What area of computer science is it good to specialise in?
What area of computer science is it good to specialise in?
What are you interested in?
social justice so you can crybully your way to getting paid to be shit at everything
large scale software development to boss the code monkeys around
Anime desktops
Gentoo Instalation engineering
My FOS is artificial intelligence.
graphics and APIs
Don't even bother with a meme degree like CS
Pure math.
Is a cs degree even worth it?
advanced dynamics of shitposting
Assembly language.
or data science
network security or shitting inside of a jar
Big number is a very open field and pays well, but boring as fuck. Mobile is fun and open.
>data science
Buzzword for "statistics"
Not quite, statistics is actually a valid field.
If you want to work in the world of computer science , unless your developing very specific software, you literally want to do the oposite and generalise your knowledge of things in all areas.
this or some of those
/thread ;^)
>300k a year doing pure math
the dankest meme
Left wing politics because you picked it up at university during your impressionable years.