Okay genius

Okay genius.

If you think you're such a technological genius, pitch us your best idea for a brand new product.

You have 30 seconds.

Other urls found in this thread:


Get your own ideas, OP.

A Tamagotchi that cucks you by only being happy when your friends molest it. It can have a fingerprint reader to differentiate users.

I will write a program that describes the faggotry of ops faggotness.

Simple build walls

old_product + meme

there you go

iPhone 7s

a gaming watercooled dildo with unlocked multiplier high quality japanese capacitors

We could produce educational software that turns an ok profit, purchases another company, changes the name to the purchased company's name, then gets bought out by another company that doesn't do it's due diligence before making the purchase, which ultimately crushes the finances of the purchasing company with losses somewhere around 3.5 billion.

It's worked before.

tinder but for fights

go fish for ideas elsewhere, you filthy codeape

What about a tinder clone that's only for hardcore fetishests, namely those that have rape fantasies. They specify a time and place to be raped.

netflix but for things on at the cinemas, it would need heavy drm but it's possible

The premier cuckhold meetup place. I want to call it Annely Madison.


Seems like you could make an account as somebody else and set them up to get raped when you know they're going to be somewhere.

It's actually an infrastructural thing, but we do have housing construction partners who have integrated it into their community plans, construction slated to start in 2018 for the first communities that offer it.

Basic idea is the houses have a shaft dug out in their front yard, but this goes under the sidewalk in a manhole-like way, so it doesn't make it an eyesore on the property value or anything.

But basically, you can order small, self-contained nuclear cells, and it 'screws' down and into position by placing it on top, and twisting the outside of the manhole to lower the cell. Thing weighs about 80lbs so it's not something your kids'll be doing, but places like Home Depot and Lowes may offer installation.

The manhole goes down like 100 feet so there's no neighborhood contamination risk in the highly unlikely event of a 'disaster', but at this scale, the word 'disaster' doesn't apply. It's more an 'appliance failure'. And we have repair crews that can take care of it, and we sell insurance plans as well, so we make cash flow that way.

But anyway, this thing'll power your home for about a decade or so before you need a replacement cell.

Larger cells can be designed for more output, so if you want to run the heat all winter long while charging a fleet of Teslas, the cells are just taller so they fit in the same thing.

This is a brilliant idea, and I believe you will find great success in this endeavor. Unfortunately, I don't believe I will make a profit charging royalties, and for that reason I'm out.

Fucken thisssss

>your best idea for a brand new product.

condoms coated in someone else's DNA for raping with

We could put radio... on the internet.

Am I the only one who had ClickRadio back in the day? That shit was fucking incredible, I don't get the hate that dude gets in Silicon Valley, that was brilliant software.

>find target
>get their used condom by jerking them off or whatever
>turn it inside out and rape someone with it

huh? why would I tell you my potentially million dollar idea?

A pair of glasses like google glass that connect to the botnet and you can block people from your life like that black mirror episode. Target swj and you are good to go.

A screwdriver that is also a dildo...
... a screwdilder!

A secret app you install on your dad's phone that switches hentai and tranny porn to old fashioned hardcore when he's 10 meters away from your computer

The pants that will molest you everytime you travel with public transportation.

A buttplug that can be used as a spoon/fork in any emergency situation.

>not a screwdiddler

I'm out

...no, wait, it can be used as usb memory!

Cortana plugin that will shitpost on Sup Forums for you~!

A buttplug that will make you feel like walking, with ultrasounds wibrations working on the end of your spine.

An operating system that's desktop ready

The buttplug with embedded artificial intelligence!

I will only submit my ideas to Trump.


A dragondildo that is also a xbox controller!

Bug. n. An undocumented feature.



deep learning ... wallstreet


3D printed penis extensions. Think about it.
>a penis extension that looks like Shaq's arm
>a penis extension that looks like Louisville slugger
>a penis extension that looks like a horse penis
>a penis extension that looks like an elephant penis
>a penis extension that looks like giraffe's head

The possibilities are literally endless.


