>linux font rendering
Linux font rendering
Linux font rendering (upscaled without interpolation).
Same but on non-web text that's smoothed better.
Much nicer than windows.
Linux font rendering
still better than cleartype/directwrite shit
My fonts look fine in Linux
Ahhh the good old "I ran out of arguments against linux so I complain about something retarded like the font rendering" thread.
chromeos master race
I don't understand this meme.
Uhh.. You might want to enable sub pixel rendering
and here's OS X font rendering
sidenote, more sites should have dead simple desktop clients like this
My god, i dont even like OSX but its font rendering makes me hard.
>wiki to dog's anus tier city
danm right
Are you trying to prove something? Zooming into a website will still keep the fonts clean on any OS.
What does the kernel have to do with font rendering?
>Windows font rendering
Of course yours looks better, it's higher resolution
That looks like shit, desu
I lived there for several years
assuming employment isn't a problem I'll take it over San Francisco or New York any day without question. Can't really compare it to any other major cities though.
>using a LoDPI screen in 2016
I'm a student, I use what I can get.
You're not making a useful comparison of font rendering, was just pointing that out
you're probably white so were treated as a god there, of course you prefer that shithole. you're the scum of the earth
That looks really bad compared to
>that hideous default sans-serif
OS X is the undisputed master
Deja Sans and its variants are so fucking ugly. Why is it so wide?
nah, I look like a half-asian so for the most part I was treated like any other person. on trains for instance japanese people would often make halos of empty space around other foreigners but that never happened to me
Uhhh... Yours does look better than his but it still looks like shit
I have less hinting, and I like it that way.
What do you suggest, liberation sans?
Guess OS & browser
most half gooks look like full gooks you fucking brainwashed nigger
Open Sans and PT Sans aren't half bad. If you want something Helvetica-ish there's Roboto, and personally think the Ubuntu font family looks good
fagOs and Fagowser
> yfw even iOS has better font rendering than Linux
Because you fucking retards won't enable full font hinting since you're fat, blind and gay.
This is the true DejaVu Sans.
That looks like shit compared to
And it looks to sharp to me. Literally my eyes hurt. Hence, why I'm using slight.
That's still pretty ugly.
Linux doesn't have font rendering because it's just a kernel.
you're trolling right? There's no way you use this shit right?
Kill yourself, blind fucks.
Unlike, which places font rendering IN the kernel.
>mutilated glyphs are good and anybody who disagrees is stupid
Some people even use python so they must have a high tolerance for stuff that looks like shit.
Does iOS have the same font rendering as OS X?
*unlike windows
feels GNU/Good
> i like my fonts blurry and fat like myself
It's 99% identical except iOS font rendering uses greyscale AA instead of subpixel AA in order to support orientation switching properly.
sry, I have better things to spend my money on than new computers.
It's been mathematically prove that you can't have good font rendering unless your DPI is higher than what's currently sold on mainstream machines including retina laptops.
fuck off rms
looks like ass
use fucking droid sans faggot
This is true
Enjoy the "subpixel rendering" meme, low DPI faggot.
Solid Sup Forums tier post
> 2880 x 1800
> low dpi
>dots per inch
>posts dots
>doesn't post inches
Sup Forums - technology
dosnt matter
i fuck ur mom
My win 8.1 cleartype shit looks exactly the same as OP's image
fuck off faggot
That looks like shit
> cleartype
>96 font size
Yes, you don't understand at all. Your mother forgot to take folic avid when she was pregnant with you
W10 with MacType using the iOS profile
kill me
>that cringeworthy kerning
Only if you use a distro that doesn't have them configured and can't configure them yourself.
Im guessing you disabled directwrite on your browser... right?
Otherwise macytpe doesnt work for shit on browsers
>and here's OS X font rendering
fucking miserable poorfags
>What do you suggest
Ubuntu. Yes, the actual typeface.
In El Capitan
Got a link for mactype? As far as i know the old one was broken
>serif font on a screen
Apple's designers must have all eaten too many radioactive dicks.
Typical Windows user
Serifs are fine on screens as long as you've got a high enough pixel count. The only reason computer-optimized fonts were ever different from print-optimized fonts is because up until recently, screen detail levels relative to print have been abysmal.
Now that non-potato screens are starting to become the standard, the age-old, finely-tuned, and battle-tested guidelines developed for print are becoming relevant for on-screen text as well. Given another decade or so there will be no difference between screen text and printed text.
>Windows font rendering