Could you build a clock Sup Forums?

Could you build a clock Sup Forums?

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Truth be told I'd have slammed that little shit head on the ground and held him there spread eagle till the cops showed up

Muslims are not to be trusted

lol dude, i can even solder my own cpu's

My clock is an atheist afaik

>Could you google instructions on how to build a clock Sup Forums?

Yeah of course I can.

You seem to be lost, attention whore
Also, no one cares what you would have done. Also, also, the end is nigh, check yourself before you wreck you'reself.

I ve build these

lol I read that as
>Could you build a cock Sup Forums?

Well could you?

please get banned again

Dumb anime poster

Under that display, is that a RTC? if so, plsgo dats cheatin

Nice try, FBI

What should I study if i want to focus in technologic things? Electronic stuff, including clocks, phones, computers, televisions, or even bigger stuff. Something that lets me get a really good paying job. Maybe electrical engineering? Computer science?

If I could stop laughing like a retard every minute then maybe.

>hello tripcuck

If you want to do low-level stuff like that CE or EE is probably a better choice

What about high-level stuff?
And what do you mean about high level?
That sure would be a better thing to focus on.

>le cuck maymay

Leddit is that way

I bet you would love to throw a small muslim boy to the ground, spread his legs open and penetrate him all in the name of "american freedoms" wouldn't you homo?

Yes, I've actually been thinking about making my own small clock.

Jesus christ senpai that's more bloated than Visual Studio

>putting American freedom in parentheses

Yeah like Islam offers better freedom

I'd have to look it up since I'm not an electrical or computer engineer and I don't know too much about circuits.

>cuck is obvious cuck
>not just a cuck but an ultra cuck cucked by a tripcode
How cuck can you be senpai? You should alert the Guinness book of records.

Nobody was mentioning civil liberties you mega cuck. They we're just saying that in addition to being a cuck you're also a child molesting faggot. Honestly though if you really dislike muslims then you're okay in my book... for a cuck.

Low-level means close to the hardware

High-level is more abstracted away from the actual device

Do you want to write software or work on hardware?

I genuinely hate them fampai

I would like to do both sometime in the future. But as a priority, something i can get a job on, good options, good pay, something worth it. I don't want to regret it and get a shitty life later.

I'm doing math and CS myself but I believe CE is the best option if you want both hardware and software stuff

Well I do too, fuck them. Faggot ass trump talking about building walls and shit for beaners. Fuck that let's close the US borders to muslims and hunt them down for deportation. Guarantee you this shitbird of a country would instantly become 10X better after doing that. It's scary how they've essentially taken over places like london and sweden.

Well to be fair illegal rats have no place here either


>this much of white knight cuck

nice try sun not beaten

I'm a mobile poster

My pics are always image.jpg

>I'm a mobile poster

so you're cancer in many ways

You know it

>using a microcontroller and not a 555 timer at the very least
>using a RTC chip to keep the time
>unironically using using adafruit 7-segment displays
Interestingly enough, one of my peers built a clock from using a rochelle salt oscillator and some op-amps that loses roughly 5s a day.

True but at least they're not muslims. Pedro mows our lawns and fixes our shitty sinks that keep leaking from 100 different places for less than what smug american plumber squad would. They evade taxes but at least they fucking work and help us. Muslims love to leach on our welfare system and not get fucking jobs.

Shame they came here illegally otherwise I would befriend them. Wish they would get legit papers the legal way so we wouldn't have to hate them so much.

They come here illegally because they have no avenue for coming here legally, dumbshit.

> needing an arduino to build a clock
> not just using a RTC with signal processing

I really hope you wrote your own code to multiplex/latch the 7seg displays

Well they shouldn't. I'm sorry, I know pedro has to feed his family just like my dad has to feed ours but laws are laws. They exist to maintain order and to make sure the people who are here are registered as sex offenders/ locked up in prison if they've done something really bad. The illegals who come here are essentially aliens who we know nothing about except that they were willing to break US laws.

I don't hate them that much since at least like I said they're not muslims. But god I wish we could let non-criminals in here legally so they could help us out (i know they don't all mow grass and fix leaky faucets, I was just memeing). Most don't seem like bad people but I can't fully trust them until our government registers them as a resident and know if they've done any criminal activities in their country.

You know what happens when you let illegal beaners in the states? Gangs, more domestic violence, and more people working under the table without paying for income tax. Those things aren't good.


Then they shouldn't come here, dumbshit.

Hi there!

You seem to have made a bit of a mistake in your post. Luckily, the users of Sup Forums are always willing to help you clear this problem right up! You appear to have used a tripcode when posting, but your identity has nothing at all to do with the conversation! Whoops! You should always remember to stop using your tripcode when the thread it was used for is gone, unless another one is started! Posting with a tripcode when it isn't necessary is poor form. You should always try to post anonymously, unless your identity is absolutely vital to the post that you're making!

Now, there's no need to thank me - I'm just doing my bit to help you get used to the anonymous image-board culture!

Literally a bomb



Yeah sure
I just need a ring counter, 4 T-flipflops, bunch of NAND ICs, LED display, HEX-BIN converter and preferably a DEMUX

KtechLab is godly. I FUCKING LOVE KDE

>Build a clock
We need a wall, not a clock.

