I have used i3 for a while, but I have seen others use awesome. Any reason for me to switch?
Awesome vs i3
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No. Just stick with what you are are using. Everyone has their own opinion and preference on window managers. Use what you feel is comfortable.
>that waste of space
and with this, a saner, more polite reply on Sup Forums was never to be seen again
Awesome is nice because it's more customizeable. You can make your own anything for it almost, but the problem then becomes it's quite a bit more bloated.
This is probably true.. By the way, if you have not tried Awesome, you should try it. It does offer a lot of customization options. -KZ
I use openbox with custom tiling and hot key scripts.
feels comfy.
The point being if you're comfortable in one WM, and want something from another, just script it yourself. Basic things like this aren't hard, and good too learn
I personally use i3 and haven't tried awesome, so the best advice I can give is "You do you"
i always liked subtle, it feels more friendly to me
i've heard awesome is good at being mouse friendly. true?
this is true, awesome is the king of not having to use keys all the time, i3 is better for ricing, wmii is the most versatile and customizable, and subtle is the lightest
hmm... might have to try out awesome then.
having never used a tiling wm before, how do you suggest I learn it? is there a good youtube video or anything?
but i also like hybrids, like windowmaker, where i can get a tiling window manager but also have a regular DE feel at the same time if i want it
so i can make everything boxed and terminal-based or i can open up regular windows and have normal menus
basically just archwiki, even if you dont use arch it gives you the info on keybindings and how to customize it and such
or visit their website
if you've never used one, you may find it very difficult at first, theyre not like regular desktop enviornments like gnome, unity, xfce or anything windows
tiling window managers are meant for maximum productivity for those who do alot of their stuff via terminal, and over time (i figured it out ok in like 3 days) learning the keybindings and using it becomes very easy and much faster than doing things via dropdown menus and such
i suggest keeping a window open with a picture of the keybindings for a while until you remember them well, theres not many and its not too hard, but for a bit you'll probably need reference
>Any reason for me to switch?
There is never a reason for you to switch if what you have right now works for you.
Don't fucking obsess about what other people are using. i3 is fine. If you have deficiencies with it, consider learning how to improve your usage of it instead.
t. xmonad user
What's that applet in your bar?
I used to use i3. It's alright. Python support is pretty cool. Awesome is cool too but I haven't really used it. I just use Openbox.
100 lines config
2000 lines config
it's your choice
Both are bloated, use dwm. Entire source code < 1k loc.
Awesome won't be ported to Wayland
I3 is already
t b h I was using gnome (very mouse friendly)
since I use awesome. I set all (A L L !!) my keyboard shortcut. So I never use my mouse.
> if you wanna use the mouse then use it.
> but awesome can be mouseless if you want to !
> awesome
831 kek
What sheel are you using so you get those arrows?
No bspwm users huh?
I have a chromebook, bspwm seems to perform better than i3 on my severely limited hardware
> if(password[i] == 36)
why the fuck does the number 36 correspondend to a $-sign?
man ascii
xmonad is less than 1000 too and it's config file can be as small as possible
mine is just 30lines
oh okay, nice to know.
I would've made it a string and then split and loop over it but thats far nicer
jesus christ
I used xmonad and its nice, not sure if i prefer it over dwm tho. Suckless has some nice stuff.
never tried dwm, how is it
is it more complicated than its peers?
I use st terminal, so I assume customizing dwm would be the same as customizing st, which requires to keep a dir with its source code and make files in order to compile
bspwm looks nice actually
I like that it kind of has eye candy movements
but, I'm lazy and complacent with xmonad
how easy is it to learn it?
It was a dumb reply.
>which X to use, what are the pros and cons?
>there are pros and cons but I don't want to know about them, you have to stick with what you know now
>discussion ends, no one got wiser
well because OP can search "awesome wm pros and cons" on google
no need to spoonfeed
dumb questions get dumb replies
Yep exactly the same as st, its not really hard make, make install and relog. Code is nice and relatively easy to wrap your head around, i extended mine a bit, now on every start it downloads random image as desktop background.
Are you actually implying we can't have window manager discussions on a technology board.
Name ONE better kind of thread that would fit on Sup Forums.
>tfw you've gotten so comfy with i3 you'll never be able to change
I've started using tabbed window mode (mod+w) lately and it feels so good to be able to navigate around quickly using mod+123 and arrow keys
I've tried awesomewm but the keybindings are different and I just couldn't get used to it after using i3, I could've just changed them but I went back to i3 instead...
I bound scrot to prntscrn
also ctrl+printscrn will save the file in the tmp folder and open it in the graphical software of choice
I don't have the script now ()it's goddamned sunday) but you should be easily able to find it/figure it out
from /wg/?
not implying that
I'm stating that dumb questions deserve dumb answers
e. g. a "what's the best first programming language" thread gets tiring after a while
doesn't mean discussions of programming isn't allowed
u can't make that conclusion
Try herbstluftwm, it's so simple.
Nope, desu ive never been to /wg/. Think I'll install xmonad again, wanted to go back to haskell its been too long.
WTF why is desu in there?
too obscure
what language are u more active with now?
also desu is there cause wordfilter
If you're using a bunch of workspaces in i3, maybe check out davedavenport.github.io
You would replace dmenu with it and bind a key to launch it in window switcher mode (I have mine on mod+shift+D) where it searches your open windows to jump to instead of launching things in your path.
>using arrow keys
jkl; you fucking pleb (which you should really remap to hjkl)
I admit I haven't used Awesome, apparently it's really good. But I AM very much enjoying i3 and hear from an Awesome user that i3 is much easier to customise. The advantage of Awesome seems to be the fancy presets.
