Is Stallman just not very self aware?
Is Stallman just not very self aware?
Other urls found in this thread:
>these are the issues freetards struggle with
>stuffs burgers and salutes Windows XP flag while firing off botnet bullets into the air
>this is a freetard's vision of what it means to be a functional member of society
what an autistic manchild
What exactly is the problem here? If people don't want to run non-free software, they should have the option not to. Isn't that the point of the FSF?
h-how does stallman order pizza?
Just mad webdevs that they have to do the processing on their own machines instead of offloading everything to their users
>If people don't want to run non-free software, they should have the option not to.
but you do. It's not a God given right that you must be able to connect to McDonald's WiFi through free software. You don't have to connect at all.
>pajeet and his GNU inadequacies
where are your frogs and fedora dog
It's not a God-given right but if people can make it so that I can, why shouldn't they?
Every thread. Kill yourself.
If someone doesn't want to run nonfree JavaScript, who cares?
What the fuck does this have to do with anything, pajeet?
"Free Wifi" is printed on their door.
He was taking a nap
>It's not a God given right
It's not a God given right to have self esteem since all you need to believe in is Him. I see why you freedom haters hate yourselves so much and have such a terrible personal hygiene
Nonfree javascript is mostly about hijacking browsers to do things you should be doing on the server end instead.
If their javascript was absolutely, vitally important to do what is being done, it should be put under a free license.
I pay for data because public wifi exists only to data mine you
You think the fucking MTA will just give you internet free of charge?
I need to fucking leave this place
Stallman is kind of a autistic faggot. i bet he browses the web in pure code.
>Nonfree javascript is mostly about hijacking browsers to do things you should be doing on the server end instead.
No it isn't. It's just JS with a license you don't like. Also, the McDonalds Wifi's Nonfree JS doesn't replace 'server end' (server side) code, because it's not for a webpage. It's just for checking your web browser's information in ways that server-side code can't.
>If their javascript was absolutely, vitally important to do what is being done, it should be put under a free license.
Do I even need to give you a counter argument for this? I don't even think you thought about it before you posted.
>God given right
What about nonfree PHP? Those PHP scripts could be doing invisibile things in your page, tracking your traffic, etc. And you couldn't see shit, because it runs on the server.
That's the point, it runs on the server. It doesn't use your hardware
>runs on the server
>doesn't run on your machine
Where's the problem here?
If their javascript is more than that, see the second sentence.
>Do I even need to give you a counter argument for this?
For what, that software you are expected to run should be freedoms-respecting?
>doesn't have't
RMS doesn't mind getting fucked in the ass when he can't see it.
You've taken an argument over something completely unrelated after you said something extremely stupid, and backed it up with "well if I'm not right it shouldn't be nonfree!" That isn't important in this context. No one has disagreed with your right to use free software. I'm using a 100% free Parabola system right now. Stop sperging, autist.
The first paragraph was about nonfree javascript in general, not specifically McDonalds' javascript. This was in reply to "What does this have to do with anything?"
The second paragraph was more specific to this case. Software that you need to run should be free.
>Stop sperging, autist.
What do you mean by this?
He means you're sperging, autist.
Yes, thank you, fellow user who is definitely a third party to this conversation :^)
Dafuq is this
free as in beer, not as in freedom
>He is too dumb for freedom
Stallman reminds me of religious nutts and clergy men who due to their stupid archaic beliefs live int he past and inconvenience themselves and everyone they come into contact with.
Fuck free software and this lard ass nigger. Linux community is purest form of cancer and rightfully being ignored by mainstream users and businesses aside from servers which is what it was intended for.
>which it was intended for
Do you have a source for that?
Chromebooks aren't servers, user. Neither are phones.
"I never intended Linux to be run on home computers and this is exactly the field where it never took of. I'm quite happy with that."
-Linus Thorwalds, 2009
That is no longer Linux, Google branched out with their own ChromeOS. Even Android is not Linux but a standalone OS that was upon Linux.
If you don't know what purpose Linux serves in the market you don't belong on Sup Forums.
>ChromeOS doesn't use Linux
>Android doesn't use Linux
Actual quote:
>The desktop hasn’t really taken over the world like Linux has in many other areas, but just looking at my own use, my desktop looks so much better than I ever could have imagined. Despite the fact that I’m known for sometimes not being very polite to some of the desktop UI people, because I want to get my work done. Pretty is not my primary thing.
>I actually am very happy with the Linux desktop, and I started the project for my own needs, and my needs are very much fulfilled. That’s why, to me, it’s not a failure. I would obviously love for Linux to take over that world too, but it turns out it’s a really hard area to enter. I’m still working on it. It’s been 25 years. I can do this for another 25. I’ll wear them down.
>what purpose it serves == what it was intended for
Stop trying to rewrite history shitlord
I gave Linux 5 years of time to get its act together. It keeps letting me down in terms of pathetic drivers that perform worse than generic Windows drivers. With substantial loss of performance and quality of sound, video, wifi and whatnot, it is a complete failure. Minor tasks like formatting your USB, opening and burning ISO to USB, ripping a disc and in some distros simply handling .rar and .zip files is a project waiting to happen.
I don't give a fuck how secure your system is if it is not usable. I am not some run of the mill nigger who doesn't understand operating systems, but I have no patience to deal with a half baked inferior OS where I can't run 90% of my software applications.
>Sees actual quote
>Le don't try to change history
XD go kill yourself pathetic fucktard
a run off the mill nigger who crawled back to windows
Sooner or later, everyone does when they need a working system. All the Linux desktops posted on Sup Forums are running in VM, no one actually uses it as their main.
I use windows 7 inside a VM
>when they need a working call of duty box
I did use Arch Linux as a main OS for four years. I went back to Windows because I ended up building a gaming rig, and as you know, gaming boxes need a gaming OS such as Windows.
It can still track your traffic, save data about your browser or interaction with the site, etc etc.
What I was trying to say is that, at least Javascript is not invisible, you can see the scripts, you can unminify them, you can see what it's doing. With PHP, you can't even see what the site is doing with your data.
>what the site is doing with your data
Literally so what? You sent that data willingly and wittingly, at least if you don't run nonfree software. You didn't tell them something you weren't okay with them knowing, right?
Consider it like this: they can't know what you do with the stuff they send you, and you can't know what they do with the stuff you send them. They didn't send you company secrets, so why would you send them personal secrets?
He's probably referring to the captive portal software McDonald's runs.
I doubt it uses JavaScript though as all the author stuff is done on the back end.
Linux can't run photocuck or play manchild games. Good.