why do you need a computer nowdays? An Iphone is as good or even better
Why do you need a computer nowdays? An Iphone is as good or even better
But it can't even play WebM
mp4 is better than webm
>no file manager
They're the same shit.
But iCloud Drive :^)
file manager is useless, just use the gallery
>still has hardware buttons
nice meme
because it is quality production, all the other shitty phones are cheap and don't have buttons
IPhones are disgusting. Limited software that feels like a prison. Only appealing to the normie masses
>current year
>not sporting a v10
butthurt poorfag can't afford superior Iphone
Only if you only store porn/instagram shit on your phone.
why would you need anything more?
>no expandable storage
>expandable storage
use the intern storage
>Baiting this hard.
But I'm bored so... Fuck you, as a mobile app dev, I'm fully qualified to tell you that certain hardware limitations are absolutely crippling. And while phones may be all we need someday, that day is not today.
>The EVO Plus 256GB raises the bar for capacity and performance of microSD cards thanks to Samsung’s advanced V-NAND technology, offering high read and write speeds of up to 95MB/s and 90MB/s, respectively. This level of performance will provide general consumers and professionals with superb user convenience for storing heavy-loaded, high-resolution photography and 4K video recording, as well as graphic intensive multimedia like virtual reality (VR) and gaming.
Daily reminder that most android phones support SDXC and therefore pic related. Write speed is up to 90MB/s btw.
An iPhone can't do this, so it'll never replace computers in any way, shape or form.
>An iPhone can't do this
are you retarded? you can connect an iphone with your computer.
That's not a computer my son, its a display, keyboard and mice.
>he doesn't know what Microsoft Continuum is
No you can't. You can connect it to itunes but never your computer. Android phones can do that not iPhones.
Lmao at sdcard plebs
Why do you need more than 128gb on a phone?
A Samsung pro with 128gb and 90mb/s r/w speed costs 70€ here. The 128gb iPhone costs 300€ more than the entry model in my country.
>Lmao at big cock plebs
>Why do you need more than 3" on your cock?
both are valid questions
But why do I need more than 128gb? What exactly do you do with it?
You cant do shit with an sdcard on android. Just store music or whatever. It only makes the phone even less secure.
Iphone has 400mb/s r/w fuck off
What are you talking about?
You can convert your ext storage as internal and use it to store additional apps. For people who listen to music, it's also helpful if you have lossless audio, or for people who use their phones for doing a lot of video or photo stuff.
android pajeets take pride in using their phones as storage devices and ignore the fact that you need to lug around a cable to do that
>lossless audio
Yeah you'll definitely recognize your fast storage in daily use. Your instagram screenshot thumbnails will load a hundredth seconds faster. Meanwhile I'll enjoy my bigger storage while you have to deal with iTunes and a locked down phone.
>what's WiFi
lmao @ icucks asking "hurr why do you need more than 128GB of storage, wouldn't you rather pay $1,000 for a 128GB device with no microsd slot hurrrrr?
>you need to lug around a cable
No you don't, lmao. There's a shit ton of apps that allow you to transfer files over wifi directly to your computer. Or if your computer has an SD card reader you can just pop it in and do it that way.
For a cuck.
sure m8 i love waiting 5 times longer
>You can convert your ext storage as internal and use it to store additional apps
Not really, afaik you can send some files from some apps to free some space. Which probably only makes android more laggy than it already is.
I'd rather have a phone with 128gb of internal storage than 64 or 32 and have to rely on external storage.
I have a lot of music in my phone and its not even over 60gb yet
I'd also rather have consistent software updates and a decent app store than anything else.
oh really? Can I transfer files beside videos and photos? Say Opus and FLAC files? :^)
>I've never used WiFi transferring
It's actually faster.
That's true for older android versions. That method got thrown overboard with marshmallow.
>unironically being poor and jelly
how does android M handles apps on sdcard?
also nobody cares about your hipster lossy formats, normal people make do with mp3
>modern mainstream audio codec format
>unironically spending ridiculous amount of money on faggy memes.
>muh fashion device
Read this again. The msd card gets formatted and will be used as internal storage. Apps are fully installed on it if you want that.
I literally never heard about it. That makes it certainly NOT mainstream.
see pajeet, normal people who get paid to do the needful don't need one device for everything. a phone is not meant to be a replacement for a desktop, if you don't live in rural india that is
>android is ugly laggy garbage
>phones don't even come with 128gb option
>b-b-b-but I can buy more storage
>most android phones
Nexus stopped supporting external storage, samshit is /csg/ crap with a fancy price tag. Google has killed the only feature that would make an Android worth using. Apple has won only because it's less shitty.
Then you obviously aren't interested into getting the best sound out of your hardware.
What? Are you able to read and understand what people have told you? I never said that smartphones replace desktops. But you're right android phones are capable of the most stuff that a desktop can do, your iPhone isn't.
