as an owner of an overclocked 8320 it's hard to recommend because it's so old . i love mine though
Bentley Wood
Yeah, the age is really the only thing I am worried about.
Eli Garcia
>AMD FX 8350 >Intel i7 6700k
Intel CPUs get 3-5% better every generation. If you wait for Zen you can use it atleast 6-8 years.
Wait for AMD Zen. It will be cheap.
Isaac Hill
How cheap?
Joseph White
Will the Zen be the same price or cheaper than the FX 8350? I have an ancient 2-core processor (Athlon ii x2 260) I'm trying to decide whether or not I should continue this two-core suffering
Thomas Adams
There is no specific price leaked yet but AMD said the best AMD Zen will cost as much as mid-range Intel CPUs.
I normally buy my CPUs in bundles on Ebay (CPU + mainboard + RAM) and the price is mostly as high as the CPU only (sometimes +50€)
Michael Allen
>Buying expensive things on eBay
Bentley Phillips
Getting knockoffs is what worries me about buying things off of ebay. How do you manage to get bundles for the cost of the CPU only? I was searching e-bay for fx-8350 bundles and most of them are in the $300+ range.
Oliver Wilson
Yeah, any time i shop online it's strictly Amazon Prime. I won't touch anything on Amazon even unless it's got that Prime tag, even if it means paying a few bucks extra (but that free 2 day shipping :3).
Luis James
Always worked. I just buy from Austria and Germany and I always got my stuff.
I don't know if there are such bundles in USA. My Ebay-bot finds these bundles one time a month. Mostly they come from Germany which is no problem for me because I am an european
I just use Ebay and Aliexpress and mostly I buy cheaper than on Amazon.
Xavier Butler
Hmmm. I suppose I'll have to do some research. I really do need a CPU upgrade though. I can't stream the games I play. :(
Carter Rogers
> Is the AMD FX 8350 still one of the better AMD CPUs?
It's fairly good for DX12.
John Walker
No upgrade general....
Should i upgrade my i7 sandy-E 3820 on an x79 asus WS?
I play some games ( bf4) but mostly use it for R , mathcad, matlab, some programming, and porn.
Chase Cooper
Assuming you have a CPU cooler already I just picked an 8300 and can OC it to 4.5ghz at 1.4xx volds no problems
the board also has USB 3.1 and M.2
But you should only buy the 8 core if you A hate intel, or B need 8 threads
CPU: AMD FX-8300 3.3GHz 8-Core Processor ($118.90 @ Amazon) Motherboard: ASRock 970A-G/3.1 ATX AM3+/AM3 Motherboard ($73.98 @ Newegg) Memory: Crucial 16GB (2 x 8GB) DDR3-1600 Memory ($49.99 @ Amazon) Storage: Western Digital Caviar Blue 1TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive ($46.98 @ OutletPC) Video Card: XFX Radeon R7 370 2GB Core Edition Video Card ($119.99 @ Amazon) Case: Deepcool TESSERACT BF ATX Mid Tower Case ($31.99 @ SuperBiiz) Power Supply: EVGA 650W 80+ Gold Certified Semi-Modular ATX Power Supply ($67.49 @ Amazon) Total: $509.32 Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available Generated by PCPartPicker 2016-05-14 17:30 EDT-0400
Colton Roberts
Ignore the rest of that, meant to only leave the 8300 and that ASrock board
I could push the OC higher, 1.5V is probably the max anyone would want to do, but I don't want to risk damage trying to hit 4.7ghz, I leave it at 4ghz unless I'm going to play a CPU intensive game
Adam Evans
Depends on how much you're willing to spend. x99 motherboards and CPUs are rather expensive, and you wouldn't gain all that much from upgrading to skylake quadcore. Broadwell-E is supposed to come out in a few weeks, so it might be worth waiting for that even if the advantage over haswell-E won't be that much unless you pay for the rumoured 10-core flagship.
Kevin Peterson
dx12 when?
Bentley Watson
Thanks. I can wait.
If i build a new system. Im looking at $3500-4500 usd before monitor.
I would like to ditch my dual 24" set up and get a 4k
Hunter Ward
The FX-8350 outranks the FX-8300 right?
Hunter Carter
They're all the same chip, the 8350 is just guaranteed to hit 4ghz on 1.3V I have to go to maybe 1.5 to be stable at 4ghz, I think it's a bit lower than that but stll
Doesn't necessarily mean the average 8350 will OC higher than the 8300
Carson Jenkins
>8300 >4c/8t I'll accept the 4 module 8 logic core bs. But this image is outright incorrect. The 8300 is an 8 core cpu. Got a source on that price range? Because the only thing I've seen is amd stating they're not going to be "the budget brand cpu" anymore. Though with using 14nm that could help keep their prices down significantly. Id expect to see an 8 core zen going for the same price as an entry level i7. If not more.
For gaming keep in mind dx12 scales best on 6 cores, and current info shows it capping at 8 cores with 8c/16t giving maybe 1-2% improvement over 8c flat. Personally I think it would be amazing to see an 8 core zen / Polaris 10 apu. They've already stated that am4 will have support for integrated hbm2, so we might even see Vega apus appear in the enthusiast / enterprise markets. Considering they claim to have a 32c zen apu with a gpu >2x the size of all 32 cores combined with up to 32gb of Hbm 2 memory for hppc. Things could get very interesting.
Nathan Carter
Yeah, that's what I was thinking. I am betting Zen will be $300+ for an entry level...
And aren't Zen just 16 core?
Evan Hughes
They're only releasing the server zen parts first because that's where all the money is, desktop zen APUs were for mid 2017
Ayden Perez
No, zen will be scalable up to 16 core per die, and they have plans for a 32 core 2 die cpu on an interposer.
Also CPU boss is horrible, passmark is less worse They're the same silicon, just buy the 8300 with a better heatsink and that asrock board, and you're set
Kevin Walker
I don't know OP, but i can tell the faggots posting graphs in this thread only 1 thing: Unless your graphs include comparisons of the following, get the fuck out: 1. Dwarf Fortress 2. Distant Worlds 3. Planetside 2 or any MMO (MMOs are especially CPU intensive in cities and shit).
That's for gayming. As far as other programs go, i'm afraid Intel has an edge, but what you would buy depends on what you use OP.
Lincoln Wright
I game and that's about it. I enjoy MMOs and streaming. Marvel Heroes 2016, Wildstar, SWTOR, etc. etc.