>all electronic clocks
>no mechanical clocks with dead beat escapements


i just got it working today. nowhere near done. plates are rough as fuck and dial/ hands arent ready.

no bully



at least he contributes to society

you keep beefing up the numbers at the trump rally, m8

I have two sons, so apparently, yes.

What are you on about now, retard.

>using arduino
Be a man and program microcontrollers directly. AVRs are good, 8052s for practice.
Or you can go with ARM based ones if you're feeling weak

I built a very basic one recently for a class, can only count up to a minute, pause and reset. No software like you though, just IC chips.

I gave up after implementing seconds because with my breadboard setup sense this would have easily spilled over onto two more breadboards and I don't have the time to work on it right now.

I'll post a couple other neat, simple things we made for class

pic related my clock


And here's a "smart" car we built, uses an Arduino Nano and premanufactured PCB we bought off the market. Just soldered all the components on and wrote the code for the Arduino.

Has IR sensors on the front rim to detect the edge of the surface, bump switches to detect collisions with obstacles and IR sensors in the wheel wells to control speed. I half assed the code for now because I had to meet the deadline, but I'm thinking of refining it after finals.

I made one using VHDL and an FPGA in my 2nd year at uni.

Fuck off ahmed

What do you recommend as a microcontroller?

I looked into Arduino but it seemes boring, too high level.

This thread belongs in This thread is obvious b8 and should be removed


Find me a pencil case and hold my beer.

I made a fully functioning CPU in my 2nd year at uni. What kind of shit uni teaches VHDL by having students make a fucking clock?

What did you run it on? Pure sim or fpga? Write any programs for it?

>16-bit 'int'
>32-bit 'double'
>Harvard architecture
>Tiny SRAM, tiny flash

Literally the only good thing about AVRs is the fact they're still available in DIP packages.

This happened years ago, but from what I remember we had a Nexys 1 to run the CPU on, grading was done by running our implementation against a giant set of test cases in sim and showing the CPU worked in hardware by running a simple demo app.

There was no assessment that required actually writing code for the CPU, but we were expected to write our own test cases for development. I did write a microcode generator to fit the instruction decoder logic into a block ram, if that counts?

To be fair we weren't expected to write the CPU from scratch; we were given a template to work off of that had some block ram instantiated and a couple of peripherals implemented (GPIO, UART), but we had to write the ALU, register file and instruction decoders ourselves based on provided documentation (opcodes, flags, I think even cycle count). The class was taught entirely in practicals (many of which covered how to do the assessment), and was honestly the best 'learn X langauge' course I took at uni.

Wow you actually did a microcoded architecture? That's pretty crazy, I've made like probably 15 or so toy cpu's / simple microcontrollers but never anything CISC, all in logisim too so fucking terrible simulation speed (1.x kHz on a good day), but I got a basic fpga recently so working on that, just got the basic fpga itself, not a dev board, so I need to figure proper output, 3 LEDS is unsurprisingly insufficient. Awesome though user, what uni : course?

>He thinks reading instructions is the same as following them to making something function.



>PCI-E Clock

Your wife's children?

>>PCI-E Clock


Fuck u, americunts are all the scum we didn't want in europe. Real americans are native americans. U r all immigrants.

go back to ireland, potatoehead

This is slightly related to my interest,OP.

We were given a task to build a calculator as a group project (to be completed and presented at the end of the semester). I k ow some of the guys are using single-board computers (like pi zero) to do the job.

I personally think that's cheating, so I think we're going to do it differently than the rest of the class. What we're going to do is to build a calculator using a u741 IC, a bunch of pots, a breadboard and oscilloscope (as the output instead of using LED screens).

I tried a proof of concept last week and apparently, shit isn't that hard. The challenge is to build an arithmetic calculator (as well as doing some integration and differentials) using nothing more than op amps and resistors

Do you hate Aussies too?

50% entered legally and now count as illegal cause their VISA expired.

Did this for uni, written in vhdl.
First semester.

literally fuck off all of you

>All descendants of european criminals criminals
>hating racists that are immigrants them selves

Lucky, we only started VHDL in our second semester. What did you study?

Self-righteous piece of shit

Computer science
But vhdl is not that hard

>But vhdl is not that hard
Yeah, but it's fun. We only had the mandatory introductory course in 2. semester, and then if you wanted more VHDL you had to wait until your 4th semester and choose it as your elective (I believe that's what they called).

>so I think we're going to do it differently than the rest of the class.


all you need is the Tarduino Clock Shield© and the Tarduino 7-Segment Display Shield©

mudslimes are not welcome

allahu fuckoffbar

kit build circa '93.
duh it out, and assembled for you guys.
output is binary, and uses the AC 60 hz sinewave as a time base.

DNA test kit at the local pharmacy
Best $100 you'll ever spend.

what the hell did you build that on? looks like a Pentium 2 card.

>Be a man and program microcontrollers directly.

>if you use the USB to serial converter on the arduino board you are not programming it directly

>if you are using functions and macros defined by arduino libraries as opposed to avr libraries you are not programming it directly

Shut up faggots you are just jealous
You don't even know how to spell

Yes, in digitals i had to build a clock on a protoboard