Daily Reminder

This sorry excuse of a exclusive tracker, is thee worst tracker I've seen.

Not much to download from
Community is small AF and filled with cucks
Admins are literally retarded
Pointless investing bandwidth into this shit
Nyaa has 100% of anime you actually want, meanwhile AB has about 10%
Ratio based, and time based with a small community
Limited seedboxes utilised by community cuz they know it's worthless to invest money into it

Prove me wrong.

Other urls found in this thread:


A vpn cost $30 and you won't ever have to beg or suck cock to pira-file share again

>community and admin related things
Who the hell cares, I've never been to the forums or IRC, just downloading whatever I want.
>Nyaa has everything
Enjoy no seed, especially for eroge and old obscure series
>Ratio based
Seed your shit senpai

Tell me literally anything Nyaa has AB doesn't besides currently airing things or partially released bluray sets.

Baka and Nyaa are all you need.

AB allows airing stuff now so literally nothing

>> paying to pirate

>Ratio based, and time based with a small community

It's literally easy as fuck to maintain a ratio on AB.
You wanna be a selfish fuck? Just limit your upload speed to 10kB/s. Seed everything forever. Ta-da, you'll rake in enough yen to maintain a decent ratio.

Also, they have free leech several times a year. The "Anime of the Fortnight" is usually pretty good.

Can someone spoonfeed me a durarara second season batch? I only see shitty 480p torrents on bakabt and there are no batches on nyaa


>cant afford $2.5 a month

Why would you put that much effort into this shit? Tons of trackers offer the same anime at the cost of less effort. You must be a sucking the admins cock to be this angelic on the tracker

Forgot to state. Your download total proves you source your anime from some where else. So in other words you are being cucked.


But i thought Nyaa and bakabt was everything that was needed...

>Why would you put that much effort into this shit?

>solution requires zero effort
Are you retarded? Just fucking leave your client running in the background you piece of shit

what is freeleech? :^)

>what is freeleech

Not that guy but I'll bite. I don't even know who the admin is or what goes on their faggy forums. My pc runs 24/7 and I have over 3TB UL just from yen. You have to be a complete retard and just hit and run if you're unable to maintain ratio on AB.

>e shitty 480p torrents on bakabt and there are no
I have all the durarara, got it from IPT. Couldn't find a good quality pack on AB.

seriously though, it seems like they put the whole site on freeleech like once a month or so

freeleech which basically destroys the point of seeding :)

>literally every 1080p version of a series is freeleech
>muh its hard to keep a good ratio!!!!

Perhaps this is news to you newbie anime friends, but if you want quality older rips of actual older shows, Nyaa is not your go-to. You want a complete torrent of Dragonball? BD rips of Escaflowne that are well seeded? Good luck sucker. And a kit of this stuff isn't on Bakabt due to their take down policy. If you don't see the benefits of Animebyt.es, you're not all that into anime tbqh.

>Couldn't find a good quality pack on AB.

No you right. Being this weaboo cuck, makes you totally right.

OP got banned lel

AB has most VNs I want with the translation patch already applied. I just have to download and unpack. Way better than having to search around on DDL sites and download the files in parts because there are no seeders on nyaa.

Don't forget about being constantly harassed by spaghetti

>mfw nearing 5 years on the site
>mfw hardly download anything that is not 1080p
>mfw people complain that is hard to seed there
Ratio is so high that i convert everything into yen and throw at the pool

Their application process is cringy and excessive. I wrote like a paragraph of bullshit and still got denied. Not going to write a fucking novel for some weeb with a massive ego.

Wait, people actually get denied?

What the hell did you write?

Why do people use this?
What anime can't you find on baka and nyaa that's on this site instead?
What anime missing out on?

>he managed to get denied
It is harder to get a deny than actually getting in

>nyaa goes down again like it does every other month

That's just bullshit. At least when I applied a long time ago. There was nothing wrong with my application. They probably just wanted a fucking novel.

>12 * 2.5
i really hope this is bait

As long as you know the bare minimum about torrenting you won't get denied.

>Hardly download anything that is not 1080p

>downloading upscales

LOL, Baka? The one that bans the majority of all animu because shitbag companies licensed it in North America?

>not paying to listen to dubbed, censor approved anime

go read some shitty anime reviews and put them in your own words

>having less than 100/100 bandwidth
>not having infinite disk space

Are your eyes merely for decoration?

You must be autistic in the worst way possible to fail the AB app.

