What's the best cloud storage service, Sup Forums?
What's the best cloud storage service, Sup Forums?
I use onedrive because it's easy to keep my Sup Forums pictures on my PC and also have them available to shitpost with from my phone without downloading them to my phone. I also got a shitton of storage because I got word with a student discount since I needed it.
owncloud on mirrored raid, incremental backup onto another drive
The Google botnet of course!
> because it lets you shitpost from your phone
so... you're like some teenager that does everything on her phone at the mall?
>got word with a discount
lol, what? your university doesn't have access to MSDNAA? are you at a community college?
>i needed it
Word? You needed MS Word?
High school?
>Sup Forums pictures
you know microsoft scans onedrive for CP, right?
He "needs" MS Word. something tells me he's not exactly informed.
I have nothing that looks remotely like CP. I'm fine.
I don't like to sit at my desktop all the time. It's convenient to post from my phone. Sue me.
As far as I can tell, Google Drive is the best. It's reasonably priced (though not as good as being free with another useful service like OneDrive is, and not available yearly like Dropbox is), reasonably fast, it doesn't appear to exclude certain files like OneDrive does, and it's available first-party on every platform except desktop Linux (third party implementations exist). It also has an API available, so other apps exist to handle your Drive storage (I personally recommend Insync).
I have a terabyte of Google Drive storage, and I'm really happy with it. I have all my comics and my entire Calibre library backed up into it.
Dropbox, as I recall, also doesn't support split screen in its iOS app, which is a big no-no for me.
Like posting from your bed, right? Totally understandable. You're just cancer.
if you had a vagina you'd be on tumblr right now, but we get to put up with you because you alienate the other vapid faggots.
Why do freetards get so triggered when someone buys software? I needed a word processor for school. Microsoft's ecosystem is convenient. I don't care about muh freedums because I don't care if some NSA employee reads my forestry homework.
Who pissed in your cheerios?
Not that person, but I can testify that I have been through at least one college-level course where a tutorial utility hooked into Office 2013. Office 2013 was an absolute requirement. Office for Mac wasn't even acceptable, I had to install Parallels Desktop just to do the course work.
Not saying he's definitely in that situation, just that those situations definitely exist.
Free software doesn't mean "money is forbidden". We encourage everybody to profit from selling free software. Money is the problem that we have with proprietary software.
Free software doesn't mean "money is forbidden", it just means "we're giving this away for free because nobody would pay for it".
Free software is so shitty that not only can you not profit off the software, the most prominent business model surrounding it consists of selling tech support when it doesn't fucking work, which is always. Fuck's sake, it's like a protection racket.
>try to sell free software
>someone makes a small edit to the source code and redistributes it for free
>original content creator gets almost no compensation for their work
No thanks. Free software has it's uses, but for most cases profit and the market incentivize developers to make what people want way more than autists who spend their time making free software.
Nice strawman. Too bad your wrong.
Sure they do, kiddo.
Too bad my wrong what?
Some girl on a couch.
You should probably change your business model of free software if you feel that specific one doesn't earn a profit. Fortunately, there are more models of free software than just that one.
haha what a waste for the hardware
>best cloud storage
your own vps
i went through my undergrad without ever encountering anything like this and i got a degree in an engineering field and a separate degree in the social sciences.
whatever happened at your university seems to have been unique to your university.
Because you went to every school in the world other than mine.
Tell me, how do you attain such a high level of accreditation in spite of such a staggering logic deficiency? It's actually kind of inspiring.
They are all the same trash, I personally use OneDrive because it's integrated into my designated OS
They actually aren't. They vary in platform availability, upstream/downstream, allowed file types, and degrees of cooperation with law enforcement.
Holy shit. I think you're on to something.