>people learning
>complaining WAH MUH SEKRIT CLUB ;~; instead of being happy that more people are learning an increasingly necessary skill

kill yourself you fat fucking neet

I want normies to leave

You ARE the normie, dipshit.

normie pleb

Where do you think you're posting?

>Womyn programmer posting about it on normiebook

>instead of being happy that more people are learning an increasingly necessary skill
if anything it's become a decreasingly necessary skill. how is it becoming an increasingly necessary skill?

It's becoming increasingly necessary because the sheeple are waking up and realizing that using a computer without knowing how to program really just means you're the one that's getting used.

>increasingly necessary
Weird, can't remember the last time my computer greeted me with a BASIC prompt

bragging about using languages that were the norm in the 2ks haha sounds like cc normies

And where are you getting all this? I am pretty sure you're quoting Richard Stallman word for word and pulling the rest out of your ass.

None of the languages mentioned in the OP pic are BASIC you absolute pancake.

The notion that the big companies like Apple and Microsoft are discouraging casual users from learning to program as a way to manipulate them is something I came up with before even knowing who RMS was.

Can't remember getting a C++, C#, C or Java prompt either

Right, but where are you getting the idea that
>the sheeple are waking up and realizing that using a computer without knowing how to program really just means you're the one that's getting used.
From my experience, this isn't true at all. 'the sheeple' really don't give a single fuck about any of this.


To make money, dipshits. Non-computing jobs are gonna be taken over by robots so the only hope people will have in a few generations is to lrn2computer or work as some accountant

If everyone is super no one is super.

They're barely learning though. Guarantee you very few of these people actually are interested in programming outside of trying to make the next get-rich-quick mobile app.


Except that's wrong, you fucking retard. Programming will be made more and more accessible, until it's drag-and-drop. Then you autist cunts won't have much to really do anymore, since even the homosexuals that design stuff will be able to do your job easily while sipping on a 35% coffee 65% milk/sugar drink.

>Non-computing jobs are gonna be taken over by robots

I think its far more likely that desk-job, computing work will be taken over by AI, than physical, mechanical work by robots.

Much easier to have an algorithm enter text into a PC than actually move shit around or weld it.


In the first reply too.

You're mad about the bitch saying "tfw" on a non green text enabled website, right? Cause that's what I'm mad about.

Why would I be happy about other people learning stuff? What if they attack my tribe, rape my women and enslave my children?

>being excited that programming will soon be a minimum wage job