Are SSD's worth it?

Are SSD's worth it?

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yup bought my 500gb samsung evo yesterday.

you can also try ram-disk

with HDD when i turn on my PC i make coffe and eat meanwhile, and still come back on half boot, with SSD i dont even go to eat or shit i just sit in from of my PC and start doing stuff

Yes, they are VERY worth the price. And if you want to be a Sup Forumsuinea pig, buy one on AliExpress and tell us how it is.

A small capacity SATA one is good, but the super high end NVMe drives are not. You might as well go ram-disk at that point.

NOT YET. They're still expensive as fuck. Instead of doing an SSD + HDD combo I think it would be better to go balls out and get a high capacity SSD and call it a day. However I would only recommend doing this if good quality 1TB dropped down to $100 a piece. And they will soon, most likely on this black friday.

November 25 is only ~6 months away senpai, just wait.

is SanDisk good?, I think one goes for 45 bucks

They're good for installing your OS and programs on and you only need a very small one for that purpose. Just make sure you rig your storage so that you don't do a lot of writing to your SSD, as that can kill them prematurely.

What about the chink ones, I see prices nearing that range but they must have problems right?

Concerning data storage and memory, do not cheap out.

Just don't.

Yep, unless spontaneously dying isn't a problem for you.

check if it's TLC/MLC

kingdian (chink) SSDs are known to be pretty aight

I have not heard from anyone who bought one and had it fail

more likely they are just a bit slower than their branded counterparts

30$ (in my country) 32gb readycache sandisk is being sold

I mean I got a decent 250gb for like 100 CAD. It's a great performance boost for windows and my typical applications/a game or two. It helps that I have a desktop so I still have my old HDDs installed for storage.

Sansdisk flash memory blows. Every product I've had from them died within 2 months (mSD cards). Treat them the same as chink SSDs, aka you NEED to have a separate backup

If you want an actual ssd go with Samsung since their v-nand is pretty nifty. Otherwise go for an ssd with SLC nand


as long as its micron/intel


samsung will jew your soul faster than a black man will cash a welfare check

>loading data every time
All in all the time it takes to load data onto memory would negate the couple of seconds you'd save by using ram instead of the ssd directly, 99% of the time.

Yes, go with hdd+ssd combo, so you could have a cheap long term big storage for all non demanding program, and you have 250 GB for your OS and demanding program. I just bought a 850 evo 250gb yesterday, and everything is blazing fast.

That doesn't explain why samsung tops per/dollar lists or raw speeds.

Intel is even more overpriced (and shitty).

Yes, even a shit tier ssd is better than a mechanical drive.

Source, this rig has a mechanical drive, a shit ssd, and a very good ssd so you know I know what I'm talking about

"SSDs were a mistake" -Hayao Miyazaki

I don't trust them unless they have been extensively tested and reviewed. Maybe there are good chink SSDs out there but most are gonna be shitbirds that have slow write speeds and get your data corrupted in a few weeks.

Are you high? Sequential read speed is 450-500MBps so loading a 10GB file would take 22-30 seconds at most (assuming filesystem overhead and other random use). The difference in access speed is 450-500MBps versus 25GBps, a 50x increase. The longer you use the file the more access time you've saved. Loading a VM and fuzzing drivers is so much nicer when a reboot takes

I really enjoy having the longest part of my boot being password entry. All of the programs I have on it load in a flash which is nice. I've got HDDs for file storage and unnecessary programs and an SSHD that I've stuffed over 200 of my games on so far.

I'd say SSD is worth it for a boot drive and any programs you use daily being generally more responsive.

Here's the bottom line, if you ARENT running an SSD as your boot drive, you're a retarded cheap ass or a little kid. They are goddamned cheap. You can get a 256GB Samsung 850 Pro for 115$. That's one of the top drives for dirt prices. Just buy one already and stop posting about it on here gotdamn

>this is what retards actually believe

Explain how he is wrong.

fuck no look at the $/gb

he forgot to include the ppl that use a laptop

He is also recommending something with only 256GB of storage for 115$ which is a joke.

You can get a SanDisk with similar performance for like $60

Do you think 1tb ssds will go down to the $100 price range on black friday like vomit said? I really want one but I don't really want to pay $200+ for one either. All this waiting is making me anxious especially since I can afford a 1tb 850 evo but I don't want to feel cucked when black friday comes along.