You must be an idiot then. I typed out like 3 or 4 lines, and showed my standing on Baka. That was all it took.

>tfw I actually had to fill in their application form and got all these pretty much right away.

I used to have an AB account but I never used it so it ended up deactivating.

If you ask at IRC they will reactivate you no questions asked

does anyone know where i can get high school of the dead english dub in HD?



There is like three freeleech dual audio versions on AB


Do you know how to use search?

i googled it nothing showed up. i can only find subbed.


Neat, thanks

>paying to pirate anime
just use fucking xdcc for anything semi-recent over the past decade
kareraisu has a great free autosend bot for airing anime too, just subscribe to what you want and you'll get it automatically when it's released

oops mean this for also applies to seedbox users

Weird, I feel the opposite. Nyaa often doesn't have what I want because there is no reason to seed on a public tracker so everyone just leeches and deletes.

AB on the other hand has 100% of everything in every format and resolution.

Maybe not a great tracker, but as far as anime trackers it is the best one. Bakabt doesn't allow licensed anime and never has the right groups for shows.

>paying to pirate
Just leave the torrent client open since your computer is on 24/7 anyway


>Not much to download from
>Community is small AF
Somehow that's a bad thing? Things you don't have to do on any private tracker: interact w/ the community.
>and filled with cucks
>Nyaa has 100% of anime you actually want,
This isn't true. The torrent may be there but the seeders sure aren't.

kill yourself

show me a site that is as well organized and has the same selection as AB

>Using up more space for lower quality
1080p upscale of 720p

Who cares fag, how is this related to technology?


It is literally not possible to be denied. Literally impossible. I can't even imagine how deliberately you'd have to fuck up for them to even consider denying an application.

>A vpn cost $30



does anyone have that list of series that AB have but BakaBT does not due to licensing?

Nice, good speeds too

Know anything with more exit ports?

>Limited seedboxes utilised by community

Which makes AB so shit. So fucking shit. It's even slower than nyaa.

>Nyaa has 100% of anime you actually want, meanwhile AB has about 10%

AB has untranslated versions of older VNs that aren't being seeded anymore

also it's mainly to filter out the people who don't know shit
I actually don't watch any anime (I signed up for VN torrents) and just wrote about 3 vns I liked

fuck ............ my account is deactivated and i already did the irc once....

how boned am i

Literally never had a torrent slower than 7MB/s from AB.


Only problem I have with it is the time you have to seed to avoid hit & runs.

It applies to freeleech torrents too which is bullshit

$30 a year famalam

>search for anime
>sort by size


Could I get an invite pls?

I have 7, but no.

Not worth inviting from public anymore.

I have a 100/10 connection and I actually seed.
my email is [email protected]
Hit me up pls

I have 150/150 and 15TB at home + a seedbox with 10gbps and 2TB.

The site doesn't need you. If you really want in wait for applications to open up.

I use animebyt.es for my anime. Everything relevant is freeleech so I don't even have to care about ratio, and way more things are available as muxes or direct rips than on nyaa or any other place.

>You wanna be a selfish fuck? Just limit your upload speed to 10kB/s. Seed everything forever. Ta-da, you'll rake in enough yen to maintain a decent ratio.
I limited my upload speed to 0/bytes. Their policy means I can just “seed” for a few days and it will not count as a hit and run.

0 bytes uploaded on my account, ever. Infinite ratio.

Afaik they occasionally do sweeps for people who do this.

yup, it's obvious to spot and they will ban for it if you are abusing it. Especially over long periods of time.

I just wrote a few lines and got invited. What the fuck did you do?

(I created my account in 2012)

Wait, but why? As far as I can tell I'm not breaking any rules.

I'm just uploading really, really slowly.

Last thing I watched was this

Which other tracker has all of these formats available? (In particular, the blu-ray muxes)

Own the BD and DVD. Looking for those OSTs though :^)

It's a form of cheating and it will get you banned, its been specifically addressed by admins in the IRC when it's been brought up there.

They aren't too concerned about it so if you aren't doing it a TON, or if you're still fairly new, you'll likely get a warning before getting banned. If you do it a ton though they are likely to just ban you.

Because you're fucking over the rest of the userbase and taking a slot that could be used by somebody who is going to actually contribute

How many byte/s qualifies as “not cheating”?

It's also on here :^)

Daily Reminder this, dick head.


blossom is a cunt

ch1 is a faggot

aldy never coming back

Are you me?

>free leech
Can I download one of these without an account?