>yfw Hickok45 is a macfag
Yfw Hickok45 is a macfag
>tech illiterate oldfag uses macs
And you're surprised because?
I'm shocked he actually had something on the show he didn't shoot.
Literally who
Who gives a shit you retard
It's not like his channel focuses on tech
Fuck! I thought I was the only one who watched him briefly for a day or two a few years back, long ago.
By the way, he was a teacher before he retired. He also shot a rocket launcher RPG.
>didn't shoot the mac
>Literally who
Someone who uses a Mac.
Therefore someone to ridicule.
Did you forget where you were?
Guns are tech
INsult...Because EVERYONE using a fcuking MAC is waht?! A What? Finish the fucking sentence.
Please shoot the mac based hickok
It will be the best thing the mac ever did
Do it with the Glock for max anti-hipster points
MAC is also a macfag.
>Did you forget where you were?
Sup Forums?
Nah, he likes click and boom operating systems. :^)
Don't even own a gun and somehow I've seen quite a few of his videos before.
Haven't seen a kernel panic screen in years. Don't even know what it looks like on this retina mac (super high rez?)
>he will pass away in your life time
Gun grandpa will be forever alive in our hearts