NOT worth it

There is no real speed difference. The "difference" people here are feeling is just placebo induced by other people posting about SSD speeds. In practice the speed gains are negligible.
Shit lifetime. About 2 years if you're lucky.
Spontaneous NAND failure wipes ALL of your data and can hit at any time. This isn't even a rare occurrence.
Because of the way SSDs work, random writes are slow as fuck and actually make your system slower. Your OS random writes all the time so OS stalls are common.

I knew I couldn't have been the only one who got triggered by this.

>inb4 /lit/

there's a good chance it might i remember 2 or so years ago i got a good price on a sandisk you just got to do lots of deal hunting and hope that you find the deal you want also try searching on reddit for deals on black friday since lots of people post what they find

I've been using an SSD in my laptorp for 2 years.

That's a symptom of down syndrome. Haha, you're retarded.

>There is no real speed difference.
Yes there is. Believe it or not boot times aren't the important thing. You know that 5-10 minutes or so after logging in from a cold boot where everything is slow as shit and takes forever to open? Completely fucking gone with an SSD.

>Shit lifetime. About 2 years if you're lucky.
How? Are you referring to write limits? They've been measured into the petabyte range on today's SSDs, and even then you can still read from the drive past that limit

>Spontaneous NAND failure wipes ALL of your data and can hit at any time.
Spontaneous failure hits hard drives too.

>This isn't even a rare occurrence.
Got any statistics to back that one up?

>Because of the way SSDs work, random writes are slow as fuck and actually make your system slower. Your OS random writes all the time so OS stalls are common.
Still way faster than random writes on hard drives

How does that make a difference?

It's probably an even better thing for laptops because of lower power consumption => more battery life

yea but i bet it isn't a 256 gb one like he posted unless your laptop can hold 2 ssd/hdd 's

For OS/binaries, absolutely. Once you boot from one, you never want to go back to a standard HDD.

Well, my laptorp CAN hold two HDDs. Also I work for a living so I can afford to buy the things I want. I bought a 512GB 850 Pro.

refer to

Most laptops can, MSATA is a thing

lol y are you taking it personally. it god that your job allows you to get what you want i am just pointing out that there are some that can't

whoops, wrong image. this is my ssd raid setup (2x samsung sm951)

>be a Sup Forumsuinea pig

those 10$ 8GB ssds are pretty tempting. could breathe some life into this old athlon 64 shitbox i got lying around.

>his laptop doesn't support at least one m.2 ssd and one 2.5" hdd/ssd
you can get one that does this for $700 or less desu senpai. baka

my hp envy 17 can have 2 and with an optical drive caddy to replace the dvd burner i don't use i can have 3.

pls test nao

no point at that price when a 60 or 120 is at a sweeter price point in terms of GB:$

>keep dreaming
lol they think that is a positive figure of speech

bought a 240gb for 70$ canadian (pic related) and it works well.

>Spontaneous NAND failure wipes ALL of your data and can hit at any time.
its a system drive for booting and installing programs.


>taking it personally
i'm not, i'm just calling people bakas for not falling for memes like me. i'm buying 2 titan x's next year to turn my desktop into a space heater
seems ok... only negative reviews were people complaining about lack of SMART (dont know why they would care for 8gb) or they were whining that modern oses are too big for this.

not the personal thing
that user asked what was wrong i gave an answer, it was my fault for being lazy and not expanding more on what i wrote

Not yet. Wait for Optane.

why do they even have 4gb and 8gb SSDs at aliexpress?

are they for poor families in asia who still use XP?

user that just means you buy literally the worst HDDs in the history of mankind.

Yeah, but we prepared. Like mine wouldn't recognize the Gentoo live medium so I had to install via SystemrescueCD, which worked well except the boot partition randomly unmounted. No big deal, I've just heard of a lot of other people have different issues with theirs. They're pretty titties though.

Not original guy you're arguing with but it's always fun to post on a Technology board and talk about technology

>How? Are you referring to write limits? They've been measured into the petabyte range on today's SSDs, and even then you can still read from the drive past that limit

Depends on how often you are reading and writing to them. 20GB of writes a day is far less intensive than 200GB or 2TB. Server owners do not use SSDs for handling large writes for that reason.

>Spontaneous failure hits hard drives too.
Not as often, but it will happen more so with an SSD. These are typically failures due to poor quality memory chips, not the write activity to them. Whereas a HDD might be making weird noises, running reallocated sectors and the works before kicking the bucket, it will still let you copy and edit its files before doing so with some exceptions. Flash memory can fail suddenly. I had an OCZ that died with no warnings in terms of smart data or otherwise. It was OCZ, so I take the blame.

