girl I text is my mom

>no one cares about being safe from the botnet

Dumb anime poster

Guess what kind of website this is
Hint: anime

He is saying that every user that post anime is usually dumb, not that the anime image posted is dumb.
Damn anime posters sure are dumb.

great thread

we should archive this XD it really contributes to the board XDDD

No, in this case the anime being posted is dumb.

>When your friends come over
You lost me

better make room for another video games card thread

How's the Stockholm syndrome treating you?
I hope you enjoy your portable botnet.

Come over for what?

Play SNES and drink pepsi? I'm not 15 anymore.

>friends are for kids
>waifus are for men

Funny meme, guys. Sup Forums isn't for you guys anymore.



>Gosh user, why are you such a loser?

she needs more art

What are friends like, Sup Forums?

Do you know how to read?

I never implied I don't have friends and anything related to anime is for manchildren.

That maki looks really nice

>we're such good friends that we don't hang out at each other's places

I only play sports with them, never invite them over.

>He doesn't have an onee-san to text when his mom finally kicks the bucket
should just kill yourself desu fampie

Sports are botnet.

>friends are family

Where can i get an outfit like ops?

You could have done "Find m

I'm not autistic so I allow them to take their personal devices inside.


Are you saying the user base is now reserved for redditors or something and that chan culture is essentially dead

Good friends are like family.

chuck please go.

My house is a faraday cage, so I'm not concerned about them broadcasting.
All of my friends are imaginary anyway, and they don't have phones.

That looks depressing.

>mfw reddit is colonizing Sup Forums

I thought you had a terrarium or a pet or something in the thumbnail, you're pathetic.

dumb makiposter

>botnets enter
>lose contact
>cache data
>botnets leave
>send data

Only when I meetup with my local antifa friends

baka desu senpai.

No. This is a general interest site and jap cartoon are just a tiny part of it

Only one otouto, life is hard.

anime website

>users of Sup Forums having friends

>tripfags having friends

Yeah I probably don't. I do after all post on Sup Forums.

No. This is a general interest site and jap cartoons are just a tiny part of it

Back to your containment board weeb

anime website

>weebs having friends

No. Back to your containment board weeb

pedocucks lololol its botnet desu desu

get the fuck real

anime website