Two tabs open

>two tabs open
>check processes


Oh noes! It's almost like Chrome separates all extensions and tabs into separate processes so that if one crashes, it doesn't freeze the entire browser!

What could they possibly mean by this?

>no extensions
>two (2) tabs open


what did he mean by this

>he thinks extensions and tabs all the only processes getting separated

The BotNet Uploader™ could be another one...

>o shit waddup

The thread is chrome, the process is in chrome. Not all processes in a thread have to be running.

gee user you dont have enough ram for your browser? use dillo or wget poorfag

here come dat boi!


holy shit

oh shit waddup


oh shit waddup

mfw it runs much faster than firefox

oh shit waddup

>browser is so shit that a extensions are frequently crashing and freeze the whole process so that each one needs its own
Why do people even bother with Chrome.

>Extensions crash due to browser behaviour
Kek, you're a special one

>Why do people even bother with Chrome.
Because there is literally nothing better.
>muh Firefox
Doesn't sync with botnet API, so if I were to use it, Google Now™ wouldn't give me any accurate suggestions, also Google Keyboard™ wouldn't know what I type into Google Chrome™ or Google Docs™ and wouldn't give me appropriate auto-correct suggestions.

Also looks like shit by default

>Also looks like shit by default
At least it can be changed, Chrome eternally looks like ass

B-but Material Design is goat-tier

I guess it's subjective anyway

It's objectively hideous

You are objectively hideous, faggot

You don't even know what I look like, twat.

go install g-gentoo m-motherfucker

No thanks, I'm not into meme operating systems.