Guess we no longer have to use phones made by infidels.
The World's Only Authentic Islamic Phone
is it just me or does the wallpaper look like a dick?
Are you meme-ing or is there actually a benis on the screen
Why is the icon on the phone shaped like a penis?
r u a haxxor?
No joke. This shit is actually like that.
>not liking penis
pick one
Some more shit I found through google. This is the old model it seems. There happens to be a Peace Mobile 2 released in '14.
>sand niggers
>peace phone decided to spread religion of peace
It's even got cum coming out
Looks like a pretty good dual sim smartphone
some of those apps even look pretty authentic
I hope the contact list comes pre-filled with recruiters from inside
>Implying anything (read: ANYTHING) in the modern economy doesn't involve the input of people of every nation, colour and creed
Rage against modernity all you want; you can't escape it.
Zakir Naik is a televangelist in India, basically the Jimmy Swaggart/Jerry Fallwell of pahjeet land but an extremist Salafi instead of extremist baptist like Fallwell. The phone probably automatically deducts money from your bank account whenever you use it for 'donations'
>implying iphone isn't the only true islamic phone
android is google and google is jews
It looks exactly as Prestigio Russian phone.
>Islamic Ringtones
Makes me wonder, are there phones for observant Jews? There's practically a whole industry around making appliances compliant with the Shabbat.
I thought this was a parody but it seems to be real. To be fair, Christian televangelists are just as bad excepting the benis symbolism.
That looks like a dick.
There's...a dick on the screen??
I bet it also doubles as an IDE
>not being an attention whore
Pick one
>Penis wallpaper
I almost fell for it. Nice try though user.
>That thumbnail
>are there phones for observant Jews
Yes, it's called an iphone.
I really wish I could say I fooled ya user.
>dick phone
>You will be blown away by the simplicity and innovative design
>This explosive design will leave the phone industry in shock and awe
>It will blow the competition away
>Replaceable battery, memory card slot and dual sim slot to allow you to incorporate work and personal life into a single device - No more carrying around disposable phones for work
Literally can't make this shit up
isis think they slick..... he dabbin!!
Please tell me that the company that makes these is named Techbir
>ring ring
>Allahu Akbar
If he was just a namefag like me that'd be fine.
He's a shitposter and yesterday he shitted in a thread from what I've seen, true cancer.
>it is that one trip fag that never adds anything to any conversation
>mfw the pic is completely real
Holy shit.
it's not a dick, it's clearly a plane ALOHA ACKBAR!!!
Hey hey!
How old is this trip?
>You will be blown away-
>This explosive design-
>It will blow the competition away
>No more carrying around disposable phones for work
My sides
>peace mobile
>Dick and balls
Sounds like an accurate description of Islam, especially when it tries to fuck you in the ass
cheap so it can be used in a IED
nope, definitely looks like a dick
Does it have ankle porn?
has it got a Jihad mode where the battery get punctured and ahmed goes up in smithereens along with the dirty infidels.
This niqqa srs?
>please log on to
Religion of peace man. top fukcing jej
>temple os doesnt have mobile support
Step it up christcucks youre loosing
Is there a payment plan?
I am still waiting for my settlement for alimony to sort out and have all my bookie debts to pay. My last gig didn't work out too well.