>3D printed penis extensions.
isn't this just a dildo with a hole in it?

A robot that can suck dick and feel love.

Pretty inventive. Sounds like it would be a hit amongst the contemporary Sup Forums lurkers (regrettably).

Yes, but they're custom made for your penis. You can upload a 3d model for anything and stick your dick in it and use it as a dick extension.

Handheld game laptop that can be used as a phone.

a device that will allow to punch people in the face over the internet

wood screws

Data out of your ass

It's just a prank bro

>You can upload a 3d model for anything and stick your dick in it

Hm, how about then a custom 3D-printed dick sleeve, thin but custom-fit with threads on the outside to mount a dildo over

Then you just screw/stick on any number of different hollowed-out dildos with standardized hole size and threading.

I have never watched this before for fear of looking away, but you can tell that Stallman knows how to dance. His movement is smooth and natural, propably due to his interest in the folk.

That's a nice idea t.bh

>it's another cuck Sup Forums into giving the OP ideas thread


i dont pitch to teams that's 3/5th manlets

bad mojo

Mr wonderful doesn't need height

Nothing. LIterally nothing. You give me money and I give you nothing.

If we didn't live in a litigious society I would be coding the tinder for fighting app mentioned above right now.

Too bad you'd probably get sued into oblivion within 5 minutes of it being sued by a couple of retards.

The only thing I want is a news aggregator with Sup Forums threading.
i.e. go over to fucking you faggots

How would you like a size 6 up your ass?

I really liked this episode of Vice

Make the stock frequency 1Mhz and it's a deal.

no bots allowed on Sup Forums, faggot.

Eurofag here, I'm going to make it, then.

Imagine Whatsapp but you can only send pictures and you can't see who you're sending the pictures to.

This already exists

What's it called?

tiny robot fish that nibble your toes clean

already made, numerous times

who hates ClickRadio?

Add sextoy attachments and you've struck gold.


it's close, but regardless, the idea is fucking retarded. You can't see what you record, so you're more "in the moment" or some bullshit like that.

A giant wall
Along Mexico
With automated turrets
Also with blackjack and hookers

I have a feeling that might result in some lawsuits

hand held rail guns...

I'll go back to /k/ now....

Nimble Navigator!

Wait. When did this happen? What companies?

I've been thinking about this for ages. I want a tamagotchi app. And I want to be able to battle my friends.

an induction stove that reads the temperature of the pot on it due to its changing electrical resistance and regulates energy-input to match a specified temperature or even a temperature profile over time. That would make sous-vide devices and chocolate tempering devices (any tempering device, actually) superfluous.

Smartphone app optional, but probably useful.

Don't think that exists, actually, and I'd like to buy that. I'm no electrical engineer, but If I were I probably would want to work on this. Doesn't even seem so complicated. Anyone with knowledge on this care to commentate on technical feasibility?

... pokeymanz?

Yelp for people.

Didn't you hear about the two girls that made a yelp for men?


You know how you can biamp speakers? Why not have headphones with a dedicated woofer/tweeter with a separate amplifier for each driver for better dynamic range so that you can turn up the bass if needed without recessing the other frequencies?

More cs and math has already been applied to wallstreet than you'll ever learn. People don't fuck around with making money

A machine that you can ask questions to and it responds with answers from richard stallman.

Uber on the Internet.
It'll have social integration.

that's a tablet fag...

I hate these guys and everything they stand for.

uber but for prostitutes

i can see which whores are prowling for dick and get one over here on a whim

an aggregator for mail-order bride services where you can compare across the various sites like kayak

That might get confusing...

Gentoo auto install virus. All it does is wipe and install, but it preserves user data.

Pepe LSD blotters

An app where you can have people make phonecalls for you.

I have a crippling fear of using the phone and I type instructions to have habib order me thai food for 200 rupees. it's not unlike those services for deaf people.