Unfortunately im doing some web project for some start up, so php and javascript. Usually im doing c++ and c, sometimes java for university projects, and dabble in fp languages.
(and remap the mod+h keybind to mod+shift+V, right?)
Can I eat at the same lunch table as you if I do that?
I wish I had a job in programming. I fell for the college meme and have no motivation
honestly, what kind of work (I know u said Web, but if u could be more specific) do you do
how easy was it to get into that job?
I'm still at university but its pretty easy to get job if you have couple of projects under your belt, im in shit country so in USA it might be even easier. Degree is pretty much worthless, knowledge and projects are all that matters, i'm doing it because i want to slack and hate working 8h per day. I got couple job offers but refused them all... Doing this startup coz want to have some real projects to my name since i always give up when i get bored.
to clarify im lazy bum who hates working and would rather be poor and homeless, so dont take me seriously.
>too obscure
Are you one of those people that googles everything and takes over one blogger's opinion like it's the best opinion to have?
>projects under belt
define project
something around 500LOC that is useful?
is a snake game a project
is a website backend a project
calm down, it's just a joke
and yes, I've tried it for a second
I like the way the stock looks, just that I didn't customize it
Awesome doesn't make you manually arrange your windows, it does so automatically.
Isn't that the whole point of a window manager?
i3 also arranges your windows automatically. What's your point?
Im currently working on ~5k loc web project id say entire web site is a project for example some shopping site or imageboard, reddit clone. Something like platformer (or if you are not an artist, 2d game engine), snake is tad bit too simple. You could probably get a job with simpler projects, one friend of mine got job as junior ios dev with some stupid app that showed bus arrivals and something else which wasnt much more complex, it depends i guess.
Tiling, i3. Floating, awesome.
>"You do you"
Why did this suddenly become a thing? Everywhere I go it's
>you do you!
and my personal favorite
>you do you, boo boo!
What in the literal fuck is wrong with little kids? How weird do you have to be to say baby-talk babble like this?
people come to job interviews with nothing but a degree so even with simple projects you are ahead of the curve assuming you can answer questions.
>5k loc
is that the average
thanks anyways
its some nice info
I just hope I can do efficient Web stuff with haskell yesod or Scala
I dont know if its average or small or large...
But if your goal is only getting a job it might be better to check what languages are used in your area and do something with that. I dont see haskell being widely used, scala maybe.
Do something, complete it, polish it and you should be fine. Half finished projects are worthless.
It doesn't. It's undefined behavior. His code is non-portable.
I recommend trying to find small team or a friend and do something together, when im doing stuff by myself i never finish. And working in team is good real life experience.
>Suckless has some nice stuff.
Yeah, but as usual for suckless stuff it has absolutely no functionality and breaks down whenever something unexpected happens.
Check out hackage.haskell.org
I use binary space partitioning personally, which is a pretty awesome and flexible layout in general.
Instead of switching to bspwm, why not just add the BinarySpacePartitioning layout to xmonad?
I use it + WindowNavigation to get hjkl-based directional movement.
I used i3 for a while, but I didnt like the look and feel of it after a while.
I switched to bspwm.
I will check it out and play around with that. I never had problems with dwm it works and is insanely fast and does only what i want it to, and if i want more i just modify source myself and add desired functionality.
Well I mean, the look is up to you.
>binary space partitioning
I only use ZoomRow layout, so I'm not sure
but I'm a try it
can't see that in the api docs at xmonad. org
It's in xmonad-contrib (both)
It's the most flexible layout - I can split windows wherever I want, I can resize any window I want (to grow or shrink it dynamically), I can move windows around almost “freely”, effortlessly.
It's pretty good overall, although unfortunately it has a few edges that I've noticed which can trigger bad behavior sometime (for example floating + unfloating the same window twice will mangle the order of the windows).
Is manjaro i3 community iso a good choice for noobs?
Last time I tried a i3 based distro, no internet connection.
Or maybe this one with bspwm?
>Last time I tried a i3 based distro, no internet connection.
what the hell are you doing
1. install any good, supported linux distro of your choice
2. install i3 on it
why the fuck are you looking for a distro that has i3 preinstalled?!
>2nd day using Linux
>ricing threads tell me to use awesomeWM
>alright, looks cool
>install it, switch to it.
>This is kind of hard to use, where is everything?
>how do I even switch back to Unity?
>Oh god, restarting computer only puts me back in to awesome
>google how to log out from awesomeWM
my experience was not awesome.
Fucking kek!
The bar is i3blocks, if I remember correctly
The shell is zsh, with the ohmyzsh plugin/addon thing
For people who don't know, i3 doesn't support gaps, so I am using the i3 gaps patch.
Sup Forums pls.
what I don't understand is, why is he using the mouse?
Also what music player is that
Buy a brain dumbass...
IQ of 80 confirmed. Learn to read, pleb.
underage edgelord detected
says the faggot too stupid to revert to Unity.
No seriously though, please leave. Boards like Sup Forums and Sup Forums would be better suited for you.
Also, obviously I'm not the same guy.
I was happy as shit with xmonad but then I got a bigger display and wanted more flexible layouts so moved to i3. Stick with what works well for you.
"\desu" is translated to desu automagically
top kek
the music player looks like mpd + ncmpcpp
How is it non-portable when the number 36 is defined as the dollar sign in the ascii table?
>look and feel
are you fucking retarded?
>not the same guy