>Because of the way SSDs work, random writes are slow as fuck and actually make your system slower. Your OS random writes all the time so OS stalls are common.
This was a ruse.

Take care.

>cheaping out on data storage
A HGST NAS is the cheapest you should go.
But a WD Re is preferable.
If you go the HDD route.

With SSDs it's even more important to not cheap out.
SSD is nice for OS and some programs you use often or games that are plagued with loading times.
For long term data storage or anything that doesn't benefit clearly from the speed (Like movies or music) just get a good enterprise HDD like a WD Re.

>Drop external drive
>Its okay, its SSD

its okay user, there are no moving parts

yes. bought a samsung 850 256gb and realized I had made a terrible mistake and bought another one. Should have just bought a 500GB+ to begin with.

>its a system drive for booting and installing programs.

What about laptops, nigger? They can only fit 1 2.5 inch drive. Do expect an average person to spend $300+ on a 1TB SSD?

Or his drive is seriously fragmented. A defragmented 7200 RPM HDD can get up to sequential read speeds of 210MB/s

do you expect an average person to need more than 256G of space in their laptop?

>turning you'd computer off

Well there's your problem

The EVOs are cheap as fuck...

Don't EVOs have a combination of cheap/expensive memory or something resulting in variable performance? My OCD tells me to get the Pro.

on the subject of ssds
how are msata ssds?

The 850 EVOs are fine, 840 had an issue that got corrected.

The PROs are much better though yeah, the type of flash is different and is much longer lasting, also faster. It's just plain better. But the EVOs are by no means 'bad', and they cost half as much. IMO the 250GB 850 EVO is some of the most value you can get right now.

Who even uses HDDs anymore?
Only hoarders.

Reminder: your computer already is chink shit. Just with a more known brand. You have to look for the good chink brands.

I want to buy a cheap one

Kingston SSDNow V300 120GB

Sandisk SSD Plus 120GB

Which one? It's only for W7 + Software since I don't play games anymore.

Also, first one has 2 years warranty, second has 3.


I think sub-$200 for 1tb is where I would start to seriously consider going full SSD for my system.

Get the SSD Plus 120GB, installed one in my old laptop, it's great.

Also, guys, I'm going to buy a 60GB SSD for 23,00€, for the lulz and testing. Has anyone gained experiences with Kingdian?


Also had a look on this one:

>Server owners do not use SSDs for handling large writes

Facebook, Amazon, Google

Note on this.
Yes, they are legit. And fast as fuck too. However, we don't know anything about reliability/lifetime yet as most people here have only had them for a few months. Check /csg/ for KingDian reports.

If you can afford it, go for Intel or Samsung though. Tested and proved worthwhile.

it is literally the best bang for buck performance upgrade on older laptops and still worth it on desktops too. Hell, even servers are now moving towards SSDs.

Friend of mine got a Sandisk plus 240GB for like $20 through some deal. Sold it to me at cost cause he didn't need it. I still have my old core2duo system from 2009 tucked away and I was curious. It only supports Sata2 but oh well. I hooked it up and installed Ubuntu Mate 16.04. Holy...fucking...shit..

It ran like a brand new PC and with only 4GB of ram. I don't care what anyone says, SSDs are fantastic. I know the write speeds aren't as good for that model, but for $20 it was worth trying.

Is ADATA SP550 worth it for a laptop?

If you don't already have on you don't belong on Sup Forums

Lol Alienware

Anybody have any experience with this one? Might have to go hit Fry's and go through the line three or four times.

Protect your weeaboo trap porn, user

Replace CD drive with hard drive. Also most newer laptops support M.2

Naw man, that's negligible.
30 MB/s is enough for anyone!

wait for XPoint

Are you retarded? Ram disks would be cleared on every reboot so the time you need to load this tens of gigabytes of content would negate the few seconds you'd gain from using the higher read speeds compared to an ssd. When would you use the high read speeds exactly??? You'd be bottlenecked left and right.

Are you stupid or merely pretending that any sata 3 ssd comes close to the endurance and reliability of an 850 pro?

Where the fuck are you finding them for $115?

On a side note. Is it possible to use a Samsung 950 Pro on one of those Lytron chipset PCIe adapters with a Z87 chipset UEFI mobo at full speed?


>mfw getting a 960GB SSD for $200
>mfw it actually is as fast as they say

Yes, if you value your hearing

3,5" mechanical hard drives makes the most sound inside a computer. Just try removing them once and you will never want to go back

I bought an external hdd enclosure for my removed 3,5" hdd and using it as a backup drive now