Now that the dust has settled, what does Sup Forums think of this machine crafted solely for work?

Now that the dust has settled, what does Sup Forums think of this machine crafted solely for work?

screen is too small, should be at least 7" wide, preferably 7x5"

How is this any different from word processors from the 90s?

Seemed kinda cool DESU

I like the single tasking idea - so you know... to have a dedicated mini device that doesn't take a shit load of space is kinda cool - if i ever wrote any thing, would probably do it.
a e s t h e t i c

Also lower power,Integrated screen and overall better features\processing. i mean literally any CPU you buy off the shelf will out do those. and iirc this has connectivity so you can actually work on it in a word editing software digitally and have it be recognized by countless PC\Mac\w/e fags for editing and publication

>a machine that lets you focus solely on your work
>that we made portable so you can take it to your favorite loud, over priced hipster coffee shop with you

'writing' isn't work, it's hobby.

Work can't actually be done on that machine, period.

Hipster piece of shit.
If you're not going to do work on a regular computer because of "distractions", you sure as hell aren't going to work on this glorified word processor with your phone sitting in your pocket. Dumbphone owners aren't going to spend $500 on a keyboard with an eink screen so that argument is out the window too.

Fuck off you stupid piece of shit.

If you don't like it, why are you in this thread anyway?

If you're a journalist, columnist, or author... you know... mostly professional writers

They use smartphones and macbooks these days.
Although, they might buy one of these to gather dust.

found the hipster

as someone who has 5+ years in the media world, i can tell you that "dedicated processor" is useless, i've been a journalist and producer of a tv show, in both jobs i required a lot of writing and never ever i required a machine whose only purpose was to write; as a journalist you need to constantly check emails and internet to give more info on the things you write, as a tv producer you need to constantly research the internet to create content for your audience; now, from the point of view of an author it's also kind of useless because, at least personally, i need to check historical dates to write interesting things.
personally i believe you just need a strong will to avoid being distracted by other things when working on a computer.
>tl;dr stop being a faggot and deactivate yer wifi when doing homework, faggot OP

Journalists need to view references and read accounts to write their story, unless you're going to waste a tree printing that shit, it's going to be far easier on a normal notebook.

Columnists are trash, the pre-digital equivalent to blogs, which are also trash.

'Authors' are almost universally dickheads - so this might actually be good for them.
>Note: Technical Writers are not 'authors' they are Technical Writers and also couldn't use this machine due it's lack of ability to create and place figures, charts, graphs and above 2nd grade math.

What is this bullshit? A typewriter? They reinvented the typewriter?

Seems pretty cool–

>500 shekels

why the fuck would anyone buy this?

we had alpha smarts in elementary school, they were shit

I'ts like going back to horse drawn carriages because cars can be dangerous.

There are TONS of tools out there to help you focus while working, there's no need to go back to antique devices to get shit done.

op asked what everyone thought of it

Bullshit imo. For the work that I do, I'm very rarely composing a single document and doing nothing else. Multitasking isn't getting in the way of my productivity, it's necessary to my productivity.

Probably only useful if you're handling very sensitive data but even then you have much better options

It's scientifically proven that "multitasking" is actually less productive than just doing one thing at a time

Multitasking might be the wrong word, then. When I'm composing a document, it usually involves the synthesis of many other digital media and data sources, meaning this device would get in my way more than it would help me focus.

>all this unjust hate for one of the few actually productive devices out there
Just goes to show how fucking retarded Sup Forums is these days. Smartphone this, laptop that, Sup Forums only worships content consumption devices, not content production anything.

Looks cool and would be a great gift but too pricey to justify a purchase.

Do you work?

>I'm a journalist
>writes like shit

No wonder you went into TV

Yes, that's why I'm buying one of these.
Neets will never know the utility of any productivity device.

Alright. I just don't see any use for one of these unless you're a professional writer or journalist. In my office, we don't have the luxury of distraction and anyone using one of these toys would be laughed out of the office.

Have you ever started a sentence with 'As a writer...'

