Going full Linux on laptop

Going full Linux on laptop

I don't want to rice, I want decent feature ootb ( I run awesome on my dev VMs).

I just want comfiness, stability and Eye Candy.

I'm leaning towards Gnome 3 or KDE,

what are some nice ones?

Kubuntu or Fedora

Hows KDE nowadays? Still bloated and memory hog?


KDE and Gnome are pretty nice ootb on Arch Linux.

Ok sticking with GNOME then

Install kubuntu and you'll become another one of the people who don't like KDE.

Uhhh.. It's KDE Plasma is fully featured. It's obviously heavier than a DE that has the only goal of being tiny. But it's much more functional and its qt apps are the best

Why not.. Xubuntu?

What KDE distro do you suggest the then?

Not any more of a memory hog than Gnome really, but buggier still.
Why would you complain about the "bloat", though?
The tons of features are the whole point of using KDE.

Need eye candy. XFCE is good, but MATE is better.

>i just want comfiness, stability and Eye Candy
sounds like you want XFCE

that's literally been my experience with xfce so far

Install Kubuntu.
KDE Plasma 5 looks awesome.

Ive tried xfce before

I dont like how it looks, it reminds me of a hacked out MATE

I recently switched from Windows to elementaryOS and it has worked out great so far!

With a few tweaks here and there (changing the File Manager mainly) its a blast to use.

Try Lubuntu.

>I dont like how it looks
Change the theme, you dolt

>it reminds me of a hacked out MATE
MATE is a fork of GNOME 2

Xfce has been around longer than that.


Shut up


Chakra. Kaos. opensuse. Neon. Manjaro.

Ubuntu MATE


I've decided on GNOME

thanks mates

Xfce for laptop no doubt

Mint kde, if you choose anything else you will regret it

>no eye candy

every user and his mom installed numix, pleb.