This is one of those screenshot threads you keep hearing about.
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This gives a new meaning to "All in one".
Well, not really.
drake makes me depressed because it makes me miss him
But that's normie music.
Forgot my URL
I'm not into hiphop though, don't get me wrong.
of course it's normie music, he's a big ovo stan and shit so it hurts too see his fucking jew face everywhere.
also hip-hop is awesome
I'm not very good with lyrics, so I prefer music that sounds really novel.
That song is really interesting though, I might listen to it when I'm not on my phone.
hope this is what you wanted
hope this is what you had in mind
rip desktop threads
this thread is very cute
i m p o s t e r
shit ive been had
if u post some of your cute pics I'll let you off the hook
You got it dude
Haykai launcher
S av e
looks like there will be peremenaya oblachnostj