>productivity device
>let's you view 5 lines at a time

Yeah... good luck with that. If you are so undisciplined that you need a dedicated, unnetworked machine to type on, why wouldn't you just dual boot with another OS and delete its network drivers?

Don't get me wrong, this is a cool idea, but someone should have pulled the plug when production costs went over 50 dollars.

- How would even look at shit you've previously written on that?
- Does it do Track changes?
- Can I see multiple pages side by side to see the flow of a document?
- How does it deal different typefaces?
- How does it deal with math?
- Can it print?

i think single purpose machines are a scam

>what more do you need?
>buy only what you need. ie: buy more shit.
>no distractions!
and then
>i brought my smartphone anyways.

>haha this thing will NOT stop me from being distracted
Of course nonworking children would think like this about a product designed only for work

If you actually had a job you would already have the basic cognitive skills required to use a multipurpose device for one thing at a time. Just saying. As an adult, you would think it would be stupid to buy overly specialized devices that are so dumb they're inferior to full fledged word processing software. There's having an RWD sports coupe or a bike for summer driving only parked next to your AWD crossover, and then there's buying a laptop and a glorified typewriter because you're too immature to avoid clicking on firefox and typing "Sup"

This device is marketed to nonworking chldren, aka "authors".


>my work involves outputting long streams of words with no other input

Yep, Neet confimed.


not every journalist has english as their main lenguage, i admit my comment was a bit autistic, but what can you expect from some drunk fucker browsing Sup Forums at 4 am

>Yes, that's why I'm buying one of these.
>Neets will never know the utility of any productivity device
It only does one thing, if you needed any information that wasn't in your head, your going to need ANOTHER device

>i got rekt better say no u

Writing dinosaur sex novels in starbucks isn't a job, kid.

Grow up a little and you might not need to buy glorified typewriters to cope with your ADHD.

lol fuckin neet scrub im a genius all my info is already in my head how does it feel to be stupid lol

cant believe you neets aren't wasting money on this when a laptop is too dstracting for my tiny autist brain and gives me an urge to set loli wallpapers in public


you're asking ironically right?

>Writing dinosaur sex novels in starbucks isn't a job
It is if there's a market for dinosex. Has anyone done the market research?

>i can't craft a valid argument better call him a NEET

>If you're a journalist, columnist, or author..
that's synonymous with jobless beggar right?

>thinking memeware is going to fix your two second attention span

Someone's mad their book wasn't picked up.

It's about the same income level as doing furry porn commissions

You do know what "[real] job" means in casual discussion, right? It means a job that contributes something real to society, not artsy feelsies, and a job that either takes skill or great physical effort, not the bare minimum required to flip a burger. It means a job you can be admired for. It means a job with consistent pay you can support an entire family with. It means you're worth something to the world, and we would lose more than your family's mental well being if you dropped dead this instant.

Dinosaur sex novelist is not that kind of job.

oh well since you said 'now that the dust has settled' we can tell you that your shilling will be successful this time, wishful thinker.

Sarcasm doesn't translate well into text. I was being sarcastic. I am not a proponent of this silly product. I have a soul-crushing, but well-paid "[real] job" where this thing would be useless.

I was asking that post-ironically hoping for unironic answers and opinions but there's a lot of ironic neet shaming (at least I hope it's ironic) because if it was unironic theyre unironically wage slaves

You have no idea how serious dinosex can be

Everything about this device is utter shit.
>3 option switches take up more space than the screen
>kailh blue switches
>nonstandard caps so no aftermarket caps
>no local storage
>no SD card slot
>all documents are transmitted via some middleware cloud service to google docs
when the company goes bellyup 2 years from now, these things will become expensive paperweights, because you literally cannot get your text files off this thing without their cloud service.

>when the company goes bellyup 2 years from now, these things will become expensive paperweights
that's exactly why you have to support them NOW!

>wants to rice out the keyboard

Thanks for letting me know your an attention grabbing neet. You're the type that carries around his loud mechanical keyboard with your Thinkpad to clack around to grab looks.

>he doesn't take his mechanical keyboard outside

what are you, some kind of homosexual?

