Post your screenshots

Post your screenshots

Get a job.

hello redd*t!
sage isn't a downvote!

I like this thread

We Banana pi now.

nice thread, share pape plis.


>dead battery
>anime wallpaper

Is it summer yet ?

>>dead battery
>>anime wallpaper
>Is it summer yet ?

Is it summer yet?

This post officially marks the beginning of summer

To away invictus, you are not wanted

don't reply to him.


I forgot my charger at home, HELP


Might as well post this too

>inb4 leddit


Well memed my friend


Hey miles

IPhone has something like that too, but I like my notifications.

Why is Kisumi so curious?


He seems similar to me in many ways.


Maybe because he is you

>IPhone has something like that too, but I like my notifications.
I only get notifications from clover but I can use the default browser when it is on

Kisumi ≠ Matt


Been ricing my windows PC, I fucking love your minimal design. OS? how2steal your look??

I like mine well enough. Loved it at the start but now it's meh.

You can't get any more normie than me. Try me. I don't know why I paid 20 USD just to post on a Vietnamese cave paintings run by Hiroshima Nagasaki.

Read your messages gwailo



I use arch (some say my windows rice is better than my arch rice). Please don't copy my rice, it is the most effort I put into something in a long time.

nice maki


Nothing special. Just normie shit.

On first use I thought this was dope but not any more. Used zooper widgets here and the lock screen is the same statue minus the gold additions, which I think is a neat change upon unlock.


Coming from a Nexus 5, the 6s+ is the best phone i've ever had.

>actually being Chinese unironically


But in all seriousness, I really am considering getting an Android phone soon so I can rice the shit out of it. iPhone icons get drab real quick.

Just get greenify, paired with root and xposed I have a two day battery life

Fair enough, it's clear you put effort in- it looks splendid! (Post your windows rice?) Any tips for getting into Arch? DESU I know less about Linux than I should, and hardly do any ricing on it. Just piddling with Debian.


No xposed 4 me
Does not work with stock Samsung roms atm. Will get greenify tho

I will look for it when I get home
Just use aui to install arch, or use the wiki. I recomend the wiki so you can fix things if they don't or stop working

Why do people keep thinking I'm multiple posters?

But I thought he was.
Now they're both interesting.

Whelp, was unaware that desu subbed in for that. Egg on my face.

Kisumi = Matias
Matt = a cute-poster



I don't believe you

believe it nerd


All those obscure apps. Lol.

5 years phone, going stronk. Also more money than friends.


Post it. What do you use it for?

I'm like you, but gayer and more pure.
But you guys told me that men x men action wasn't cute.

It's not. You ≠ Matt

jeez, okay man.

Are you retarded or...?

Are you so new you don't remember sage goes in all fields?

It's not hard to be gayer than a lolicon.
Are you Kisumi or am I being memed?

Gas the weebs

>9gag app installed
Leave now faggot.



np qt

I'm tired of going to work but I also wanna make money.

So you're not Kisumi, but you are a degenerate.

This thread is autosaging

that's kisumi

'skilled ricer for hire, $20/hr'

So he's both Kisumi and a degenerate?

kisumi IS a degenerate, he's literally a gay pedophile & was molesting a little boy and calling him his bf for a while

I don't believe you. They were probably like 16.


Unfortunately there seems to be 0 demand.

I don't believe you then.

he really is a gay pedo though, ask him yourself

Being a gay pedo doesn't mean you molested a 12 year old.

M-My cute thread is dying ;w;

desktop + mission control

Hi Joe.
Make a new one

qt tan anime girls

also demon qt

