There must always be a Speccy thread

There must always be a Speccy thread.

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Should I consider suicide?


You should buy a quad core Phenom II like the X4 965 on eBay for $20 fampai. Still decent CPUs for most tasks.

I was thinking of splurging on one of the FX-series, either an 8350 or 6300.

Waste of money at this point. Wait for Zen to deliver us from Intel's 5% a year kikery.

>those high as fuck timings
Makes me not want to jump to DDR4

Your motherboard only supports 95W CPUs at most. So the 8350 is ruled out. But the 6300 is a possibility. Just make sure it is updated to the latest BIOS. 6300s are still somewhat expensive though so you may just want to wait for Zen and do a motherboard, cpu, RAM, etc.


>doesnt understand how RAM works

It's not all about the timings.

I want to buy this, and i plan on buying a 1080p 144hz monitor with it.

If you can spare any money i'd recommend 2666mhz RAM or faster as it actually seems to make a difference for some games (GTA 5 is a big one)


But h170 mobos dont support anything higher than 2133mhz. And getting a z170 just for the ram is kinda dumb.

I know, it's about frequency and ram timings.

Higher frequencies don't mean shit if the latencies are really high, they will just cancel each other out

>don't mean shit if the latencies are really high


What do you keep posting? How does that prove anything

AIDA64 memory scores, first post was Read speed, second post was Latency.

You're claiming DDR4 has shit latency even if frequency is high. I'm proving you wrong by showing you that isn't the case compared to other setups.

So higher on the chart to the top means a higher score?


built today

CPU is at 4.7GHz with 1.38V

Can you not read a basic chart? It's all labeled mate.

I also cut it off fairly short, the list extends further down.

Can you cook some steak for me on that gpu? Well done please, but that shouldnt be a problem.

Did you pirate windows? And why no gpu?

That's just coming off a benchmark. Normally it idles at around 45c.

>well done
Get out.

So the latency is a function of the clock speed and the timings?

yes and the integrated graphics appear to be sufficient - to my surprise



Yes. You can have higher timings with higher frequencies because the end result is no more latency than low timings with low frequencies, but you also get the massively increased bandwidth.


>he fell for the Intel meme

Does the increased bandwidth help with gaming?

4,000 gb of ram
dam dude

it clearly says 400GB.

Which is still a shitload.

What the fuck that comma is doing in there, I don't know.

some games yes, most games no.

Europeans use commas to denote decimal places for some stupid reason.

TL;DW: The Witcher 3 benefits more from faster memory than a CPU overclock. GTA V likes it too. Most games don't care.


My nigga


At least we dont live in poverty. What 3rd world country are you from mate?

uhh, the global superpower one.

that invented the internet and RAM.

Oh that 3rd world nigger country near canada? You dont have the right to talk about our system.


Hi guys,How old could my computer be according to my spec? I forgot completely when i build It.

Every day until new computer

2012 most likely. That's when the 3570K was released and the GTX 500 series was two generations old by 2013.

come at me

considering an upgrade - what's the first thing to replace?

Also speccy lies, it's 3.2GHz, not 2.3.
Same for RAM clock but it lies about that on every system.

Yeah I thought It is 3 or 4 years, Maybe I upgrade next year because Zen n stuff could make it cheaper.
I did not feel real need to upgrade tho[and I do game] but new games try to run on old machines for better sales.
My real issues is over-heating at summer.I use just stock spinning machines and one very little pre-build in my computer case. [no space for more]

Fite me

H-How d-d-did you 10gb ram? Do they even sell 5gig rams or 4x 2.5

What the fuck is this shit

>mfw I don't even game
Man, shit sure does compile fast...

8gb + 2gb
Is not that hard user.

A program that shows PC specifications screenshot.

8+2? I did not hear good things about mixing ram.

more RAM = more POWER




what the fuck

The graphics card is the only thing you need to replace in the near future. The rest will run any game out there fine.


Did I fuck up?

What should upgrade first?

Your PC

>I'll check the motherboard when I feel like it.

Anyways, I'm planning on adding a 600 Watt PSU to this pre-built and I'm wondering if the R9 380 4GB model is okay enough for some modest gaming.

Should've gotten 32 gigs then, senpai.

Toshiba laptop? I like it.

stop buying pre builts

I already have.



I had a 1.3Ghz singlecore CPU and a 16mb Video card, paired with a 10GB hdd in use.. later 2x512mb ram for years and an Athlon x2 3800+ and Linux 3d Desktop always worked fine :)

just optimize what you got like I had to with that type of system


>single channel

Add another stick

Seriously, the HD 530 graphics chip is bretty gud. It's surprisingly powerful considering it was free.

Whoops, forgot to post my pile of shit. My SSD died and now I'm sure which one I should get to replace it.

>only one DIMM of RAM

Yep, you fucked up, but it's fixable.

what is your 4790k overclocked to? mine isn't overclocked atm and it idles at 32~c. what cooler do you have? or is it just cold where you are? jealous of your temps

Main system is just under 2 years old

Just built this today. I'm waiting for Polaris to be fully announced to get a GPU.

Lets hope AMD doesn't fuck it up.

what do Sup Forums, it's never gone over 100

Take laptop apart, reapply thermal paste.

Nice one, cheers

Here's mine

It's gonna blow up soon

I hope not :D

built it this december

I guess I went overkill with it because the only games I play are crusader kings 2, heroes of the storm, wow and csgo.

meming it up

It's this thread full of tech illiterates again !


in yo face

Literally housefire

>MSI motherboard
>GTX 960
>sound card

Yep, you're not wrong.

All of those were bought for perfectly valid reasons

I'm late.
also I'm a Waitfag.

What's a good keyboard for low/mid/high priceranges?