What is a lightweight linux os? It has to be able to run on a machine with half a gig of vram and 2 gigs of ddr2 ram, along with a core 2 duo. Should be able to run well, without fucking lagging to shite.
Any suggestions?
also post your favorite lightweight linux os's
John Rivera
Nathan Miller
Samuel Sanders
Samuel Stewart
android? ???
Kayden Brooks
Does it need a desktop environment? If not just install Debian or something.
Chase Young
which is more lightweight debian or lubuntu
Aiden Howard
I'm asuming you're a noob so it's better to stay in the *buntu zone. A c2d and 2GB of RAM are good for most distros. I'd recommend Xubuntu or Ubuntu MATE. Lubuntu is meant of really old computers so you don't need that.
If you consider yourself not that much of a noob, go for openSUSE/Debian and choose a light DE (again XFCE or MATE).
All these distros just werk but you can find a lot more online support for the *buntus, that's the only real difference.
Caleb Brown
512mb of vram, 2gb of ram and a core2duo is plenty to run pretty much any distro.
Ubuttnutt with windowmaker idles with 70-90mb of ram.
Example: ubuntu is currently running cleaning on my T40 with 512mb of ram, 16mb of vram and a 1.3ghz pentium m
Jonathan Reed
browsers will eat up your RAM regardless of OS.
Jason Martin
How is lubuntu on a powerbook g4?
Dylan Morales
Gentoo Arch Lubuntu
Lucas Jenkins
Kayden Wood
Ubuntu Mate would run fine.
Zachary Jones
debian ? takes 54mb with X + aweseomwm running
Logan Edwards
I am going to install lubuntu the goal was to make the machine a download server where i ssh into it and youtube-dl some content that i want it to.
I don't need it to do anything more than that.
Josiah Collins
Luke Stewart
Why not just run XP? Anyway, Debian with Mate or XFCE will be fine. LXDE looks to awkward to me.
Noah Sanchez
Arch uses less while playing music and having a cool riced desktop
Samuel Butler
hello Jordan fuck me in the ass please
Thomas Gomez
Xubuntu is pretty good. I have arch with xfce on my netbook and it runs pretty well as well. I found that my biggest issue wasnt ever the ram but the cpu being underpowered.
William Rodriguez
Sorry, I'm not interested in sex. I do masturbate once a week but I couldn't bare the thought of physical sexual contact. When someone brushes against me and touches the skin even on my arm it makes me grind my teeth and want to pull out my hair. I hate it.
Colton Barnes
Lubuntu or Xubuntu.
Dylan Gomez
>2 gigs ddr2
bitch, I'm running a computer with just one. pick some distro, use XFCE or LXDE. prepare your anus when using firefox. the fucker will eat your ram