
Is ddr4 memory a meme? How many of you actually own ddr4?

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It is forced by Intel and upcoming AMD processors. It's a dead on arrival technology, but you don't have a choice if you upgrade your hardware.

16GB DDR4 owner here because I bought Intel i7 Extreme Edition Processor.

For mini-ITX users it's the only way to get 32GB (16GB x 2 slots).

Have 64GB of it in my shitposting and gay men machine. It provides benefits in certain gaymes like GTA V and The Witcher 3.


DDR4 is better than DDR3, but not worth upgrading specifically for it.


if you're building a computer from scratch now it's dumb to go old platform.

This post is best post.

Is ddr3 memory a meme? How many of you actually own ddr3?
t. ddr2 user

anyone else use scsi ram?

If you are going for Skylake and up there is no reason not to.

DDR4 RAM is about the same price or even cheaper than DDR3 now.

why not just add reverse support?

If i go through with this ill have to own ddr4

4 is a bigger number than 3, therefore ddr4 is better than ddr3.

You plebs I use ddr6

I'm still rocking the 2x4 GB DDR3 kit I bought in 2010.

The different voltages they use will damage the memory controller. You actually can use DDR3, but it will kill your CPU. DDR3L, however, runs at a low enough voltage that it's completely fine.

My DDR4 runs at 1.3v (4x8GB DDR4 3200mhz CL16 1.3v)

They aren't all super low voltage.

16gb ECC DDR4 here. Not really noticed anything earth-shattering about it, i'm not doing any memory-intensive number crunching.

I do because I have a new laptop.

Memory is fucking cheap

I have 16 GB DDR4 PC3000 because it's less than $100 and I'd like some free RAM leftover to use I need it.

Am i a fool for wanting 128gigs of ddr4 in the rig im building this year?

64 gb ddr4 +ramdisk =love

Depends what you're doing. There are legitimate uses for 1Tb+ RAM. But the average person would struggle to utilize even 32GB fully

Why can't we have storage as fast as ram, if it was that cheap.

I have it. I don't think it makes any real difference, but the price difference was negligible, and the mobo I wanted had it.

>Middle school mathematics is hard

32GB of DDR4 3000 14-14-14-42 1N here, I use half of it as a RAMdisk and never hit the limit.

Unless you want ultra fast storage for virtualization or gaymes, 16 should be good.

Google chrome will find a way

DDR3 is better than DDR2, but not worth upgrading specifically for it.

I will have it in a couple of months

Buy going to newegg and purchasing it you dipshit.

Ecc is actually alower than non ecc ram so.

Well duh, one would assume he's comparing it to DDR3 ECC RAM however making it a fair comparison


>fell for the 8gb ram meme.. 4 times