Sup Forums humor thread

Sup Forums humor thread

Other urls found in this thread:

>Sup Forums humor
your life lmao






people are stupid.

Obviously on an electric stove top heating element.





What's going on with the mouse and phone?

shitty official battery pack and the most retarded place to have a charging port.


>for just $400 insurance you can have a free $200 battery replacement
>it's a good deal goyim!


just making fun of stupid apple design decisions as of lately.

Phone bump is an apple battery pack, mouse has charging port on the bottom meaning it can't be used as it charges, then the pen sticks into the tablet, making the connection pretty fragile and bound to break, not to mention it takes a lot of space.

Does someone have the hunchback of notrephone picture?

wrong link

Jobs never would have approved that shit. Why not put an L on the end of the pencil so it sits flush?



I think they have a little cable with a female to male adapter so it can rest in any position.

The battery pack is the one that irks me the most desu, looks so bad and also speaks about the phone itself, it was fine when 3rd parties were making it


here's your reply for your shitty forced meme





> B==D



>They didn't use Norton

tell me what HL3 and Gaben have to do with technology
kys CIA Nigger

I'm curious what is on it.

everything is technology nigger.. didn't you learn anything from school?



Wait, so you let a mosquito coil burn under your laptop for hours?

Fuck I know. I just speculate shit

eant for this

oh shit waddup!

>Wanting to hide your neckbear