>old computer died
>save up for a whole year
>buy a new 400$ computer
>spynet 10 pre-installed
>try to install old back up drive
>files corrupted
>to poor to buy windows 7
anons you are my last hope
Help a poor fag get windows 7 pro
Other urls found in this thread:
pirate it, obviously
been trying for a week can't find any download or torrent that works
install gentoo
never used linux before how good is it at playing games and how difficulte is it to use ??
Got to kickass torrents and type Windows 7. First link works for the majority of things.
first thing i tried it kept saying the there was a error with the file downloaded it twice to see if that was the problem came up with same error. (mounted it to a usb drive)
....aaaaaand it's bait.
Abandon thread.
bait ?? i really have never used linux before
there is a subreddit called /r/microsoftsoftwareswap, you can get windows keys for 10-20 dollars
watching video right now about gentoo it seem like its really customizable
thnx user will cheak it out
btw do you know if they are legit
Also where you get the ISO, click the appropriate link on the right sidebar. Site seems poo-loo but is legit. You can find DAZloader on MDL forums if you want a free activation.
Official ISO images for Windows 7
32 bit
64 bit
Use Daz Loader to activate them. You will need to create an account here and log in. Do not use a loader found anywhere else.
Do not use Windows 7 torrents you find anywhere else. They are compromised.
Thanks user
Download it, google the trick about how to burn Win 7 on NTFS, do the trick and boot it.
make sure you use mbr and not efi
Stop being poor and buy a windows 7 licence like a normal person.
Install Ubuntu.
I'm not even kidding.
I'm a poorfag and still using my 6 yrs old laptop - it can't even handle Win7 now.
So I installed Ubuntu 14.04 and it is just perfect.
Stop wasting your time with Windows.
Ubuntu is free and comfy.
You can even play games on it, with Wine.
take this opportunity to install gentoo
>not microsoft.com
This. If you're going to try *nix, go with Ubuntu since it's the most widely used and noob friendly distro.
>what are chksums
I can't give you Windows, but I can tell you that you're not going to be doing much gaming on Gentoo or Linux. Sorry friend.
install gentoo.
Give me an email an I'll send you a key.
Gentoo is fucking awesome.
[email protected] can't give real e-mail since name is on it so i made a disposable one
OP here btw i am having to turn my computer on and off trying to see what works so if i respond late it's cause of that and thanks for all the help so far
Define 'too poor'
If that's 'too poor' you don't deserve a computer.
please use the integrated SP1 DVD, saves you a few hours on updates