...and I'm sure toting around a typewriter would be seen by none as an irksome, attention seeking fringe behavior.

minimalist inefficient hipster trash that will sell like hot cakes

can it run doom

>not building your own from a beagelbone black, some small screen and a mechanical keyboard

nah, but it can do zork

i need to get out of the irony game. I'm like six layers deep or something.i just can't keep up with you kids nowadays

>no dropbox to backup my shit
>no browser to google how to do something
>way bigger than a bluetooth keyboard
>display that is about the size of my phones

so unless you really need to save energy by typing on a glorified calculator what is the point?

>What is your opinion?
>I don't like it.

if you wanted to avoid distractions you could just buy some cheap laptop or netbook and install some hipster distro of linux that is just networking and a word processor. no browser or anything.

toss in some 10$ 8gb SSD and away you go!

>that's exactly why you have to support them NOW!
wew, could you at least try to hide the fact this is a marketing thread?

>bbut it's not neo-retro and I couldn't support that on kickstarter!

all kickstarter does is give hipsters cushy jobs making useless shit.

Marketing thread.

You can talk all you want but market for this niche product is very small, so you can't really make money out of it much.
(I have economy/marketing degree myself)

Also this is one of dumbest ideas I have seen this year.

It makes no sense. Maybe if it was $50 or $100 it would have a niche, but $500 for something a smartphone will invalidate anyway? At that point I'd just spend the money on a price gouged older ultraportable like a 2/5 series ThinkPad, OmniBook 300/800/Sojourn or something super-small like a libretto or a palmtop PC that will destroy it in everything but battery life.

this is the problem with all these hipster toys

The very completely really smart startup meme people that make all this memeware can't seem to take into account the basic principle of how costs will scale and end up making a niche toy for way more than even hipsters will pay.

Gimmicky as fuck.
Screen is tiny, they cometely fucked up there. There are just bigger eink screens available, especially for hat high price region. I imagine it to be almost impossible to scroll through your already (long) written text on that manlet display.
Intigrated screen ilumination on eink is also shit, a swan lamp would have been much more hipster like.
I can see an application for this device for rich artists who violently strive for new inspiration.
May songwriters or J.K Rowling, you get the idea

I'ts really light! Also you don't have to have a power supply for that long.

Nigga, a werd procsessor would start up as soon as the monitor was illuminated.

sorry mr. 317, it was meant for mr. fives over here.

>meme meme meme meme
>take my opinion into consideration

Has anyone open one of these yet?
I bet it's just going to be an Arduino and an ESP8266 inside.

I find it hard to believe they are really going to charge 500 for that. You can get a dirt cheap 10 year old laptop and install nothing but linux and a word processor on it for less than that.

it has to be one of the most gimmicky products I've seen in years. That screen is tiny and in a godawful position for work. The whole selling point is that you're too retarded to use a laptop or tablet without installing facebook so instead you'll buy a $500 dedicated typing machine.

people who love that thing don't understand how people who do work in office settings such as yourself can't use it.

Why use a redundant piece of hardware, adding another layer of bullshit plug this here charge that over there, when you don't have to. Now instead of just pushing send on that file you've worked on, you have to first transfer it to the main machine you do work on, work on that file again because formatting, then save it and send it to whoever.

in elementary? why? i'd imagine hand writing practice would be more valuable in elementary.

>buy a used Thinkpad X20
>plop FreeDOS on it for ultimate free-as-in-freedom memesoft-compatible adventure

There you go, your hipster cred goes through the fucking roof and you literally saved like 450+ USD.

>>buy a used Thinkpad X20
aw shit nigger, I just saw the specs on that and it gave me a hard on. total nostalgia diamonds.
that would make a very nice retro gaming machine.

How original.


>staring down at a 4 inch screen for extended hours at a time

This doesn't seem very comfortable or good for your neck. Guess is the price you pay for being undisciplined.

What type of work?

thread asking for opinions, fuck off , you stupid piece of shit.

Sister fuckers

what if the police thought you were holding a gun and shot you? from far away it proabably looks like that especially if you had white pants on

>armed citizen

communist please

>being brown