Today I got my BS in computer science

Today I got my BS in computer science.
Where the fuck is that 100k starting that you promised me back in highschool, Sup Forums? I want my fucking money.

What, you haven't moved to SF and created a successful startup yet? It's easy.

It should be coming in the post along with the complementary anime mousemat.


>Where the fuck is that 100k starting
india probably

Cool, I hope you did some internships and got at least 1 years worth of experience in or enjoy working at MgROnalds.

Have fun competing with pajeet and all the other h1bs. Thank the colleges and US gov't for gaming you.

What internship lasts for one year and also allows you to study full time?

I don't know, but there's no excuse for not having at least one years worth of experience in the actual field.

That sounds as stupid as job descriptions that demand 5 years experience in a technology that was fully released three months ago.

You're generally expected to have done at least 1 summer internship. Ideally 2 or 3. I did 2 myself, and got an offer before graduation. Still working there.

Notice how some jobs offer a salary starting from min to max? Enjoy that min, fag.

most of them
if you were smart, you organised your timetable in
>school to two or three days, spent in part-time jobs / internship rest of week
>morning to launch school, afternoon job internship/job (or reverse)
and enjoyed social life in the nights and weekends

if didn't, you are a massive faggot who couldn't think even a few months into a future and deserve to land in cuckdonalds serving french fries

A CS degree means nothing

Most people with CS degrees are incompetent af

>mfw I don't even have a degree and make something like $75k a year doing free lancing writing web apps in MemeScript


every uni, no matter if some top3 or your local dipshit university, always has at least some quality professors.. of course MIT and other similar tier will have more of them while locals one shit few

if op is lucky, gets into their class, and actually has brain and learns, he would be at least competent in that degree from which he could start after graduation.. sadly we have another mcdonalds cashier in the world

No student controls what classes they get during the week. For all you know, you might get something timetabled 5 days in the week.

>at least 1 years worth of experience
2 years or you wasted your time
even with that, you still fucked up if you don't have a job lined up for right after you graduate

generally you do several internships through out your time in academia

Ayyyyy I just graduated too. Computer engineering

Go to microsoft or google

Where the unholy fuck do you live where you can't choose from different classes with different timetables?

Lel, I literally had a 110k offer before I graduated.

You fucked up

You didn't fill your quota of sucked dicks.

Link to your github? Not kidding, I'm hiring a new consultant in SF right now. 62k/yr (negotiable) salary, bonuses, full medical/dental, and 80 hours paid vacation. I've had this posted for over a week and have had very few acceptable candidates.

I'd prefer it if you were at least A+/Network+ certified, and would like to see which projects you've contributed to so I can better assess your interests and skills. I get that people pass up on the A+ cert because it lacks difficulty, but it's valuable for our clients. If you don't have any certs but I think you'll do well with us, that's fine, but you'll need to pass an A+ practice exam as a bare minimum (very easy with a CS degree), and I'll pay for you to take your A+/Network+ if you're hired. I give raises yearly, but only to those who have earned a new cert over the course of that year. My highest paid employee makes 220K as a project manager, so there's certainly room to grow.

Not going to go in depth in a Sup Forums post, but post your github, I'll review it, and you'll hear from either me, or a project manager, sometime in the morning tomorrow. We do check references and expect prior work in the field, even if it was a single summer internship.

If anybody else wants to post their github as well, go for it. We're located in the financial district downtown and will have 1-on-1 interviews this Thursday.

>6 figs
m a x i m u m
k e k

I believe the British system does it

I just graduated too.

I got a job teaching middle school world history starting this August.

I'm gonna be moving from California to Vermont.

depends on the area you're looking. if you're looking at jobs in the sf bay area or manhattan you can hit 100k starting easy, but its piddly shit for the cost of living there.

I started at 60k with my BS in SE 2 years ago and I've tripled my salary since then (>tfw meritocracy) But I also live in flordia in a place where cost of living is dirt cheap

but thats a wimpy course load - weekday afternoons are labs to 6pm you'll get maybe one afternoon a week free with a full load

Are you a female?

>living in commiefornia

This is why you must vote for Trump.

Negative, you can choose which classes you attend. It's not a fucking prison. If I'm paying super bucks for my course I expect to be able to have freedom in how I study. Professors and lecturers can get fucked - I'll learn however I want and if I get shit grades, it's my fault.