Why didn't you buy bitcoins when they were memes?
Why didn't you buy bitcoins when they were memes?
>bitcoins climbed from 1 dollar to 5 dollars in 2011
> Sup Forums is like "buy now boys"
> know nothing about it but decide to give it a try
> plan to buy 200 for 1000
> transaction needs to go through shady russian site
> credit card and shit was entered, all i had to do was to click the confirm button
> chicken out
> missed out on 100k dollars because i am a pussy
>fancy buying something illegal from silk road
>buy 25BTC when they were ~6GBP each
>make a few purchases, still have around 20BTC left
>bitcoins jump to 1000USD
>feel like quitting while ahead and making profit
>2 days later, site busted, coins gone
1. should I get started on them now?
2. should i look towards other currencies? [ethereum or ripple or litecoin?]
3. do faucets really pay? are they worth the hassle?
4. do crypto-currency trading websites require whole bunch legal documents or all i need is an online wallet with coins in it?
Only get started on bitcoin if you have a time machine.
There is not going to be another bubble.
and to answer your question -
>Why didn't you buy bitcoins when they were memes?
i was too young. didn't know or care, and had no money of my own to buy any way.
which all cryptoc-urrencies should i be investing in now?
I'm still sitting on a few coins I mined a long time ago in cold storage. Didn't sell them at 1000 and been holding.
Would sell some if strapped for cash but most likely going to hold for awhile more.
I'm not in the human slavery or drugs business .
Because I'm not a criminal or a shady Russian guy.
Bought 20 when they were around 3 Ameriland fun bux each.
Spent and traded them away by the time they hit 100 or so. Thought I'd wait for them to drop again, but they jumped to a grand in fun bux each and I threw in the towel.
I got out more in value than I put in, so I'm content.
Unless you can find a better source to collect Satoshis, faucets aren't worth the effort.
It will have it's glory moments, but just like any currency it will fall soon enough.
they are still a meme
expensive meme
Yep it will never replace the dollar.
>Trump literally has x^2 that amount
i don't know, dogecoin looks like the meme of meme-currencies, like literally the parody of crypto-currencies.
>tfw do have 100 dogecoins because i went to a faucet website one day.
doesn't look that promising to me
i thought 1$/bc was the bubble
If you had bought 15 bitcoins in January of 2015, by the end of the year, you would have doubled your money. They were 200 and hit the 400 spike. Guess what? They're still going up. Instead of investing your savings into IRA roths like regular poor people, just put 5 bucks a week into bitcoin, you'll see your investment turn around better than leave it sitting in a bank.
1. Yes
2. Eth is currently crashing, wait till it stops. Ltc might be a good one right now, roadmap comming in 2weeks, very tasty updates
3. Faucets are bs unless your time is worth 0 or you can automate and escalate it like i did couple years ago
4. Fake email fake name no one will ask prolly, but do your homework, your wallet knows nothing about you, never sleep money in exchanges if you aint using it. Cold storage.
This guy knows nothing. Halvening incoming, many big pockets and names looking closely. There is no guarantees, but betting your life to it won't moon again is as retarded as all in and expect 100%moon
A legit source for buttcoins is bitcoin ranger for anyone that doesn't want to get burned.
I got burned at bitcoin-ex so stay away from that shit
Why the fuck are people still making new kinds of coins?
Why do we need Litecoin, Dogecoin, Fedoracoin, Ripple, NEM, are these all made in the hopes they mine 100,000 of them when they're easy and sell them all when they reach 10$?
I made some pretty good money on bitcoin. We hosted miners just as it hit $800. People wanted their miners up and running asap and we were 20 mins away from a hardware manufacturer. So for those who didn't want UPS/Fedex shitting on the packages for 3-7 days took our colocation service instead. The first ones out made $1200/day for the first 2-3 weeks, per machine.
>why didn't you buy a lottery ticket last week, you could've become a millionaire!
That's why he'll make America great again.