>What is HTC
>53 replies, 21 posters
God damn it, Sup Forums.
What kind of shit router do you have? It should be similar speed to wired since it's local, not uploading to server on the internet and then downloading.
>have all this money
>too poor to spend it wisely
>best sound
>you're right android phones are capable of the most stuff that a desktop can do
>android manufacturers
Android beats iphone
This cant be serious if your smart you would have android iphones are garbage compared to android flagship phones
Iphone is literally the smartest purchase possible.
You're an idiot.
OK, but what if you want more storage? Should you go out and buy a new iPhone with double the amount of storage for 700$?
you're SOL, should have went with the 128GB option
apple is not for poorshits
This is relevant to real world use how exactly?
Reminder that Androidplebs pay a lot of money for companies that dont even give them software updates.
Android M is running on less than 10% of active devices. iOS9 runs on >90%
top lel
I'd rather buy a laptop for that price
How? iPhones are basically overpriced fashion accessories.
>speed is irrelevant to real world use
well, I wouldn't
similar speced phones cost just as much
software updates
good looking and consisten UI
less depreciation
OP probably posted this on his/her computer.
Nice bait, OP.
none of that is true
>tfw sold my iPhone 6s plus and bought an HTC 10
feels good, can't wait for pic related to go on sale.
>none of that is true
its all true user
It literally isn't which is why i sold my iPhone 6s plus. I personally experienced everything that is wrong with iPhones.
Opus is nearly lossless
It's bc of the pajeets using 5$ phones.
As I said earlier. Have fun with your instagram screenshot thumbnails loading a hundredth second faster. Meanwhile I have more storage while you have to deal with iTunes and a locked down phone that'll run slow with the next update after the next iPhone gets released.
How much is that samaung 256gb microsd card going to retail for anyway. Doesn't sound cheap.
>As I said earlier. Have fun with your instagram screenshot thumbnails loading a hundredth second faster.
>Meanwhile I have more storage
My storage is faster and 128gb is more than enough for me
>while you have to deal with iTunes
Sorry if apple prioritizes security
>and a locked down phone
Does everything I need
>that'll run slow with the next update after the next iPhone gets released.
Ahahah plebs don't even get updates
And its totally not true, my iPhone 5 was still running fine on iOS9.
Now that I have a 6s it will probably last another good 5 years getting full OS updates unlike android shit that will get a couple of updates at best.
Meanwhile apple keeps my phone safe and with the latest features so I can enjoy my superior appstore.
Its over
Apple won
Apple has a huge market in China and there's a lot uncertainty about the health of its economy as well as Apple's futur in China since the goverment there requires companies to give them greater access to customers data than the US goverment.
Why do poorfags like you have to be so jelly of apple?
>look at the stocks guise
>I swear apple is going to fail
as a facebook machine? sure. you are too retarded to understand things beyond shitposting with a computer.
It's been falling for the last year, normies are bored of apple, and apple is in almost $100B of debt. Things don't look good even with the iPhone 7 which is most likely gonna flop.
That is what you think
Iphones will never fail. Is a self sustainable culture now
>I swear guise apple will fail
Did you not read my post, normies are bored of apple now. This is extremely dangerous because this is what has kept apple rich for so long. If apple can't pay back its debt and keep accumulating more like it's doing right now then it's guaranteed to go bankrupt soon.
Getting into more and more debt is non-sustainable eventually shit will hit the fan.
Desktops will always exist, for most recreational uses, an iPhone or Android is enough. However, people still need to write papers, 3-D modelling, simulations, programming, run databases, etc. Phones have the same issues as laptops where you could try to have a desktop replacement but truly replacing a desktop would mean carrying around a bunch of peripherials, always needing an outlet, and paying a lot more for the same computing power. So you have a slightly more mobile desktop at a higher cost.
It's completely normal for a company to have debts of even 3x as much as their yearly profits. Show me a company that doesn't have a shit ton of debt
lr2economics m8
>normies are bored of apple now
>I swear guise they are bored
>I swear guise they will stop buying iphone
>I know this guise
>its true
>believe me pls
True but usually those companies sell services/products that people will always need not want (ie pharmaceuticals/construction tools). Nobody needs needs iPhones and currently most people don't want them either. Most people are now no longer interested in iPhones. And because apple can't put a gun go people's heads and force them to buy them then they will go into more debt and eventually go bankrupt.
I give apple another ~4 years before it goes bankrupt. Especially with other apple product sales like the ipad and macbook declining.
>currently most people don't want them either. Most people are now no longer interested in iPhones
This thread is about replacing a computer with an iPhone you fucking retard
>being this butthurt cuz u r 2 p00r for an iphone
I actually bought a non-contract iPhone 6 full price before I got a new non-contract android phone (full price too). I also have a 2k credit card fully paid off and more than that in savings.
For 80% of the population, yes